

The night of darkness descends while the world still moves until the day everything slows down to a cripple. Why move as a cripple? Because as one becomes bored and depressive; The world around them becomes black and white; everything just overwhelms them and everything becomes too hard to do even if they try their hardest. Errors made from simple jobs and inability to move on or get a raise, apart from the government raising the minimum wage or the boss takes pity.

However not many would take pity as that is a rare chance at life unless you are a lucky person.

Somewhere in the City of Metal Tower, a boy is wandering in alleyways to find his way out of such an elaborate "maze."

"Damn, where am I now? I've been in full circle since I entered some random alleyway, now I can't even backtrack."

As the boy further wanders into the depths of the alleyways; He stumbled and tripped on a dark abyss that were just stairs he did not see at all as it was becoming night time.

"Ow..." Agonized the boy. The boy then sat on his bum to process where he is and then a pile of metal scraps was presented at the corner of the room that he fell from the stairs: He found a mechanized suit. Though he was not sure whether it was still working as it had plenty of scratches and exposed wires and machinery.

"Wonder if this thing still works... Welp it won't hurt me to lose since it's basically scrap metal to melt. Let us see you then scrappy..."

The boy then started his work to try and repair scrappy. The moment the boy started working on scrappy and it was going well at the beginning but he was missing a core part. It was a mini power core he needed.

"Well then... Now I need a power source to run this thing and it will be mine... HOW AWESOME is this luck!" Exclaimed the boy.

The boy then placed the mechanized suit on a sturdy tarp to pull it out of the room and find a cheap mini power core for scrappy.

Pure darkness was all that was seen when it is night time in the City of Metal Tower. One could only see a themselves with just a glow stick; A meter away with flares, and a flash light was the best choice but it was only directional. Though the flash light is a better choice than the two as it was bright and clear to see things.

"Now to pull this thing all the way back to Small Base."

The boy started his game of 'heave ho' until he reached Small Base. The boy definitely was having a hard time pulling the tarp as the mechanized suit was real heavy to begin with.

"Haha! I'm finally back to Small Base!" Exclaimed the boy.

The place was just a rundown place. It was best to just call it a shack at this point - a rundown and rusty shack. Also a barely visible name was beside on the door and it was 'Nhel' imprinted on the wall of the rusty shack. The inside of the shack was neatly cleaned despite its appearance on the outside. All necessity were there inside the rusty shack and it was capable of housing another person. However at this point it would be the mechanized suit that would take up such room to do some maintenance and to store the bulk size of the suit.

"Since it is quite late at night I better go to sleep before things become dangerous."

Nhel, then slept on a bed made out of metallic materials and a few wooden materials; there were little cushion but it was good enough for him. He slept well through the duration of the dangerous night.