
Threads : Where fate entwines

"Escalabus rev" were the final words of my grandmother. As she lay on her deathbed, her eyes were a myriad of colors like the rainbow. This scenario had been troubling me for a long while now until he found me in the bustling streets of Sif'ur, he introduced me to a bizarre world I never thought existed. A world filled with many hidden dangers, a world where the supernatural graces the lands, deities reign supreme, mortals are blessed or rather cursed with bizarre abilities called, The Konquerors pathways. My name is Timothy, and this is the story of how I altered the fates of everyone in the mortal planes, and a journey to uncover the reason why weavers of fate are so obsessed with me. "The stars are extremely sad tonight, as if they're wailing out to me. It's like a piece of me is lost within the stars, crying out. Every day, I sit like this, gazing at the stars with a sad smile... a lonely stargazer."

SHADOW_IV · ファンタジー
28 Chs

True Freedom

A few days had gone by, Josh had already started to take Timothy with him to start investigating the bizarre case but for the past few days their search was not fruitful for they did not even possess a proper lead. Walking through the city both men seemed to be deep in thoughts and that is when the new city's escort voice rang out

" Esteemed traveller, welcome to Sif'ur city home to the renowned Sedna Knottingwell Decon of the high church and also the hometown of the founder of our kingdom King Nerodmaya Zaloz. So be happy and rejoice that you are standing in the holy grounds of Zebhannon !" The escort's voice spread far and wide. Timothy couldn't help but admire the amount of zeal the new escort had for this job unlike his old friend Jake, Jake had seemingly disappeared right after their farewells that day no one knew where he went or heard from him since that day. Timothy was worried about his friend but they had already said their goodbyes so he was guessing that Jake had also left for another city or village .

Turning his attention away from the escort he stole a glance at Josh who  seemed extremely calm

"Hungry Moirai?" Josh asked as they passed by a quaint café, its weathered wooden sign creaking softly in the gentle breeze. The hunger Timothy didn't know he felt suddenly flared up with his stomach rumbling,  answering with a nod they went back to the Cafe and the bell rang as they entered the building,Inside, the aroma of freshly ground coffee mingled with the scent of pastries, enveloping consumers in a comforting embrace. The café was adorned with flickering candlelight, casting a warm glow upon the worn but inviting furnishings.

Amidst the eclectic mix of tables and chairs, people from all walks of life gathered, their animated conversations weaving a tapestry of voices that filled the air. Low level nobles sipped espresso delicately, their powdered wigs slightly askew as they discussed matters of politics and philosophy. Artists and writers huddled in corners, their quills scratching furiously against parchment as they captured the essence of the bustling café scene.

At one table, a group of merchants negotiated deals over cups of steaming coffee, their voices rising and falling in rhythm with the ebb and flow of the bustling café. Meanwhile, a pair of lovers whispered sweet nothings to each other in the dimly lit corner, their eyes sparkling with adoration. And Timothy stared at them with disgust before rolling his eyes and turning his attention to a single lady  who sat alone drinking her coffee with eyes that seemed uninterested in everything around her. Her elegance transcended the passage of time. She was draped in layers of sumptuous silk and lace, the fabric cascading in gentle waves around her slender form. Her gown, adorned with intricate embroidery and delicate beadwork showcasing the designer's skills.

Her hair, a cascade of chestnut curls, tumbled effortlessly down her back, each strand seemingly touched by the flickering candlelight. A single jewel adorned her neck, catching the light and casting shimmering reflections across the room. To put it in simpler terms she was gorgeous, gorgeous enough to also capture the attention of josh who Timothy caught staring at the woman,

"It is rude to stare Mr Belling, that goes for you as well young man. " the lady spoke her voice had a calm dominance to it, it wasn't deep but neither was it soft. Timothy's eyes widened a bit when he heard the woman addressing  them but before he could embarrass himself Josh spoke up

"Ms Amber, what a nice surprise to run into you hear it really is a small world won't you say?" Josh answered masking his frustration with a polite smile, the lady named amber placed her cup of coffee down and her nonchalant gaze moved to look directly at Timothy and Josh before she also gave a smile of her own

"No it is not Mr Belling I am actually here on official business you see the higher-ups are not impressed with your behavior and antics so they sent me here to relay a warning so if you can be polite and accept my good gesture of offering you a sit at my table...the both of you." Ms Amber gestured at the two empty chairs infront of her with her 'smile' on.

Seating infront of this woman made Timothy feel weird and not in the good sense of the word but the extreme sense. An invisible pressure filled the whole café and with a soft thud one by one the consumers hit the tables with their heads having lost consciousnes, Timothy's mouth opened up in fright forgetting that he was seating with a man who could do the same if not worse.

"Right, now that we got that out of the way our conversation may begin. Mr Belling I believe you are very familiar with me so I will introduce myself to Mr Moirai here. My name is Juliet Amber Grandmaster and also the high priestess of the Blood Goddess Lilith. " she stood up to perform a graceful bow  and sat back down her nonchalant gaze reverting back to Josh who also had an unimpressed gaze of his own

"Can we get started ?" Josh asked but then he turned to look towards the bar where the owner is usually located, something had caught his perception  but after a  few breaths of nothing he turned around and slightly shook his head.

Juliet had her eyes on him and when he turned around she slightly raised her brow about to ask a question but she quietly observed and decided to avoid asking that question

"Josh I believe you know why I'm here?" She asked her voice still as de-attached  as ever, Josh resisted the urge to roll his eyes at the question instead his hand moved to pinch the bridge of his nose avoiding direct eye contact with her

"If I did then you would not be here Ms Amber, so please enlighten us, tell us why you have decided to grace us with your presence?" Josh asked and for the first time since they arrived Juliet's nonchalant expression  broke , her voice now contained  a hint of anger as she spoke, unbridled fury shone in her eyes

"Damn you Belling always having to keep that cool and calm facade  despite you knowing what kind of situation awaits you at the sanctum. Don't you care what happens to you? Your protégé, and speaking about that how could you take in a protégé at a time like this? Do you realize that you could be stripped off your rank and tittle, tell me Josh Belling do you want the entirety of the organization to turn their backs on you ?" Her eyes were now sharp and piercing, boring into Josh  with intensity as she questioned his actions and decision,gesturing with her hands occasionally, emphasizing her points and adding to the intensity of her demeanor. What was supposed to be a conversation turned in an interrogation with a sense of urgency and seriousness, as juilet tried making it clear to Josh that his actions have serious consequences within their organization.

    "The organization? Juliet I do not care what they think or what they might do you want to know why ? Because I made it clear that I will not abide by their rules the very first time they recruited me because I wanted to be free, and you know what that old man did he took me in by force and made me live my life by your rules but that does not mean I never stopped searching for freedom that is why I devoted my life to climb up the ranks of the Brotherhood  thinking that the more ranks and titles I collect I will earn my freedom but after countless years of trying to prove myself I finally  had enough and then the Weavers revealed to me my destiny, Escalabus Rin  do you know what Rin means in ancient fayek? RIN MEANS FREEDOM AND I WILL HAVE MY TRUE FREEDOM AND IN ORDER TO ACHIEVE THAT I AM PREPARED TO BEAR WITH WHATEVER WILL COME MY WAY BECAUSE MY PATH IS THE PATH OF FREEDOM ! So go juliet go and tell the old man that I will accept whatever punishment he will throw on me but he must remember that he was the one that told me that in order to achieve true freedom I have to server every thread that connects me to the 'source' and I will do just that that but at the same time I am also tasked with a difficult situation, in order to gain my freedom I first have to experience true and pure affection and then server it last only at the end of my journey where I slay Rev only then can my destiny be fulfilled, my Destiny Divine."  Josh expressed a deep-seated resentment towards the organization vehemently declaring his defiance against their rules and control over his life, also emphasizing his relentless pursuit of freedom. Only if Timothy could hear what was being he would have coughed up blood staring directly at Josh, but sadly Josh had placed Timothy under an illusion right after juliet started started speaking so unbeknownst to him Josh had lost his composure .

Juliet stared at Josh wide eyed, her lips trembled but the words she wanted to say could not make it out but tears did, Josh stared at her sobbing his heart not even feeling a little pang by what had just happened.

Juliet sobbed for a short while then she fixed herself up and in MO time she was back to her old self, tilting to looking at Timothy she spoke up

"The enlightened one won't hear a word about this and for your own sake you better return home very fast .goodbye for now Josh and you too Mesa boy." With that Juliet stood up and started walking towards the door, her small back swaying left and right.

Josh did not look at her leave only the sound of her exit and the people's slow movement caught his eye,her powers were getting stranger and stranger everyday.

' The boy does not know how deep my lies go, but the organization was the only way I could get him to come with , doing everything by the organization's rules in order to buy his trust that I did but now juliet could have spoiled the whole thing.' Josh thought.

Deciding to end the illusion Timothy fainted when the illusion was upliftrd"bullocks, I completely forgot about that."