
Chapter 48: Nano Submission_1

翻訳者: 549690339

"Doctor Ding Yi explained it well, and this is also the foundation on which the Frontiers of Science organization was established. According to our investigation, most of the scientists who committed suicide had ties with the Frontiers of Science…"

After introducing the Frontiers of Science, Director Chang began to disclose his true purpose; he wanted Wang Miao, who had been invited by the Frontiers of Science, to go undercover.

"Professor Wang, we hope you will accept the invitation to join the 'Frontiers of Science' Society; that is the main reason we have invited you here today," Director Chang said, "We hope to gain some internal information about the organization through you."

"You want me to go undercover?"

"Just to provide some information."

Wang Miao's expression showed reluctance. "I'm sorry, Director, but I'm not willing to do this."

After hearing the exchange between the two, Ding Yi denied:

"I think the suicides of these physicists are unrelated to the Frontiers of Science, one of them had absolutely no contact with the organization."

"They also invited me, but it was just simple academic exchange."

Seeing Wang Miao's unwillingness, Director Chang looked at Ding Yi: "Doctor Ding, are you interested? Just to provide some basic information."

Ding Yi shook his head: "I'm not interested, because there's nothing wrong with the organization itself; investigating it would be a waste of effort."

No one was willing to be the undercover agent. Yang Dong felt a slight joy but also a touch of sadness in her heart. Of course, there were problems with the organization, serious ones. It was part of the Trisolarans' Miracle Project, meant to disrupt the thinking of scientists and make them give up their research. Her own mother was the mastermind behind the Frontiers of Science.

On one hand was the greater good concerning the rise and fall of the human race; on the other was her own biological mother. Yang Dong felt incredibly conflicted.

As she was lost in thought, under the cajoling of Da Shi and Chang Siwei, Wang Miao changed his mind. He decided to join the Frontiers of Science as an undercover agent.

Snapping back to the present, Yang Dong looked at Wang Miao, her mind in turmoil. She wondered what the government would do if they discovered the truth and captured her mother.

Would she be despised by thousands and beaten to death like her grandfather?

Her mother's actions were much more severe than any betrayal in history. Previous betrayals were between people and led to some people's defeat. But this betrayal was against the entire civilization of humanity and an alien civilization, and the consequences could likely be the extinction of the human race.

Although her face remained silent, her heart was filled with anxiety.

"Let's go."

"Yang Dong?"

"Yang Dong?"

Ding Yi's voice pulled Yang Dong back from her frightening thoughts; she looked at the man in front of her and said softly, "Hmm."

Wang Miao, standing by, felt like he had been dumped, instinctively avoiding their gazes.

He now understood the thoughts of those men who had affairs. Perhaps it was not boredom with their wives at home, but rather they had encountered true love in their lives.

At forty, he hadn't expected to experience the feeling of heartbreak again. Although he had believed he could be a good husband, a good father, and his love life had been plain, he had never considered infidelity. But from the day he met Yang Dong a year ago, he felt shaken.

Everyone hates a traitor, yet everyone wants to be the traitor.

Wang Miao ultimately shattered his own illusions and prepared to get up to leave.

Da Shi stopped them.

"Professor Wang, Doctor Ding, and is this Doctor Ding's girlfriend?"

Ding Yi stopped in his tracks, looking at Da Shi with a frown. "Is there anything else?"


Compared to Ding Yi, Wang Miao showed great impatience, "Move, I really don't want to see you anymore!"

It wasn't easy for Da Shi to be disliked by several people at the same time, Wang Miao had disliked him from the start, and Yang Dong because he smoked.

"I just want your phone numbers."

Wang Miao just wanted to leave as quickly as possible, not wanting to get entangled with Da Shi any longer, he gave his number reluctantly, and Yang Dong memorized Wang Miao's number by heart.

Da Shi saved everyone's phone numbers in his mobile phone and noted down their contact names;

[Nano, Coward][Pen Chang'e][Pen Chang'e Girlfriend]

After Chang Siwei escorted the three away, he returned to the conference hall to instruct Da Shi to secretly protect Wang Miao.

"Wang Miao is very important, you must protect him carefully."

"Understood, Director, I assure you the task will be completed!"

"Also, Da Shi," Director Chang continued, "it seems that your old military habits haven't changed. When dealing with intellectuals, especially scientists like Wang Miao, you should be nicer, not treating them like prisoners."

"Understood, Director, I, Da Shi, have it in mind."

Da Shi scratched his head, revealing his trademark silly grin. He might joke around usually, but when it comes to principles, he knew where to draw the line.

The story affected by the butterfly effect was realigned, as if everything had returned to its proper course.

In the past two days, Qin Ming had been in the midst of boring exams, dealing with six subjects: Chinese, math, English, physics, chemistry, and biology. The last subject was English, and having lived in America in the last two worlds, no one understood English better than him. During the two-hour exam, he had finished answering within ten minutes.

For other students, exam time flew by even faster than when they played outside, never enough, but for Qin Ming, the time was indeed excruciatingly long.

After intentionally getting a few reading questions wrong, Qin Ming spent the rest of the time twirling his pen and thinking about how to make contact with Bai Tan.

The school's exams at this time were not like those later on, with electromagnetic jammers set up in classrooms, but simply monitored by two invigilators.

Li Yongqiang on the stage saw Qin Ming's distracted appearance and knew that this student had already finished the paper.

Initially surprised by Qin Ming's speed, Li Yongqiang had now grown accustomed to it. He was not in a hurry; whether Qin Ming was a workhorse or a show pony would become evident once results were out.

"Ding ding ding..."

The bell signaling the end of the exam rang. A few were still scribbling furiously on their papers when an invigilator shouted, "What are you still writing? If you keep writing, your scores will be invalidated!"

Qin Ming slung his bag over his shoulder, stood up, and left the classroom, with Liu Yueyue following closely behind.

"Hey, why are you walking so fast?"

"Is there something you need?" Qin Ming turned to look at Liu Yueyue at his side, his eyes narrowing slightly.

"It's Saturday today. We can go home after the exams are over!"

It was quite absurd when you think about it, the school had bizarrely scheduled exams for Friday and Saturday, commandeering half the weekend from these second-year high school students. Still, it was better than for the seniors; senior students truly had no rights. Qin Ming still remembered from his past life when, in his senior year, they dismissed on Saturday noon and returned to school Sunday afternoon, with summer and winter holidays cut in half, and only three days off for the National Day holiday. The entire semester was spent in a state of existential doubt.

Qin Ming raised his eyebrows, "And then?"

Liu Yueyue smiled, "I want to go home with you!"

Qin Ming: "???"
