

You should be happy I'm doing this again doc you said you wanted more "detail" about the sensations I get when those things happen so I'll do my best to describe this one. You know the kinds of jobs I do? If not that fine I usually work on houses that have been abandoned or houses that have a crawl space but todays job was weird. I asked Jack my boss what we were doing today and he said inspecting an attic for someone which caught me by surprise but I went with it. When we got there the owners told us that there's a light in the attic but when we went to use it, it didn't turn on so jack told me to check the fuse box I asked the owners and they said it was on the first floor in the laundry room. When I got to the room I saw somethings or to be correct I felt something and part of me wanted to run away from it. Some pressure weighted down on me I had no idea where it was from but part of me knew that "it" was causing it. That feeling of fear, of wanting to move but your legs won't listen, my chest tightened and I tensed up. Only when the one of the owners came to check on me did the feeling go away but now the dreams been getting worse.