

Marianna seats on her bed and was going through the note book she collected from her father's box and saw a name "Jane Doe" and underneath the name, address and contact she saw "confidebat amicus" and she quickly reached out to her backpack and brought out her Apple laptop and searched for the meaning of the word and found out it was "my trusted friend" and she picked up her iPhone and called the line. A moment later, the phone rang and rang, but no one picked up. Marianna was just about to hang up when she heard a click on the other end of the line. "Hello?" said a woman's voice, sounding puzzled. "Hi, is this Jane Doe?" asked Marianna. There was a pause. "Yes, this is Jane," the woman replied. "Who's calling, please?" Meri delayed a little before she was able to utter a word "it's Marianna" then there was a pause "I think this is a wrong number please" Mrs. Jane replied and as she wanted to hang up, "it's from Mr. Jake, Jake Thompson I'm her daughter" There was a moment of stunned silence on the other end of the line. "Jake's daughter?" the woman finally asked. "Yes, it's me, Marianna. I think my dad wanted me to get in touch with you." Marianna said, her heart pounding. "That's impossible," the woman said, her voice trembling. "Jake died two years ago." Yh I know it's really weird but I got this sort of book from his box and I think he really wants me to get in touch with you" "I don't understand," the woman said, sounding confused. "What book are you talking about?" Marianna took a deep breath. "It's a notebook with some information in it, and your name is listed in it. There's a phone number and an address, and the phrase 'confidebat amicus'. I looked it up and it means 'my trusted friend'. It seems like my dad wanted me to get in touch with you for some reason." I still think it's a wrong number miss I'm really sorry but I'm not the one you're looking for" Mrs. jane hung up the call but Marianna was much convinced she was the one and she quickly typed the name "Jane Doe" on her laptop and she saw pictures of a woman that is already retired from the ASA (American secret agent) and she called her again and Mrs. Jane picked up after a little delay "I already told you that I'm…" As she tried to complete her words, "do you know about the flash drive?" Meri asked her immediately and Mrs. jane was scandalized and suddenly paused for a moment as she finally started recalling about everything. A flash drive?" Mrs. Jane asked, her voice shaky. "Yes, a flash drive. It was in the same box as the notebook. It has a bunch of files on it, and I think it might be important." Marianna replied, her heart racing. "Wait," Mrs. Jane said, sounding confused. "How do you know about this? What's going on?" "I don't know what's really going on but I think the flash is really important" Meri replied her "okay, now you have to calm down and I want to trust me now have you told the police about this?" Mrs. jane asked her "No, I haven't told the police," Marianna replied. "I don't know who to trust, and I'm scared. But something tells me that this is really important. I think my dad was working on something before he died, and it's related to this notebook and the flash drive. Can you help me?" Mrs. Jane paused, and then let out a long sigh. "Okay, I'll help you. But first, I need to know more about what's going on. Tell me everything from the beginning." "I don't really know but this weird men Came looking for it yesterday and they picked up a little fight with my mom because she couldn't allow them search the house" she pauses a little "at least not without a search warrant" she concluded. "What? Men came to your house, looking for this notebook and flash drive?" Mrs. Jane asked, her voice rising in concern. "Did they say who they were, or who they were working for?" Marianna shook her head. "No, they just said they were looking for something that belonged to my dad, and they needed to find it. They seemed really determined, and they wouldn't take no for an answer. I'm scared, Mrs. Jane. "it's okay Meri, now you just have to trust me and get the flash to me okay? " Mrs. jane tells Meri "but how can I really trust you either?" Meri asks as she wouldn't just know who to really trust this time "remember I told you that you just have to trust me, your dad was my very good friend and if he really had my note on a book as you have said then he trusts me and you should please Meri just trust me and get me the drive" she asks Meri. Meri hesitated for a moment, feeling torn. On the one hand, she was still worried about trusting this woman. But on the other hand, her father had clearly trusted her, and it seemed like she was genuinely trying to help. After a few moments, she made up her mind. "Okay, I'll trust you," she said, her voice shaking slightly. "I'll get you the flash drive. But I want to know what's on it, and what it has to do with my dad's death. "Let go through that together just come immediately" Mrs. jane concludes and Meri immediately packed up her stuffs inside the backpack and left the room "where are you rushing to Meri?" Her mom asks inquisitively "I'm going to see a friend mom!" She replied her mom in a kinda loud tone as she almost left the door and then came back and grabbed a pancake that the mom just made and had a bite immediately and smiled "I love you mom, see you" she pecks her mom and hurried up immediately. Her mom was confused, but she just smiled and said, "I love you too, honey. Be safe, and I'll see you later." Meri smiled, and then ran out the door. She felt a sense of urgency as she hurried down the street, clutching her backpack tightly. She had no idea what she was getting herself into, but she knew she had to find out the truth. She had to know what happened to her father.