
Chapter 78: Willing to Take the Bait_1

翻訳者: 549690339

The next morning, bathed in sunshine, the thick accumulation of snow began to melt.

Jiang Yu got up and, together with Li Ming, shoveled the snow in the yard before going inside for breakfast.

Qi Yan had made a thick pumpkin and rice porridge, which Jiang Yu enjoyed with some spicy and sour pickles, having two large bowls that made him feel thoroughly warmed up.

Jiang Yu praised, "Sister Yan'er, your cooking skills are on par with my mom's."

Qi Yan laughed, "Then you might as well call me mom from now on!"

Jiang Yu joked along, "That won't do, it would mess up the family hierarchy!"

As they laughed and talked, Li Ming had already prepared everything needed for fishing, and as everyone was getting into the car, Jiang Yu suddenly said, "Wait for me, I forgot to bring my cigarettes."

Yang Dong complained, "I don't know what's so good about that stuff!"

Sixteen chimed in, "Exactly, smoking is harmful to health, it's even written on the cigarette pack."

As Jiang Yu headed back inside, he shook his head with a smile and muttered, "Those two have completely formed an alliance."

When he went inside, he didn't reach for his cigarettes but went to the old lady's room instead.

The old lady was curing meat with Qi Yan, "You're back so soon?"

"Auntie Da Feng," Jiang Yu got straight to the point, "You know that Teacher Ye hasn't been gone long, and Sister Dong is quite lonely spending New Year's alone. Could you keep her here for the celebration?"

The old lady sighed, "I was thinking the same, but I'm afraid I can't persuade that girl. You don't know how stubborn she is; if she insists on leaving, we can't stop her."

Jiang Yu suggested, "Just tell Sister Dong that during the New Year, we can burn some paper money facing Radar Peak, as an offering to Teacher Ye and her father. She'll probably stay."

He paused, then added, "Sister Dong mentioned yesterday that the teaching level in Qi Family Village is average, and although Xiao Qiu is only in first grade, it's important to form good study habits early on.

"Let's have Sister Dong spend some time teaching Xiao Qiu these next few days."

"That's a great idea," Qi Yan said, "Yesterday Yang Dong was complaining that Qiu'er was almost being taught all wrong, and it kept me up half the night with worry."

Jiang Yu smiled, "Ok, then I'll leave this matter in your capable hands."

Having said that, Jiang Yu headed out, got into the car, and joined everyone on their fishing trip.

Back inside, Qi Yan mentioned, "It takes an educated person to think things through so comprehensively."

However, the old lady countered with a laugh, "Being thoughtfully considerate has nothing to do with whether you've been educated or not."

Meanwhile, with Li Ming's guidance, Jiang Yu and Yang Dong, braving the cold wind, cleared a patch of snow from the surface of the river.

Li Ming drilled a hole with an electric drill and enlarged it substantially before setting up a tent over the opening. He also spread blankets on the ice to insulate themselves from the cold seeping up from below while sitting.

The group sat in the tent, the howling wind outside creating a cozy atmosphere.

Since there were only two fishing rods, Jiang Yu handed them to Yang Dong and Sixteen, while he chatted idly with Li Ming.

After three or four minutes, Yang Dong pulled up a fish weighing over two pounds. Li Ming expertly removed the hook and placed the fish into a bucket.

Soon Yang Dong caught another one, but Sixteen had no luck for a while, becoming somewhat restless as he fiddled with his rod and checked if the bait was still there.

Jiang Yu advised with a laugh, "Don't be in such a hurry. You should fish more often to temper your impatience.

"You've always had it too easy, and that's not necessarily a good thing."

Sixteen glanced at Jiang Yu, "Is it that all parents like to educate their children?"

"It's not about liking to educate their children," Jiang Yu explained, "it's about hoping to pass on the lessons they've learned through their own tough experiences to their kids. But when you don't learn or don't want to learn, they're bound to get anxious."

Sixteen said no more.

Jiang Yu added, "In all things, plan carefully before you act, and since you want the fish to bite, you are seeking something.

"Since you are seeking, it means you cannot achieve it on your own. Whether the fish wants to take the bait is its business, the more you insist, the more likely the fish will see through your trap.

"Knowing that the fish likes to breathe at the ice holes, you just have to make the bait enticing enough and cast it out on its inevitable path.

"This is called 'the willing fish gets hooked.'

Sixteen nodded his head, and indeed became less impatient.

Li Ming, who was beside them, smiled and said, "This kid is really smart."

At that moment, Jiang Yu and others heard the armed police outside shout, "Chief!"

Jiang Yu smiled and said, "Life is like fishing, and here I've just hooked a big one!"

No sooner had he spoken than the tent flap was lifted, and a somewhat portly middle-aged man entered, "Advisor Jiang, you're in quite the mood, having the leisure to fish here."

Jiang Yu quickly stood up, "Ah, Chief Ji, what a rare visitor, please come and sit, would you like a try at it?"

Chief Ji sat on the stool and took the cigarette offered by Jiang Yu, "The special summit of the General Assembly that concluded recently passed the resolution to merge and reorganize the Combat Center with the United Nations Security Council.

"Hereafter, the United Nations Security Council will be renamed the Planetary Defense Council, abbreviated as the PDC, and all countries' combat centers will be restructured as subordinate units to the PDC.

"The restructured department is called the Planetary Defense Department, responsible for coordinating domestic and international planetary defense work.

"I will be in charge of the Planetary Defense Department's tasks, and we'll remove some of the malignancies from the former combat centers; the issues from the previous period won't happen again."

Jiang Yu took a drag of his cigarette, "Then my refusal to access the 'Poison Apple Project' authorization?"

Chief Ji said indifferently, "Diplomatic work, after all, needs a bit of pressure, and besides, everyone understands your good intentions."

Jiang Yu earnestly replied, "I understand."

Chief Ji glanced at Jiang Yu, "Do you truly understand?"

"I truly understand."

Chief Ji laughed, "On my way here, I thought you would take this chance to throw a little temper."

"I'm not a child anymore. I do have that much awareness," Jiang Yu said with a smile.

After all, Chief Ji would be Jiang Yu's immediate superior from now on, and starting off on a bad foot could lead to difficulties in future work.

"Very well!" Chief Ji was not polite. He pressed out the cigarette butt on the ice and clenched the remainder in his hand, "There's something I need you to deal with right now."

Jiang Yu nodded, "Let me say goodbye to everyone."

Chief Ji got up, "I'll wait for you in the car."

The tent flap was lifted again, and only then did Jiang Yu and the others realize that many people had already gathered on the ice outside, and a black motorcade was parked by the river.

Jiang Yu said to Yang Dong and Sixteen, "Sorry, I have to go to work."

Yang Dong, holding a fishing rod, said, "Go ahead, the world needs you to hold it up."

Sixteen stood up, "Don't forget, you still owe me several days' time."

Jiang Yu laughed, "Don't worry, I won't default on something as wonderful as being a father. Stay here for a few more days; you can go back after the New Year."

Sixteen first nodded, then suddenly opened his arms.

Jiang Yu bent down and embraced Sixteen for a moment, and this time Sixteen also reciprocated the hug.

Jiang Yu stood up to leave the tent, "It's impolite to leave without saying goodbye, please apologize to Auntie Da Feng for me!"