

Dumbledore strolled through the American congress of magic like he owned the place. Requesting a meeting with Samuel G. Quahog, but not bothering to actually wait for an answer.

He took the elevator up to the top floor of the Woolworth building. Where the holding cell was located.

After the trouble the grandson of Voldemort had caused he had been sent to the maximum security.

Dislocated jaws crushed bones internal bleeding and many other wizards and witches who nearly drowned.

Now it was unequivocal. Perseus Jackson was a wizard and quite the powerful one it seemed. Wandless magic wasn't taught in Europe nor America. Only in Brazil and Africa.

Nothing implied this boy had been to any of those places. Someone had to have taught him.

Although these facts brought him back nearly 70 years ago when he first met Tom Riddle. He had amazing natural skills with wandless magic.

Perhaps it was something hereditary. Dumbledore passed a room where the infant found with Perseus could be heard crying.

He heard a crash and quickly opened the door. Raising an eyebrow in bewilderment. The nurse taking care of him had to dodge her own supplies as it spun around the room like a cyclone. Fruitlessly trying to calm the baby who only got angrier.

The old man wisely closed the door before a volley of syringes flew into it.

That was certainly troubling.

Dumbledore walked towards the holding cell and entered, naturally without permission. Startleling the minister of American magic Samuel G. Quahog. A well dressed portly man with a short bushy beard and round glasses.

"Great heaven! Dumbledore don't startle me like that!"

"Has he awoken yet?" Casually asked the older wizard stepping next to his fellow wizard. Eyeing the hundreds of runes recently scattered accross the walls. A thin transparent energy field blocking the grandson of Voldemort from causing anymore trouble.

"No, I must ask Dumbledore why and how did it take thirteen rihno tranquilizer to take down one seventeen year old boy!?"

"That I am afraid I do not know old friend. There is no informations about the father of the Boy?"

"Not this one nor the other. Even if Perseus Jackson here hadn't crippled several wizards he's definitely getting time in prison for endangering the status of secrecy."

"That is good, but I am afraid that will not be possible."

"And why is that?" Dangerously replied the American wizard.

"There a many pressing matters that concern him back in Britain. I believe it is wiser if I take him off you're hands."

"I cannot give you his costudy! I thank you for reopening the file and solving it, but this is an American criminal. I couldn't let you have him even if it hadn't taken 20 men to pry open his arms and rescue that child and that he hadn't crippled nearly was many. He is too strange to simply let go!"

Percy's eyes snapped open. Wide with pure unbridled rage.

They're first mistake was tying him down with regular handcuffs.

He effortlessly snapped them and sprinted at the two old men. Looking like a blur in they're perspective. He slammed into a blazing forcefield. The resulting strength shaking the entire room.

Dumbledore looked at Percy curiously. While the son of Poseidon practically snarled as he pressed his fingers into the forcefield. Roaring in rage as he heard his son's cries. He started prying it apart with his bare hands.

Dumbledore pushed the minister behind him and pointed his wand at Percy.

A thick gas flew out of the tip. Filling the room with the same kind of tranquilizer used on him before.

Percy stumbled through the broken forcefield. Barely awake before being knocked out again needing twice the amount used prior.

Dumbledore closed the door containing the gas.

"Maybe it would be wiser if you took him in you're costudy begrudgingly admited the minister.

"I believed so." Hummed Dumbledore looking genuinely troubled.


Harry woke up to a noise he never thought he'd ever hear in 12 Grimmauld place.

A child?

A crying one to be more specific, that sounded much more plausible. Ron Weasley groaned as the cries woke him and Harry from their deep slumber.

"What in the bloody hell is happening?" He complained turning on his side to press a pillow to his ear.

Not about to fall back asleep again Harry sighed and got dressed. He barreled down the stairs towards the kitchen where the cries emanated.

"What's going on?" He demanded gesturing at the crib next to the dining table.

"Oh hello dearie." Greeted Miss Weasley over the cries of the infant. "Apparently this poor little thing was with the grandson of Voldemort when they found him. They still haven't found the parents of the poor boy."

The child somehow cried harder. Making Ginny and Hermione cover they're ears. Harry thought it was a miracle his glasses hadn't cracked.

"Oh the lungs on that child" grumbled Molly "well I've raised eight children it's not a single one that'll best me."

"I don't remember Ron or Ginny screaming so loud." Grumbled one of the twins with tissues in his ears. He didn't stay long snatching an apple from a basket and swiftly leaving.

"Voldemort's grandson is here?" Harry asked his throat going dry.

"Oh there's nothing to worry about dear. Dumbledore has him well restrained."

"Sirius, Remus and professor Snape are going to try and give him Veritasium. Which I thought was illegal?" Added Hermione.

"He is seventeen and therefore of age." Shrugged the matriarch.

"Can anyone silence that bloody baby!" Ron snapped barreling inside the kitchen.

The baby threw his arms up with another cry. An invisible knocking down the youngest Weasley boy into a wall.

"Was that accidentall magic?" Harry asked bewildered and getting closer. The closer he got the more the cries intensified.

"That seemed pretty damn deliberate to me!" Snapped Ron jumping to his feet.

"Language Ronald!" Warningly said Molly.

"That baby just sent me into a wall!" He complained back.

"That honestly says more about you." Snarked Ginny earning a glare from her brother.

"Calm down everyone, every child has bouts of accidental magic."

"As far as I am aware never this young or even that powerful" drawled another voice.

Harry turned to Professor Snape who walked inside the room.

"I thought you were supposed to interrogate the Grandson of you know who?" Questioned Hermione.

"Well miss Granger it seems these two fools thought all I was good for is brew the needed position. He walked next to the crib and peered down at the child. Studying him much too close for comfort.


Harry looked down as well. The baby looked barely a few weeks old, but already had a lot of dark hair. His grey eyes nearly gleamed like a cat in the dimly lit room.

"What's interesting?" Harry wondered.

In response the potion professor pulled out his wand and pressed it at the edge of the crib. The small child cried out louder as if in pain. Snape pulled the wand away, effectively subsiding the cries into tiny whimpers. Snape brought it back down and the baby cried in alarm once more.

Snape repeated the process several times, before it finally clicked for the people in the room.

"Stop that!" Snapped Harry batting away his teacher's arm.

Snape sent him a thunderous look as if he had just commited the ultimate offense. He levelled his wand at him, the tip aimed upward, but Harry perfectly understood the underlying threat.

"You do not order me around Potter, is that clear." He sneered down at him like something disgusting clinging to his shoes.

Suddenly he was smacked on the side of the head with a wooden spoon.

"Out!" Thundered Molly Weasley "you get out of this kitchen or help me Merlin you'll regret it!"

The baby had finally calmed down, but Harry couldn't tell if that wasn't out of exhaustion or not.

"Finally" sighed Molly.

Harry side stepped around the crib and sat down next to Hermione.

"How are you doing Harry?" She asked gently.

"The grandson of my parent's murderer is under the same roof as me." He deadpanned "not really sure how to feel about that bonkers situation." He huffed taking an apple for himself.

"Yes that does sound like a strange situation."

"More like an infuriating one." Harry shot back taking a generous bite. "You think he'll say anything about you know who?" Curiously interjected Ginny.

"We don't know if he's even aware of him. After all you know who only started amassing forces very recently. Logically replied the bookworm.

"What do you think Harry?" Ron wondered sitting down on his right.

"I don't know." Tiredly admitted the chosen one. "I guess we'll just need to wait for Remus and Sirius for the answer to that."

The entire building shook.



Percy was getting tired of getting knocked out. His eyes slowly cracked open, the room was dark, an empty vial layed before him. With a tired groan Percy rose to his feet.

Groaning in annoyance as a light suddenly blinded his tired eyes.

"What do you know of you know who's plans?!" Demanded a voice Percy suddenly felt complied to answer and not tell the voice to go fuck itself. Which in itself was pretty strange.

"Who the hell are you talking about?"

"You're grandfather."

"Tough luck dipshit my grandparents died years ago." Huffed the son of Poseidon his patience already wanning.

"Not you're muggles parents idiot we want to know about Voldemort!" Rudely chimed in a new voice.

"Who?" Percy asked bluntly.

"You made him drink the veritasium right?"

"What do you think Sirius I gave him two dosage per Dumbledore's orders." Remus hissed back.

Sirius raised his hands in surrender and held the light closer to Percy's face.

"Who is the child you kidnapped?"

"His name is Matthew Solomon Jackson and he's my son, WHERE IS MY SON!" Percy practically roared punching the forcefield. Effectively shaking the entire building and making the two interrogators stumble into each other.

"He's safe!" Hurriedly exclaimed Remus "you're son is perfectly safe."

"He better be for you're sake." Darkly replied the demigod.

"Who's the mother, kid's s ghost. Also aren't you seventeen?"

"I am, his mother's gone." Percy said sadness creeping into his voice.

"Did you kill her?" Bluntly replied Sirius. "No" Percy's fingers started grazing against the forcefield. He looked around and saw all of the symbols and runes etched into the stone.

"Did you force yourself on her?"

"Sirius!" Snapped Remus.

"No" Percy replied because of the potion, but he made himself clear anyway.

"One more word out of you and I swear to whatever god you believe in. I will rip out you're vocal cords with my bare hands and shove them back so far down you're throat you'll be talking out you're own ass for the rest of you're very short life."

"You sure You know who wasn't part of his life." Nervously asked Sirius.

"Are you aware of you're heritage?" Remus asked almost nervously genuinely disturbed by the threat.

"Been since I was twelve, but I got a feeling we're not talking about the same thing."

"You're mother's father is a dark wizard, the name of Voldemort. He has recently risen."

"Let me guess" Percy interrupted "you want me to kill him."

"What? No! We just want to know if you have any informations about him."

"Well I got jack shit for you." Bluntly shot back Percy crossing his arms.

"Well this got us nowhere." Huffed Sirius. "Perhaps Dumbledore can shed more light on this."

"Oh I believe in Professor Snape's skills in potion as much as my own. If you're questioning earned no conclusive answers, then he must have nothing to hide."

"Still we cannot let him go." He added making Percy scowl deeper.

"And pray tell why can't you fools let me go?"

"You see my boy."

"Don't call me that." Percy shot back only to be ignored.

"You're grandfather is undoubtedly aware of you now. Letting you go would mean giving him the possibility to corrupt you."

"So you're going to keep me into a cell until you take him down and keep me from my son in the process?" Percy replied unimpressed. He glanced at the rune covered walls.

Dumbledore sent an inquisitive look at the two friends.

"He answered that question truthfully under the potion. The baby is his."

"How curious." Hummed the old wizard. "Well I assure you the child will be taken well care of."

"Yeah no." Percy jabbed the stone wall. Leaving a fist size crack in it.

The structure of the spell crumbled dissipating the barrier in a shower of sparks.

Remus and Sirius raised they're wands. Surprised and more than a little nervous by the casual display of strength they wouldn't even expect from Hagrid.

Dumbledore approached the situation more calmly.

"My young friend you fail to see things from our point of view."

"Hard to see like an idiot." Snarked the son of Poseidon.

"Now that we know you aren't a threat. We can keep you safe from Voldemort's influence."

"Okay first of all Gandalf, I don't need protection, the trail of crippled bodies in my wake speaks for itself. Second of all I'm not so easily manipulated. Lastly, what kind of name is Voldemort?! My French is pretty crappy, but I'm pretty sure that either mean death steal or flight of deaths?!"

"You love to hear yourself talk don't you." Grumbled Sirius.

"Bitch you're the two who couldn't keep their mouths shut. Besides my voice is my gift to the universe, no refunds."

"Do we have to keep him?" Grumbled the animagus. "It is that or leaving him to his grandfather. Forgive us for this entire situation. Please make yourself at home in Grimmauld place."

"Where's my son before I knock you're teeth in." Bluntly snapped Percy.

"He's in the kitchen one floor down." Sighed the old wizard.

Percy walked past them down outside of the holding cell.

"Sir are you certain this is wise?" Remus couldn't help, but question.

"In all honesty my friend I have no idea, but I am fully certain of one thing, and that is the further this boy is from him the better."

If only Dumbledore could be certain of how long he could keep the two separated. The last thing the dark lord needed was the mysterious force of nature that was his grandson.

Percy barreled down the stairs erupting in the kitchen. Face to face with another set of green eyes.

His wand raised right in front of his face.