
Threads : Where fate entwines

"Escalabus rev" were the final words of my grandmother. As she lay on her deathbed, her eyes were a myriad of colors like the rainbow. This scenario had been troubling me for a long while now until he found me in the bustling streets of Sif'ur, he introduced me to a bizarre world I never thought existed. A world filled with many hidden dangers, a world where the supernatural graces the lands, deities reign supreme, mortals are blessed or rather cursed with bizarre abilities called, The Konquerors pathways. My name is Timothy, and this is the story of how I altered the fates of everyone in the mortal planes, and a journey to uncover the reason why weavers of fate are so obsessed with me. "The stars are extremely sad tonight, as if they're wailing out to me. It's like a piece of me is lost within the stars, crying out. Every day, I sit like this, gazing at the stars with a sad smile... a lonely stargazer."

SHADOW_IV · ファンタジー
28 Chs

Jeremy's voice

"Turning around slowly, I am met by the boy's confused gaze. I ask him again, just to make sure I heard him properly, "What did you just say?"

"But this is my home, mister. Where shall I go?" the boy repeated. I was now sure that my hypnosis did not work, but why? Only a high-level Konqueror can shrug off the effects of the Mindweaver's path, and this boy doesn't even possess Arcanum. How?

Many scenarios began conjuring in my mind, but then something he said struck me: 'But this is my home.' What could that possibly mean? Taking a deep breath to calm my nerves, I asked again, "When you say this is your home, do you mean that you live here in the wilderness?" I controlled my tone to sound more empathetic. At my question, the boy's eyes moved to the ground, and he nodded slowly. There, right there, I knew I had him where I wanted him.

"This seems like a difficult topic for you, so I won't ask further. But if you may, can you please open up your doors to us? It will only be for a few days." I selected my words carefully, roping him in. Shifting my eyes to Timothy and Mahome'i, I knew he too would glance in their direction, and their current appearance would make him feel a degree of pity for us. After all, I could sense that he was a good boy.

"Please, Jeremy, two days, and I will be out of your hair." I pleaded softly. Jeremy raised his head to look at me, his facial expression containing traces of shock.

"You remembered my name? Okay, I will house you if you can just follow me." He spoke excitedly. Amazed by the mood switch, I couldn't say a word. Instead, I contemplated his question, 'You remembered me?' What was that supposed to mean? Deciding to let it go, I moved to pick up my two parcels and followed behind the boy, who was singing an unfamiliar folk song that told the story of the destruction of the land by the hands of men.

In days of old, the forests stood,

Green and grand as nature's wood,

The rivers flowed with crystal gleam,

A paradise, a living dream.

Oh, kelai was whole and free,

Under skies of azure sea,

But the hands of men, with hearts of stone,

Turned the land to dust and bone.

They came with axes, saws, and fire,

Feeding their unending desire,

The trees fell down, one by one,

Blocking out the morning sun.

Oh, kelai was whole and free,

Under skies of azure sea,

But the hands of men, with hearts of stone,

Turned the land to dust and bone.

The rivers choked on grime and waste,

Their silver waters lost in haste,

The creatures fled or perished there,

In silence, they breathed their final air.

Oh, kelai was whole and free,

Under skies of azure sea,

But the hands of men, with hearts of stone,

Turned the land to dust and bone.

Mountains scarred and oceans bled,

The living mourned, the skies turned red,

The wind would whisper tales of old,

Of greener lands and hearts of gold.

Now barren fields and hollow cries,

Echo under tear-stained skies,

The land once loved, now worn and torn,

A legacy of sorrow born.

Oh, kelai was whole and free,

Under skies of azure sea,

But the hands of men, with hearts of stone,

Turned the land to dust and bone.

Yet in the heart of one and all,

The hope for healing, nature's call,

For if we mend our ways in time,

Kelai may heal, the sun may shine.

Oh, kelai can be whole and free,

Under skies of azure sea,

If the hearts of men, with love alone,

Can turn the dust to life once more.

The boy had a unique voice, one that seemed to demand attention. But it wasn't just the voice; it was the lyrics too. After he was done singing, he turned back to look at me with eyes full of tears and asked, "It was beautiful, wasn't it?" I couldn't help but feel that his question wasn't about the song but about the world itself, so I simply nodded and decided to just observe. The boy focused on the path again.

We walked for quite some time, and still, the boy had not yet woken up. Mahome'i was quiet the entire trip, and she too eventually fell asleep. It was already dusk, and I was starting to get impatient, but I decided not to ask jeremy any questions.

"Do you hear that?" The boy turned to me with a smile. "We're almost there. Come on, just behind those bushes." He gestured for me to hurry up as he took off towards the white noise. I followed the boy in a more relaxed manner. Pushing the bush out of my way, I was met with a breathtaking sight: the source of the white noise.

Beyond the bushes was a beautiful waterfall, and the sight was mesmerizing. Flowers bloomed on the ground, and green grass covered the whole area. Animals of all kinds gathered by the waterfall, some drinking water from the plunge pool and some just relaxing, seemingly enjoying the surroundings. On the far side of the waterfall was a beautiful hut, nestled in a secluded glen. The hut exuded a rustic charm, harmoniously blending with the natural beauty surrounding it. Constructed from weathered timber and stones gathered from the nearby riverbed, its walls were adorned with moss and ivy, giving it an ancient, almost mythical appearance. The thatched roof, woven from reeds and straw, gently sloped down, its edges softened by the mist from the cascading water.

The waterfall, a magnificent torrent of crystal-clear water, tumbled down a rocky cliff beside the hut, creating a constant, soothing symphony of rushing water. The pool at its base was a serene, mirror-like expanse, reflecting the lush canopy of trees overhead and the vibrant wildflowers that dotted the landscape.

A narrow footpath, lined with smooth pebbles and bordered by ferns, led to the hut's wooden door, which creaked softly when Jeremy opened it. Inside, the hut was cozy and inviting, with a small stone hearth crackling with a warm fire. The scent of pine and earth permeated the air, mingling with the fresh, clean aroma of the waterfall.

Hand-carved wooden furniture, simple yet sturdy, filled the space, including a small table and chairs by the window, which offered an unobstructed view of the waterfall. A woven rug lay on the floor, adding a touch of color. Shelves lined with jars of herbs and handcrafted trinkets adorned the walls.

Outside, a small, beautiful garden caught my eye. From the looks of it, it was thriving in the fertile soil nourished by the waterfall's mist, with an array of herbs, vegetables, and flowers.

"Welcome to my home." Jeremy smiled brightly after taking me through the brief tour of the hut. Many things had caught my attention, but I couldn't do a thing as I was currently a guest and not an investigator. So, I decided to keep my watchful gaze to myself and responded with a soft, "It's beautiful."

Jeremy pushed out his chest and laughed joyfully. "I know, right? Finally, someone to appreciate the beauty of this place. Lord knows how long it has been since someone made it this far." Jeremy spoke excitedly, but my mind was now on alert. What did he mean by that? Something was seriously wrong here, but I had offered myself to the boy, so I had to continue the act.

"You stopped smiling. What's the matter?" Jeremy asked in a neutral voice, surprising me with how fast his mood changed.

"I'm exhausted. I need to place these two down and catch my breath." I explained. Jeremy clicked his tongue and shook his head with an embarrassed laugh. "I forgot about that. Forgive me, mister. It must have been the joy of finally getting guests. Follow me inside." He gestured for me to walk in front. I entered from the back door, and he followed closely behind.

Taking the chance to quickly wake up Mahome'i and check on Timothy's wellbeing, I activated my ability.