
Thousand Years Asleep

It was dark, very dark, an empty space, and in its midst, a voice, a strangely soothing voice, talking to me, me?, talking...to me? is this a dream?, am I.....asleep?

Coolkitty2007 · ファンタジー
10 Chs

Chapter 7

"Hand over the boy"

The two stood watching the Faerie before them, Enzo stood proud, his wings spread and a wicked grin flaunting a set of razor-sharp teeth plastered on his face like a haunting sticker.

"you won't be getting your filthy hands on my master anytime soon now I suggest you leave immediately," growls Draken, standing protectively before Laiten a seething glare piercing through Enzo's skull

"oh my how I love that look, it gets me all bothered you know," Enzo says chuckling 

"Now, about the boy, go on, hand him over and I'll humor you by leaving without causing trouble, sound good to you?" asks Enzo one arm outstretched 

"you'll be leaving this place empty-handed and that's final," says Draken, it was obvious now that Enzo's patience was running thin

"This game is getting annoying you know," says Enzo his grin dropping just as fast as it came

"This game is over, leave now or else," 

"Well excuse me for trying to be nice," Enzo scoffs placing his hands on his hips and releasing an exasperated sigh

"anyway, since we can't get this the easy way then we'll do it the hard way," says Enzo, his signature grin returning to his face and a sinister look in his eyes

"give me the boy"

"did his voice get deeper?" Laiten asks as he watches the Faerie approach menacingly. Draken readies his blade, golden eyes trained on the approaching threat

"let the real games.....begin" With that he charged one hand reaching for Laiten but was immediately blocked by Draken

With a sinister grin and a determined glare, the battle began the continuous clash of swords and claws filling Laitens ears as he watched the scene unfold before him, but of course, all he could do in the end was watch it happen.

"Mrs. Akira we-" Laiten turns to the door as two girls from his literature class walk into the office their faces morphing into an expression of shock

"Who the hell are they? and where's Mr.s Akira" the first says the first one

"wait, they can see him ?" says Laiten as the girls turn to him their confused expressions morphing into stern glares

"It's you, is this some kind of lame joke? where's Mrs Akira huh?" the first one asked accusingly

"What? wait for this isn't a joke or anything"

"it was obvious you didn't like her from the beginning now this? you're so pathetic you know that?"

"hey now just hear me out a sec"

"And who are these huh? your dumb friends? hey!" the second one approaches the clashing individuals

"wait don't, that is not a good idea hey wait listen to me, come on," he says trying to pull her away from the two 

"hey, idiots! what are you doing in a teacher's office huh? This is one of your stupid games, isn't it? you should be ashamed of yourself" Her voice had attracted the attention of the Faerie. Enzo slowly turned his attention to the girl the grin on his face faltering only for a second.

"oh my, what an ugly creature this is, so ugly and revolting, I can fix that" Laiten watches as he reaches for the girl

"move away from there hey! get away from him!" he shouts going toward her

"what the hell are you talking-" First came silence then a chilling scream as the girl's headless body dropped to the ground Laiten and the girls friend stared at the scene horror written on their faces a splatter of the dead girl's blood painting Laiten's uniform a bright crimson red.

Draken charges at Enzo slashing across his chest and delivering a heavy blow to his jaw.

"you- you killed her" Laiten mutters still surprised by what just happened before his eyes, immediately the other begins to scream but is quickly silenced by Laiten who puts a hand over her mouth to prevent her from attracting attention to the 

"good grief," says Enzo as he heals himself from the multiple slashes on his body

"we're attracting an unwanted audience," he says glancing at the girl being held down by Laiten

"Such a shame, I have to leave already," he says with a wicked grin.

Laiten looked relieved still shaking slightly from the scene that unfolded before him

"at least, I didn't leave empty-handed," he says grinning disappearing in a cloud of smoke along with the girl he killed, a sinister chuckle remaining in the air before every sign of him, was gone.

Laiten sits there releasing the girl he was holding, shakily looking to Draken. the sound of the door opening interrupts his thoughts as the door opens revealing the headmaster

"what are you doing here huh? I thought I told you the literature teacher would not be available today" he says looking at them

"Sir, it- it's not what it looks like I can explain," says a panicking Laiten

"is your nose bleeding boy? go get it checked already, it's ruining your uniform" he says before walking out of the office.

The girl walks out of the office quietly but is stopped by Laiten

"I'm sorry about what happened to Ayaka" 

"Ayaka? Who the hell is Ayaka?" she asks leaving him confused

"Ayaka? your best friend? the one that was just killed by the faerie" he says pointing to the blood on the ground but on turning around the once destroyed and blood-covered office was back to normal, in the center stood Draken looking like he hadn't just undergone a battle

"is this another one of your dump pranks? gosh you're so pathetic" she says walking out of the office leaving Laiten standing there confusion written on his face

"Laiten there you are" he looks up to see Killian walk-in

"I've been looking for you everywhere"

"what do you mean? you walked me here to meet Miss Akira remember" says Laiten

"huh? Who's that?" this question sends Laitens brain spiraling

"the new literature teacher" 

"huh? What the hell are you talking about" Laiten couldn't understand what exactly was happening anymore

"dude stop acting weird come on let's go home already," says Killian pulling him along.

As they walked home Laiten couldn't stop thinking wondering what was happening

"hey are you listening?" asks Killian snapping in front of his face and bringing him out of his thoughts

"huh? Yeah, yeah I'm listening" 

"well I was saying-" 

"wait a second," Laiten says as he spots Ayaka's older brother on his way home

"hey Iruka!" he says running over to him. Truka turns to him quietly

"Can I help you?" he asks looking at Laiten

"It's about your sister Ayaka"

"sister? I don't have a sister".