
Threads : Where fate entwines

"Escalabus rev" were the final words of my grandmother. As she lay on her deathbed, her eyes were a myriad of colors like the rainbow. This scenario had been troubling me for a long while now until he found me in the bustling streets of Sif'ur, he introduced me to a bizarre world I never thought existed. A world filled with many hidden dangers, a world where the supernatural graces the lands, deities reign supreme, mortals are blessed or rather cursed with bizarre abilities called, The Konquerors pathways. My name is Timothy, and this is the story of how I altered the fates of everyone in the mortal planes, and a journey to uncover the reason why weavers of fate are so obsessed with me. "The stars are extremely sad tonight, as if they're wailing out to me. It's like a piece of me is lost within the stars, crying out. Every day, I sit like this, gazing at the stars with a sad smile... a lonely stargazer."

SHADOW_IV · ファンタジー
28 Chs

A distant dream

Father's fur shimmered with an otherworldly light, the air around him twisting as if chaos itself had erupted from the Abyssal depths. Ray, low to the ground, poised like a coiled spring, was ready to unleash violence.

His head thrust forward, ears pinned back, amber eyes locked onto Father with a fierce intensity. His pupils dilated, reflecting the dim light with a baleful glow that promised swift and merciless retribution. Lips peeled back from sharp teeth, his snarl vibrated low in his throat—a visceral growl filled with dark intent. Yet, in his eyes, I saw a flicker of fear and reluctance.

I felt as if I was watching from above, detached, my soul hovering like a raven over the unfolding scene.

"I'm not going to say this again, Ray. Back away," Father warned, his voice unsettlingly calm. His eyes opened, revealing pure chaos—or perhaps, pure madness.

"Ruzgar, old friend, don't make me do this," Ray pleaded, his eyes desperate.

But even I feared that Father was lost, replaced by chaos incarnate.

Father moved with frightening speed, faster than I'd ever seen. His eyes, reflecting his frenzied state, glinted as he slashed with razor-sharp claws. Ray barely evaded, the attack passing within a hair's breadth.

Ray, wide-eyed, stared at Father. "How far does your deception go, Ruzgar? You pretended weakness even in dire times—for what?"

Father responded with a low snarl.

"No matter. Omega Ruzgar, prepare for your end." Ray's chestnut fur began to glow, his body expanding until he was three times Father's size.

"Come and receive a swift death, old friend," Ray's voice deepened. Father observed Ray's transformation with a short laugh that abruptly ceased.

"That form is for giants, dragons, or basilisks. You just gave me more weak points to exploit," Father said, a dangerous calm returning to his voice. Madness lingered in his eyes, waiting to be unleashed.

Father moved, a blur even to my raven-like perspective. Ray's enlarged body hurtled back, aimed straight for Alpha Barron, who remained calm and disinterested. Barron released a powerful echo, sending Ray crashing through the cave wall and down the mountainside, leaving only Father and Barron.

"Impressive, Ruzgar," Alpha Barron approached slowly. "You possess chaos essence? It doesn't matter. No Dire Wolf born in the past 12,000 years is stronger than me. I am prophesied to be the strongest, a guardian to a Deity. What about you?"

Father remained still, closing his eyes with a sigh. "I am prophesied to be a father," he said quietly.

Barron chuckled. "A father dares challenge—"

"A father and guardian to the Forgotten Son of the Source!" Father interrupted boldly. Both Barron and I were taken aback. The Source, the beginning and end of all things—how could I, a powerless creature, be the Forgotten Son? Was Father merely bluffing?

"At creation, there is chaos and order. I am chaos incarnate, an aspect of the Source. So, Alpha, do you dare challenge me?" Father's voice filled the room with a chaotic echo.

Barron stared at Father for a long moment before shaking his head. "I will get those Veilstones one day, trust me," he said quietly, retreating to his platform.

"Ruzgar and Sidgar, you are cast out of the pack. Leave my territory, or face Raan's wrath," Barron decreed with authority. Immediately, I felt the pack mindlink sever, and my pack mark faded. Father, moving towards me, picked me up and placed me on his back. He glanced at Barron one last time. "Until next time," he said, leaping through the hole Ray had made.

As we descended, my consciousness returned to my body. Before I could thank Father, a familiar yet distant voice called out, "Moirai, where are you?"

Everything vanished into darkness, the events fading like a dream.

All alone in the darkness, I opened my eyes and I was met with darkness everywhere I looked there was nothing but darkness but it wasn't the terrifying kind of darkness but rather It was peaceful. My mind began to wonder from the darkness to everything that had just happened, what did father mean when he said he is a father to the Forgotten son of the source? And he also said that he is chaos incarnate.

My mind was a turmoil and many questions flooded my brain that I believed no one would grant me the answers I desire. As I was still deep in contemplation I did notice the darkness around me fading, replaced by a vast expanse of a golden sea and right infront of me was an enormous being covered in veilstones and on the beings back were 12 wings, the being seemed to be slumbering and a pale emerald wisp seemed to be revolving around the being.

Taken aback by the sight ,but I also felt a deep familiarity with the 12 winged being, before I could explain what's happening the dormant Veilstones on the being shimmered and I felt drawn to it, starting to walk towards the being that's when I noticed that my paws were also shimmering with Veilstones, looking at my reflection in the golden sea, I could see the Veilstones Father had told me about glowing, what did it mean? I did not know but currently I had the feeling I always had when I gazed at the stars, I could feel the being wailing out to-me? Confused I continued approaching the being with no sense of caution, and when I was right infront of it the being the Veilstones shimmered brightly and then I heard the voice again.

"Moirai, I can't find you." The fleeting voice passed by my ear , and everything everything went dark....again.