
Chapter 14 Do You Call This Thing a Hand Grenade?_1

翻訳者: 549690339

"Grenade! Get down!"

The gangsters on both sides instinctively lay down, but it was of no use.


Two deafening blasts!

An ear-splitting explosion echoed in all directions, as two small mushroom clouds rose slowly, as if breaking through the heavens.

The huge explosion left the two people inside the car temporarily deaf, the entire bridge shook violently, the glass of the car windows shattered into pieces by the powerful shock wave, and the air was filled with dust and scorching heat.

Several seconds later, there was no more movement outside the car.

Two heads timidly rose from the broken car windows, their eyes looking outside.

They saw hell on earth on the bridge; the concrete and steel surface had been ripped apart by two huge holes, through which one could even see the relentless flow of the river beneath.

The bridge had actually been blown through!

Surrounding the bridge, there was nothing but flesh and fragments of steel, a Cadillac even hung on the bridge cables a dozen meters away, and a helicopter in the sky was sent crashing down into the river, emitting thick black smoke.

The area was filled with the acrid smoke of the explosion, as if it had been bombarded with heavy artillery.

Apart from them, there wasn't a single person standing on the entire bridge, or rather, a complete person.

The terror of a grenade was just so!

The gruesome scene before their eyes, where flesh and blood flew wildly like hell on earth, made Laru's eyes widen to the size of bells.

After staring in shock for a moment, he looked at the dark spheres in Ross's backpack and couldn't help but swallow his saliva:

"What the fuck?"

"Is that the grenade you threw?"

"Wait, did you just call this thing a grenade???"


Laru had a face full of question marks, and Ross was equally stunned.

God, Dr. Qin didn't lie to me!

He realized that Dr. Qin hadn't fooled anyone; the power of the grenade was truly invincible.

Ross looked at the remaining five grenades in his bag, clutching them to his chest as if they were precious treasures.

At that moment, he really wanted to scream out loud.

Dr. Qin, forever a legend!

All fear facing the enemy comes from insufficient firepower.

But now, having the doctor-modified grenades, he feared nothing.

Suddenly, a loud clicking noise echoed around!

This ear-splitting sound brought the surging Ross back to reality.

He looked around, and at that moment, several huge cracks appeared on the road surface, the cables of the drawbridge snapped one by one, emitting a "zing, zing, zing" of metallic sounds, and the bridge surface started to collapse.

"Go quickly, the bridge is about to collapse!"

Ross shouted loudly, hurrying to pull Laru away from the bridge.

The two of them ran desperately as the bridge gradually tilted toward the center.


In the last second before the bridge collapsed, in the nick of time, they leaped from the broken bridge to the safety of the roadside.

After miraculously escaping death, they couldn't help but look back at the bridge they had just fled from.

At that moment, the bridge appeared to be severed in the middle, its entire structure broken in two, with most of the bridge surface submerged in the river.

This spectacular scene left Laru dumbstruck, and he couldn't help but repeat what he said earlier:

"Ross, you call that thing a grenade?"

"Yes, a grenade, let's go Laru."


The news of the mafia killers being annihilated quickly reached the Godfather's ears.

"Godfather, the operation has failed, all the men we sent out are dead."

"The men are dead, what about our gold?"

"We didn't find the gold either."

Hearing that the operation had failed and both his men and wealth were gone, the Godfather's usually reserved face turned incredibly grim, as if water could drip from it.

He stopped petting the cat altogether.

Even though he was worldly and immensely shrewd, he couldn't understand how so many killers could fail to take down just a few people.

"How did they die?"

"Godfather, they were killed by something with massive power, possibly a powerful bomb that even brought down the Manhattan Bridge."

"You mean they lured our men onto the bridge and then used the pre-installed bombs to ambush them?"

"Perhaps that was the case."

"I need a definitive answer."

The Godfather narrowed his eyes, emitting a dangerous glint.

This sent chills down the spine of his underling, who couldn't help but draw a cold breath.

The last time the Godfather had that expression, he turned the entire family of his adversaries into dumplings using a meat grinder!

The suited man's forehead began to sweat, and in his nervousness, he hurriedly said, "Godfather, we have a new discovery. During the explosion, someone happened to capture the face of one of the enemies. Our investigation revealed that the man is named Ross, a retired special forces soldier."

"He has no parents or other relatives, but he does have a fiancée named Lisa."

"However, when Ross returned from service, this woman named Lisa mysteriously disappeared."

"According to our investigation, after Ross came back, he looked for this woman for a long time. Then he vanished, reappearing only a week later."

The Godfather pondered for a moment, then looked at his subordinate and said expressionlessly, "Notify everyone in the gang, including the heads of all areas, to find me his fiancée within three days."

All through the United States, the underworld was abuzz, and countless idlers received the message, starting a frantic search for a woman named Lisa.

Ross hadn't anticipated that he would inadvertently drag his fiancée into a massive vortex.

He and Laru had just returned to the base, to the activity room on the first floor, where they saw Jerry dragging in a dozen dog cages, each filled with a dog of different breeds.

"Wow, cool, I love this secret base!"

It was Laru's first time in the base, and he looked around curiously, inspecting and touching everything.

Ross glanced at Laru and then asked Jerry, "Jerry, why did you bring back so many dogs?"

"Captain, it was Dr. Qin's order."

"Hey Ross, you're back."

As Qin Ming came up from the laboratory in the elevator, he saw Ross, "How come there are only two of you, where are the other two?"

"I sent them to exchange the gold for US Dollars and deposit it into accounts."

Ross called the Bald guy after wiping out the opposition to explain.

"Alright, Ross, actually we already have plenty of money."

"You've been working hard lately, you can take a good rest for a few days."

"Thank you, Dr. Qin."

Ross replied, hesitating, he thought for a moment and decided not to discuss his recent encounter just yet, so as not to disturb Dr. Qin's research.

"Jerry, feed them this medication," said Qin Ming, holding several transparent pills that were half the size of the previous ones and uncoated with chocolate, because chocolate would kill dogs.

Jerry took the pills and fed them to the dogs in the cages.

Watching these dogs consume the NZT drug, Qin Ming's mind flickered with curiosity, stemming from an idea he had the previous day.

If monkeys, which are primates, could increase their intelligence to slightly above that of an average person after taking the medicine, what about other animals?

Could it be that their intelligence would become equivalent to that of a regular person upon consumption?

Could they think like humans, communicate like humans, have the thinking and emotions of normal people?

If the idea worked, then the NZT drug could perhaps make him a druid—a modern scientific version.