
Chapter 74 Carbon Nanotube Battery_1

翻訳者: 549690339


Qin Ming received the message the moment it came through, and as he studied Piers's mutated cells under the cryo-electron microscope, he pondered the issue.

Indeed, there were still deficiencies in memory editing with nanobots, and to instill knowledge and modify memories, he could only look for another way.

"Fungus host, I hope you don't disappoint me."

The fungus host, capable of absorbing and storing human consciousness, might provide a breakthrough.

As to how exactly, he'd only find out once Ada Wong had returned, so Qin Ming continued with the research he'd been doing.

Two days later, Ada Wong didn't let Qin Ming down, successfully bringing back the E. fungus samples.

There's hope!

After observing with telekinesis, Qin Ming felt a surge of joy:

"Very good, Ada, you've done well."

"Dr. Qin, I've completed my task, what about the benefits you promised?"

"All of humanity yearns for those benefits, but they're not so easy to obtain; this was just the first task. Your next task has already been sent to your terminal."


Ada Wong felt like she might have been duped.

After a deep conversation with Qin Ming, she was persuaded and took on her new task—to purchase the corresponding scientific research equipment and transport it to the village in Eastern Europe.

After she left, Qin Ming entered the P4-level laboratory. Cultivating in a petri dish, he discovered that these fungi, when connected together, form a complex structure akin to a brain's neural network.

It seemed a trip was still necessary, but before going, Qin Ming needed to improve the nanobots first.

It had been over a month since the USS Squad had been used as lab rats in experiments by the American Government.

The experimental data was ideal, as apart from Chris and four others who were injected with nanobots, none of the seven others survived.

Although Chris led the team to eliminate the terrorists, successfully completing the mission, the lives of seven teammates were buried in the village forever. He could only hope that Dr. Qin's nanobot technology could eradicate all viruses from the world.

Through this experiment, Qin Ming serendipitously discovered a loophole left by Nanite. When the nanobots in the human body were injured to a certain degree, they would electromagnetically couple with nearby Nano Systems, opening system interfaces.

Nanite could use this interface to bypass system firewalls and directly obtain the highest authority.

Previously, he had focused his efforts on the study of individual nanobots, which is why he had taken so long to discover this.

Furthermore, when studying Piers's "electric charge" cells, Qin Ming made a significant breakthrough.

These cells contained a special carbon nanotube structure, somewhat similar to the Canadian electric eel. They could store hundreds of times the electrical charge of lithium batteries of the same volume and weight, not only charging and discharging at a high rate, but also converting the main energy substance ATP in cells into electrical energy.

Inspired by this, Qin Ming optimized and integrated this special nanostructure into the nanobots, enhancing their electromagnetic force, so they became more resistant to electromagnetic interference and able to derive the energy needed to sustain this force from cellular ATP.

Moreover, Qin Ming created a carbon nanotube bio-battery that could be charged with human sweat and blood, solving the endurance issues of AR glasses, and also applicable for mechas and various electronic products.

Theoretically, a button-sized carbon nanotube battery could power a smartphone for a month.

Just the battery technology alone was enough to revolutionize the human world.

This improvement inspired Qin Ming to contemplate the fusion of biological cells with nanobots—fully controllable nanocells within the body, the protein factories inside the cells producing the corresponding nanomaterials, consuming organic matter to divide and multiply, and even ingesting inorganic materials.

There were many difficulties in this process, too overwhelming for one person to tackle.

The high variability of the enhanced C-virus was indeed a treasure trove. Qin Ming needed to thoroughly investigate it and tap into its potential.

All these ideas, however, would have to wait until the plan was successful.

All preparations were completed, and the plan was officially launched!


At the BSAA Strategic Research Institute, at noon, during what should have been lunchtime, dozens of researchers in the main laboratory for studying nanobots stood next to the engineering-designed manufacturing equipment, holding their breath and staring intently.

The next moment, the black nanobots, flowing like ferrofluid, were being produced non-stop.

"The equipment is operating normally!"

"Dr. Qin, we've succeeded!!!"

The researchers on site were ecstatic, hugging each other and dancing with joy.

"Yes, we've succeeded!" Qin Ming watched them with a smile.

Under his guidance, and after three months of dedicated R&D, the scientists in the institute were able to mass-produce nanobots. These were even more advanced than those in the Blood Warrior world, reducing the cost to $9,999 per tube, which most families could afford.

As the founder of this era-defining technology, Qin Ming was naturally "protected" by the American officials.


The supercomputer was under the control of the official computer scientists, who replicated and deleted Xiao Ai's AI source code from the system, and flashed the system with their own automated management software.

Qin Ming had been completely sidelined by the government.

The BSAA Institute was designated as a military restricted area, surrounded by an elite army regiment.

At the gate, Qin Ming wanted to leave but was stopped by the stationed soldiers.

"You have no right to stop me, I want to go out!"

"I'm sorry, Dr. Qin, but these are orders from above. Please don't make this difficult for us," the soldier said sternly.

"Who is your leader? Let him come here. I'll talk to him myself."

The soldier knew the person in front of him was a key figure at the institute and, after discussing with his teammate, said:

"Please wait a moment!"

A man in a suit, tired and dusty, hurried over. He was the previous representative.

"Is this how you treat scientists?!!"

"What did you promise me at the beginning!"

Facing the furious scientist, the representative explained:

"Dr. Qin, please calm down, we are doing this to protect you."

"This is house arrest!"

Dr. Qin glared at them fiercely, stormed back into the institute.

Leon and Sherry witnessed this scene and had their own criticisms of the government's actions.

At night, the two circumvented the sentry and snuck into Qin Ming's room, "Dr. Qin, we're here to rescue you."

"No need, that would only implicate you," he replied.

"Dr. Qin..."

"Just go, let me be alone for a while."

The man in front of them heaved a sigh, his figure slightly hunched, as if he had aged thirty years.

Damn capitalists and politicians!

Leon cursed inwardly, feeling upset.

At Qin Ming's insistence, they reluctantly left.


On the third morning of the institute's lockdown, Chris was woken up by a phone call.

"Chris, do you want to know the truth?"

The truth?

That voice, it was Dr. Qin!

A jolt went through Chris's heart, instantly dispelling all traces of sleep.

"What truth?"

"The truth about our last mission, of course."

In the following conversation, Chris found out that the last mission was artificial, orchestrated by the American Government themselves. They used innocent villagers for experiments just to test the effects of nanotechnology.

There were no terrorists; they were the true culprits!

Chris trembled as he thought of the elderly and children in the village turning into monsters, of his teammates dying before his eyes. His face darkened with grief, fists clenched tightly yet powerless to relax. Even with this knowledge, what could he change?

"Do you want to change this world, shrouded in bio-terror, devoid of hope?"

"What do I need to do?" Chris answered without hesitation.

"Bring your people, I'll wait for you at the airport."

"The airport? Aren't you being protected inside the institute?"

"That's me, but it's also not me."