
Chapter 694: The Number of Enemies is Increasing

Lu Yi and Jie eagerly came over to help, asking anxiously, "What's wrong with you, Gu Fan? Don't scare us like that."

Gu Fan took a deep breath, regained a bit of his color, and then forced a smile, "It's nothing, I guess I'm just overworked. Sorry for worrying everyone." After that, Gu Fan stood up straight and insisted he needed no help.

"As long as you're okay, that's what matters. You really gave us a fright," Lu Yi and Jie released their held breath, not thinking much more of it.

Lin Xi looked at Gu Fan's forced easygoing demeanor and bit back his worry, his mind filled with concern.

This secret base, Gu Fan had been here before, so everyone naturally followed his lead. Give or take the massive size and Gu Fan's own unfamiliarity with the place, everyone presently viewed Gu Fan as their keystone.

Ironically, Gu Fan was aware of this, he had been mustering all his strength to lead the way, and then became too exhausted to continue.