
thoughts and things throughout my day and life

This really isn't anything cool or entertaining well it might entertain you, but anyway this is just gonna be me writing down thoughts that appear to me throughout my days in school or at home P.S pic is just random pic from google images of brook from one pice

Yasser_Samir_8538 · 都市
15 Chs

It’s been a year

Well hello there my 2 viewers. I don't even know if y'all care anymore but whatever I don't really give a fuck.

Anyway you guys must've been so worried searching and scouring the world to find me, your supreme retar - leader, supreme leader.

So you must be wondering about what exactly happened. Did I get kidnapped by ISIS, join a gang, run a mafia, become a politician, have a year or so long anime training montage.

No something even more crazy than that happened something none of you were expecting.

I… I-I forgot that I had this whole thing going on. I mean hey I was busy af at school, went back to Iraq for the summer, went back to school, started getting back in better shape, joined drama (I know, zero bitches) found a crush, got rejected by said crush, beat my dick a bit and just had fun.

So all in all I lived my life I touched grass (unlike some of you basement dwellers) (just joke) (or is it?) and just enjoyed the process.

So let's all just forget about the past and make sweet, sweet passionate love.

Wait wrong website my bad.

Now that I officially remembered this book I'll probably just upload if I really get an idea or something.