
Thorns, Fangs And Ice

I was once a human that died, but reincranted as monster. Honestly I'm annoyed. Annoyed at my self. I died a stupid death and my life was boring.... You know what? Screw this shit! I will live a life the way i want to! I'm monster? So what! I will live as the monster if i need to! I don't care if i eat a human or not! I will do what ever i want to!

Andrzejsaw · ファンタジー
54 Chs

Chapter 41 – Young adventurers.

Somewhere in some village, a group of young adventures has just arrived to the destination.

"So, this is the boar village?" – said the young male adventurer.

"Slow down Adrian." – said the girl with a witch hat.

"Yea dude. Why you are always excited like idiot?" – asked the male archer.

"And afterwards you charge into the enemy like hero and I have to heal you." – said girl who appears to be a priest.

"Why again is this guy our leader?" – asked a chubby young man with leather armor.

"Oh, shut up! I won fair and square the position of the leader!"

"With the rock, paper and scissors?" – replied everybody.

"But I won!"


"Yea. We may consider appointing new leader." – said the archer.


"Okay. Calm down everybody." – said the female mage.

"I know you are annoyed and all, but we need to our job first."

"Let's go and find the village chief already."

"Excuse me? Litle miss over there?"

A little girl that was wearing a cloth over her hair and bit pale skin that was carrying a basked of potatoes has turned towards the mage.

"Yes?" – said the villager child.

"Excuse me. We are group of adventurer that had- "


"Adventures!?" – said the girl with excited look.



"Em… Could you please tell me where we can find the village chief? We need to meet up with him."

"Villag chief? Hm… If you go that way, you should see a half round house that is standing out. It's the villager chief house."

"I see. Thanks." – said mage.

"Say, are you by any chance staying for the night?" – asked the little girl.

"Em… Yea. We will be staying for the night."

"Then, I recommend that inn over there."

"Anyway, see you around!" – said the little girl before walking away with the basket of potatoes.

"Hm… Sweet girl. I think she is interested in becoming adventurer when she grows up."

"Anyway, let's go already."

The small party of the young adventures headed straight to the village chief house in order to meet up with the village chief.

After arriving to the house, their request was immediately accepted to meet the village chief.

"I see. So, you are the adventures that took the commission, yes?" – asked the old bald man.

"Yes. We are the party that consists of 5 F rank adventures."- said a young man.

"And about the request."

"A-ah. Yes."

"The request is about the pigmans. They are a humanoid monsters that has head of the big and have dark blood."

"They eat anything they find. Wheat. Humans."

"They are pretty annoying and dangerous monsters to common folk like us."

"A group of 4 of them were sighted nearby in the small forest. They probably originally came from the forest that belongs to the elves."

"Those pigman probably don't know about our village, but its just mater of time before they found out about us."

"We want you to deal with them."

"I see." – said the young man.

"The small forest is located where exactly?"

"West from here. It's a very small forest to the point it may not be even called forest and you can see it as soon as you leave the village."

"I see. Well then, what do you guys' thing about dealing with the pigmans right now?"

"Yea. If they as strong as goblins then they shouldn't be any problem." – said the archer.

The group of young adventures left the mans house and headed straight to the forest where the pigmans were located.

"Say. We fought already goblins. But how powerfully are the pigmans compare to them? Are they are like on the bottom of the rank or maybe at top?" – asked the priest girl.

"Pigmans are more stupid than goblins and they suck way harder than then in magic, to the point that seeing even single pigman mage is extremely rare."

"So pretty much all of them are just mindless brutes."

"However, unlike goblins they have bit tougher body and bit more strength, so that makes them bit annoying." – said the young man with a shield and mace.

"Even though they have same danger rank, the pigmans are stronger."

"But goblins are smart and can use tactics. So pretty much both of them have the same threat level."

"Huh. I though they would be… I don't know… At least hard?" – said the young swordman.

"Well, we took a low ranking quest and all, so what did you expected?" – said the female mage.

"But there is a bit of annoying info about the pigmans."

"Goblins possess a bit of a night vision, but the pigmans possess a kin sense of smell."

"Their sense of smell isn't really that good, but they can smell blood quiet easily."

"So, yea. Leaving any of those monsters to roam freely near settlement will end up with some civilians dying."

"Not only that, both goblins and pigmans can reproduce at fast rate as well as grow up quite fast, goblins reproduce way faster than pigmans, but still pigmans reproduce quiet fast as well."

"And to make matters worse, the bigger their tribes gets, the bigger the chances of the stronger variant or evolution of these monsters appearing are."

"There was a lot of cases where there was a huge group of goblins and pigmans who had high danger rank and consider of several high ranking monsters."

"So, depending on their numbers as well as how well developed they are, the danger rank of both pigmans and goblins can change by a lot."

"Wait. So, isn't letting the goblins roam free in the beginner adventurer forest a good idea?" – said the female priest.

"Nah. They forest is filled with monsters that do not mind hunting goblins, so they are bit screwed. Besides, there is also the fact that there is a lot of new adventurers hunting there. So, goblins have no time to develop or evolve."

"So pretty much only low ranking and weak goblins are living there."

"By the way, its time to end our talk."

"Look sharp. Our targets are here."

The group of pigmans that were reported villager were discovered by the adventures.

"Well then, lets get it!" – said the party leader.

The party confronted the pigmans who were roaming around the village and after some time passed, the party returned back to the village and gave their proof of their subjection to the villager chief.


"That didn't took long as I though?" – said the party leader.

"Yea. They were bit tougher and they did have some power, but overall, they weren't that strong." – said the archer.

"But from what I know, people struggle a bit when they are facing them for first few times. Maybe we become strong enough to not have any problem with them?" – said the chubby adventurer.

"Or maybe we worked so well as the team to the point we were able to easily deal with those monsters?" – said the party leader.

"Well, the job is completed either way. But the question is now, what should we do?" – said the chubby adventurer.

"We thought it would take much longer to find the pigmans, but we found them from get go and deal with them. Should we head back to the town?"

"Nope. We won't make it before night fall and are any of you ready for camping?" – asked the female mage.


"Though so. We will be staying here as we planned before and we will head back early in the morning."


"Maybe you should be the party leader?" – asked the archer.

"Nah. I can see it being bit annoying position."

"Anyway, that little girl from before told us that there is inn in this village and its apparently that building over there."

"Common. Let's go already. I also want to eat something since I forgot to eat my breakfast."

The party headed straight to the inn and as soon as they entered it, they ended up meeting somebody they weren't expecting.



"Wait! You are that little girl from before!" – said the party leader.

"Wait. You are working here?"

"Yeb. I'm helping around and doing all different things in the inn." – said the little girl with cheerful smile.

"By the way, you came here to rent a room, yes?"

"A-ah. Yes." – said the mage.


"Miss Amber! Are you free right now?"

Suddenly, the elderly lady had come.

"What is-?"

"Oh. A guests?" – said the elderly lady.

"This is miss Amber. She is owner of this inn."

"Miss Amber, these people are adventures that came here recently and they wish to rent out a room."

"I see. For how long?" – asked the miss Amber.

"For 1 night. We would like also eat something." – said the party leader.

"I see. Then come, I will make you something tasty in the moment."

[Sometime later.]

"Sorry for the wait!" – said the little girl.

"Here are your boar stew." – said the girl while putting plates on the table.

"Oh, thanks." – said the party leader.



"What is it?" – said the party leader after noticing little girl acting weirdly.

"...Well… Never mind."

"Don't worry. Just speak freely." – said the party leader.


"W-well… I've been curios about something."

"I've been wondering about becoming adventurer in future and I kind of want to know about monsters and adventurer ranks."

"This place is well… Peacefull and we very rarely come across any real trouble or monsters."

"Hm… Okay I understand. But why do you want to know about monsters and adventures ranks?" – asked the female mage.

"Oh. W-well... I want to become monster tamer in future!"


"Monster tamer? That is interesting choice." – said the archer.

"W-well… I was thinking that maybe if I tame the strong monster, I will become strong myself? But I also want to how dangerous the adventures work are. Some adults told me that being adventures is dangerous and often young people die."

"So, I want to know how strong do I need to get before becoming the lowest ranking adventurer!"

"Hm… Well, it shouldn't hurt to tell her." – said the party leader.

"…Fine." – said the female mage.

"Listen up. This is how it works with the adventures."

Adventures is a very risky job where you can easily die by letting your guard down or just getting very unlucky.

But the risk is accompanied with fame and money. So sometimes people ignore the danger and become the adventures for either of those two reason if not both.

You can only register as adventurer the moment you turn 10 years old.

This rule apply to humans, but some other races can enter earlier or later. It all depends on circumstances.

Each adventurer possess a rank that represent their power or/and their status among adventurer.

Higher rank means you can accept higher ranked quest and gain more money and fame.

[Adventure ranks]

H - H+ - G - G+ - F - F+ - E - E+ - D – D+ - C - C+ - B - B+ - A - A+ - S

Usually there is a very noticeable if not a big difference between each ranks, expect for the H and H+ since they only revolve around odd jobs or dealing with pests monsters.

When it comes to the monsters, they are also given ranks like adventures.

[Monster rank explanation.]

[H – H+]

A pest monsters that can be easily be dealt by just common folks like farmer.


Grass slime. A simple pest monster that can be easily be killed by destroying its core.

[G – G+]

A pest monster like H and H+ rank monsters, but these monsters posses some means of harming somebody for real or causing some annoying damage.


Horned rabbit. A monster version of the regular rabbit, but not very dangerous, but they can be aggressive and their horn can stab people. However, they are perfect opponents for the beginners adventures.


However, the real problem starts with G+ monsters. They are far more dangerous and can even kill somebody. There were cases of young adventures getting killed by these monsters because they got overconfident.

[F – F+]

A monster that possess a real threat, even to the civilians. They maybe still consider weak monsters by some, but the territory of the F rank is where the real face adventurer job show itself.

F rank monsters like goblins or grey wolf are able to kill adult male if they underestimated them or get surprise attacked.

And monsters like F+ like pigmans are also very dangerous, since if left uncheck, they can cause some destruction.

"Simple put, when you reach an F rank, you will finally be consider a real adventures by others." – said the female mage.

"The H and H+ ranks are more about training, while G and G+ are about showing your ability and seeing if you can work as adventurer."

"And F rank is real start."

"Some people can take special test where they have to complete F rank quest in order to get the F rank from get go and you also have to do some other stuff to confirm person ability."

"So it depends on situation and all. But it's impossible to get rank F+ or higher with special test."

"However, being F or E class doesn't mean you are invincible."

"For example, an army of F rank monsters can kill the E rank adventurer."

"Not only that, some monsters can form an tribes or something and work together, making the monsters threat stronger."

"However, it also go other way around."

"We are party of F rank adventures, but we managed to take down a F+ monsters because we worked together."

"So by working together, even weaker parties can take on higher ranking quest or deal with monsters that are stronger than them."

"But didn't you went and deal with pigmans? How many of them were?" – asked the girl.

"6. But we managed to deal with them easier than expected." – said the archer.

"Maybe we will be able to get F+ rank soon."

"Maybe." – said the party leader.

"Maybe if we take on some more F+ rank quest, we will be able to rank up."

"Oh yea. Let's do it." – said chubby adventurer.

"I agree as well." – said the female priestess.

"Well then, its decided. As soon as we comeback, we will take on another F+ rank quest." – said the party leader.

"Anyway, let's eat up already. All this talking made me even more hungry."

"…. You little bastard. I was one doing all the explanation. You barely said anything." – said the female mage before stealing some meat from the party leader plate.


The cheerful atmosphere filled the room as the party enjoyed their meals and talked about their adventures.

After some time passed, the night finally came and everybody went to sleep.

However, while nobody was aware, a looming shadow was targeting the village while everybody was asleep.