
A terrifying nursery rhyme (4)

"This is the first time I've heard that loading a scenario can be 'delayed'..." RUO Yu read aloud as she looked at brother Jue.

"Hehe ... Let's not talk about it." Feng bujue's words sounded like a perfunctory reply, but the underlying meaning was that it was not convenient to talk about this now.

The three people from underworld frontline understood what he meant, so they didn't say anything. As for the other two players ...

"Waa! It was God crazy! He's in person!" The moment Buu saw brother Jue, he rushed forward as if he was going to push him down.

Aube also stepped forward quickly to stand before Feng bujue. He widened his listless eyes like he was watching a monster that could only be seen in a movie.

"What are you doing?" Feng bujue did not know what to do with this sudden situation. He reached out to stop the two and asked loudly,"what can I do for you? Are you trying to turn me into chocolate and eat me?"