
Three Fold World

Slave… Trash… Unwanted… Hundreds of words had been hurled at Asher in his short life. He was greatly familiar with them and knew to ignore them for his own worth. His mother had told him find the good in people and look past their masks. But even a saint had a limit. And when Asher hit his limit, he also hit the limit of the overseer. Getting banished from his mine, Asher was left jobless and also became target of denigration. But when the demons poured out from the earth, and invaded his world, what was Asher to do? Especially when even the divine immortals, the most sacred and holy, deemed him as a heretic; Asher had little to do other than run. How could someone rejected and hated by all survive in the harsh Three Fold World? Only by overcoming all odds and eradicating those that opposed him would Asher rise to the top of the world. Humans, Demons, and Immortals... All shall kneel before the Empyrean of the Three Fold World

Grand_Void_Daoist · ファンタジー
137 Chs


The sound of steps was faint at first, but became a bit more pronounced with the squelching of mud once it got closer.

Beryl's eyes widened, while Asher's heart raced upon hearing the approaching sound.


Red miasma swirled around Beryl's hand as he readied a spell. He didn't wish to give any chance to the person that was approaching.


And once the person got closer, the entrance flap of the tent was lifted!

"Corrupting Stinger!" Beryl chanted, as the miasma transformed into a six inch long stinger.


It then shot straight and pierced through some flesh.

"AGH!" A feminine cry was heard, while the sound of blood splashing accompanied it.


Asher watched as the person stabbed by the stinger fell back. 

"A-Alina?" A breath escaped his mouth as he recognized the person.