

DaoistyzeBIf · 現実
2 Chs

The Cold Grip of Maturity

The world's harsh touch has etched its mark deep into your soul,

So young yet bearing the weight of maturity's toll.

A child robbed too soon of innocence's grace,

Forced to confront life's bitter, unforgiving face.

Where has the laughter gone, the sparkle in your eyes?

Where is the warmth that once filled your heart's disguise?

In the arena of life, you've learned to fight and fend,

Suppressing emotions, lest they break and rend.

But with each battle fought, a piece of you is lost,

A fragment of your soul, at a cruel price embossed.

You yearn for solace, a kindred spirit's touch,

To bare your wounds, without fear of judgment's clutch.

Someone to wipe away your tears, to gently show,

That amidst the darkness, hope's embers still glow.

Yet, the scars of the past run deep and bind,

Whispering doubts that trust you cannot find.

You fear to be hurt again, to face betrayal's sting,

So you remain in silent sorrow, a captive of your king.

Is this the life you envisioned, the path you sought?

The price of strength, dearly bought?

In your eyes, a silent plea for release,

A longing for a life that brings more than just cease.

But who can hear your unspoken cry?

Who can breach the walls that rise so high?

Perhaps all you need is a flicker of hope's embrace,

A glimmer of light to illuminate your inner space.

Keep your eyes open, my friend, for somewhere out there,

Someone awaits, who sees beyond your despair.

Someone who will show you, you're worthy of love's embrace,

That happiness is yours, a gift you must chase.

Do not relinquish hope, let it guide your way,

For you deserve to bask in joy's radiant ray.The world's harsh touch has etched its mark deep into your soul,

So young yet bearing the weight of maturity's toll.

A child robbed too soon of innocence's grace,

Forced to confront life's bitter, unforgiving face.

Where has the laughter gone, the sparkle in your eyes?

Where is the warmth that once filled your heart's disguise?

In the arena of life, you've learned to fight and fend,

Suppressing emotions, lest they break and rend.

But with each battle fought, a piece of you is lost,

A fragment of your soul, at a cruel price embossed.

You yearn for solace, a kindred spirit's touch,

To bare your wounds, without fear of judgment's clutch.

Someone to wipe away your tears, to gently show,

That amidst the darkness, hope's embers still glow.

Yet, the scars of the past run deep and bind,

Whispering doubts that trust you cannot find.

You fear to be hurt again, to face betrayal's sting,

So you remain in silent sorrow, a captive of your king.

Is this the life you envisioned, the path you sought?

The price of strength, dearly bought?

In your eyes, a silent plea for release,

A longing for a life that brings more than just cease.

But who can hear your unspoken cry?

Who can breach the walls that rise so high?

Perhaps all you need is a flicker of hope's embrace,

A glimmer of light to illuminate your inner space.

Keep your eyes open, my friend, for somewhere out there,

Someone awaits, who sees beyond your despair.

Someone who will show you, you're worthy of love's embrace,

That happiness is yours, a gift you must chase.

Do not relinquish hope, let it guide your way,

For you deserve to bask in joy's radiant ray.