

I sat beside her, looking at her face which was in better condition as before, all her bruises were fading and deep laceration in hands, back and feet were healing nicely while her fractures were operated and already in water condition. Looking at her now I found her very pretty like a delicate beauty. She had small face with pointy chins and long eye lashes. He has never seen anyone with this long lashes before ( Author thinks Mr lion you have never observed other girls lashes before. But don't worry I will never let you see others).

Taking a deep breath he started " what happened Lily , who did this to you .This brutality must have a reason or have you caused this upon yourself, have you tried to stir some trouble that resulted in you having stuck in that hell hole, Are you some rich men's mistress and couldn't warm his bed properly but looking at you I think you have some assets with you. So, I will ask again tell me Lily who is responsible for this if you will wake up I promise to help you in any way I can".

At this point I started shouting, it was good thing this Ward was sound proof or he would have been ashamed but he had to provoke her to wake up because he didn't know anything about her and her medical report was her only clue. He continued "Lily are you an orphan or you have family tell me Lily do you have mother, father". He was constantly observing her movements and heart beat taking a long deep breath he continued " do you have sister Lily or brother tell me" Suddenly the machines started ringing her heart beat started increasing when he said brother. So, he continued on that.

" Tell me Lily who is your brother, he must really love you, do you miss him Lily do you want me to search for him and you can hug him Lily tell me who is your brother" . By this time all the doctors stood outside the door as Lily's monitor alerted the staff but he made them wait. Because he wanted to wake her at any cost and he had taken all precautionary measures.

Suddenly he saw her hands moved and her eyes opened suddenly startling everyone she looked at him and said something in low hoarse voice I stood beside her and listened carefully and what she said made my heart quiver. She said " I want to kill them all" I asked who Lily, she again replied " my family I want to kill my family and specially my brother " and suddenly she fainted. Doctor rushed to her while I stepped aside. Making a promise to himself that if her family is responsible for this he will help her kill them all.