
Chapter 2: The Pratfall Prodigy

In the uproarious aftermath of my unintentional comedic conquests, I found myself inadvertently collecting a motley crew of admirers. Heroines and other MCs alike, usually shrouded in the serious business of saving the world, couldn't resist the allure of a protagonist who turned every epic battle into a slapstick performance.

The heroines, with their tragic pasts and poignant backstories, approached me with curious glints in their eyes. They weren't drawn to my power or prowess but to the infectious laughter that echoed in the wake of my ludicrous escapades.

Even the overpowered MCs, who initially regarded me with a mix of bewilderment and disdain, soon found themselves chuckling at the absurdity of my adventures. The once stoic figures cracked smiles, begrudgingly admitting that maybe, just maybe, there was more to this "useless" protagonist than met the eye.

As I continued my quest for hilarity, a peculiar phenomenon unfolded. The NPCs, usually relegated to background roles, began to clamor for more screen time, desperate to be part of the whimsical narrative that had gripped the once-predictable world of Isekai.

The taverns buzzed with chatter about the latest escapades of the eccentric protagonist who dared to challenge the conventional norms of heroism. Songs were composed, not about my battles, but about the ridiculous situations I stumbled into, transforming me into the bard's favorite subject.

Unbeknownst to me, the once-established order of Isekai storytelling began to unravel. The audience, both within the world and beyond, found solace in the unexpected joy of unpredictability. The plot-armored heroes took a backseat, realizing that sometimes, a well-timed banana peel slip was more entertaining than a meticulously choreographed sword fight.

And so, as the curtain rose on each chapter of my absurd odyssey, the world of Isekai was reshaped into a vibrant carnival of chaos and laughter. Little did I know that the seemingly "useless" system I possessed would turn out to be the catalyst for a revolution—one where the punchline was mightier than the sword.

**To be continued...**