

When a guy died by a truck, he was meet by R.O.B and he gets wishes from R.O.B, he want to be reincarnated as thor. DESCRIPTION: I DO NOT OWN ANYTHING

david_vazcano · アニメ·コミックス
59 Chs

Chapter 41

Thor began to show ashley around asgard while ashely recording it, from hospitals, Buildings for researching technology and magic, theaters, arena, city hall and other places in asgard.

Thor began to introduce and show ashley where the Einherjars, they walk to where there are buildings and barracks where asgardians are learning and training, they see the einjhars and asgardian people learn history, the art of war, wield and train weapons, riding advance transportations and animals, art of survival, teamwork, training physically and mentally, and more.

Thr einherjars are wearing uru golden and black armor, with a helmet covering all over their face, shield, sword, daggers, spear which can shoot laser.

Next, they walk to the Valkyrie building and barracks where all women in asgard regardless of they are vanir and Aesir train in here to be an elite guard and army of asgard.

They trained and learn the same as the Einherjars but more difficult and tiring, the valkyries usually ride pegasus or they can also ride advance hover motorcycle.

Ashley are in awe and excitement when she see the valkyries, she read them in the norse book that the valkyries are all beautiful and strong independent women, now she believe look at them and they are exactly what the norse book describe them.

They begin to the hospital where technology and magic are combined into one to help and cure people, there are also advance technology and magic combine into machines.

The research buildings is a place where they research technology and magic, they create breaktroughs and create new inventions or spells in this place, there are also alchemies in here.

They arrive at the arena, the design of the arena is similiraly looks like roman but different. The arena located at the east of asgard, there are three stages the audiances seats there are in circular form, the seats also have dividers with three arches in each and four big dividers connected with the staves of the statues. Numerous arches can also be seen inside the arena which are just above the highest stage of the audiences seats and connected with the arches outside.

There are also hallways and rooms in the highest layer of the arena, thor get into the audience area with ahsley recroding around the arena, she never expect the arena would be this huge and magnificent.

After introduing her to different places, they finally arrive at the palace. "Here we are, welcome to my home!" Thor said gesturing ashley to the golden castle.

Ashely is stunned and wide eyed, the castle in front of her is made out of gold. "T-This is where you live?!" Ahsley look at thor, she looking at thor like he is the richest man she ever seen and met.

"Yes, this is where me and family lives." Thir said, smile.

She look at thor and the castle again wondering how rich is thor and he must be very richer than the rich people on earth.

Thor and ashley walk to the front of the entrance to the castle, there are einjhar guards gurading the entrance of the palace. Thor gets in the palace because he is the prince of asgard but ashley suddenly stop by the guards and thor began to stop his track.

"Halt, who are you lady?" The guard ask.

"W-Well, i-i was invited by thor." Ahsley said, she is stuttered and nervous.

The guards didn't believe hee but suddenly thor began to speak. "What she said is true, she's with me." Thor said.

The guards heard thor words look at each other nod, they began to retreat and back to guard the entrance again. "Come one, let's go!" Thor said.

Ashley look at the gods warily then begin to walk catching up to thor, "By the way ashley can you stop recording amd turn off the camera?" Thor ask.

"Why?" Ashley ask, she is surprise thor want ashley to stop recording.

"I want to keep my entire life, family, and evehthing in this castle aprivate." Thor said.

Ashley is silence of thor words, she wants to record everything in the castle but when thor said he wanted to keep his private life she didn't mind that because she already record many things in asgard. "Sure, i already record most things in asgard anyway." Ashley began to stop recording and turn off her camera.

"Thank you!" Thor said.

They begin to explore the castle until they heard someone talking behind them. "Thor, who is this women?"

They turn around to see a tall and fair-skinned woman wearing asgardian dress with sleeveless, she is so beautiful like a goddess and very sexy, attractive, straight waist-length black hair, blue eyes, muscular build, and broad shoulders.

"Diana!" Thor smile at his wife while ashley wide eyed and jaw drop at the woman in front of her.

Ashley in her entire life never see a woman so beautiful and sexy, all women on earth can't compare to the women in front of her.

"Diana, this is ashley, a human on earth and a hunter!" Thor introduce ashley to diana. Ashley, this is diana, she is an amazon and my wife!" He introduce diana to ashley.

"A-Amazon?!" Ashley shout, surprised. "Are you really an amazon?"

"Oh, it seems like you know my people!" Diana rsised an eybrow and smirking.

"Of course i know, i read your people on the books regarding the greeks, you people live on an island full of women and no man, a race of female fierce warriors and hunters noted for their, riding skills, courage, and pride." Ashley said.

"You are right about that." Diana nod, she begin to look at thor and approach him.

She kissed thor and he kissed her back. "Wh-What are you two doing?" Ashley shout, surprised and blushed at those two sudden action in front of her.

Both of them seperated from their kiss and look at ashley. "Sorry ashley, i forgot to tell you diana is my wife!" Thor said.

"What!" Ashley said, she is stunned and confused. 'Shouldn't thor wife would be lady sif and not diana?' Ashely read the norse myth that thor's wife should be sif but in real life thor married to diana, an amazon.

"But what about lady sif, shouldn't you marry her like in the norse myth?" Ashley ask.

"No, me and sif are friends and comrades." Thor said. "Altough we have dated before but we broke up in the end and marry this beautiful women." Thor look at diana smile.

"Oh thor." Diana heard what thor said and have him seductive smile.

"Get a room will you." Ashley rolled her eyes at the two didn't care about ashley are watching them, she is still blushing and shy though.

"Ah yes, sorry about that, should we continue our journey shall we?" Thor ask.

"Let's go." Ashley said, she sigh in relief finally getting out of this romantic situation.

"Diana would you like to follow us, i was going to introduce ashley to our family and the castle?" Thor ask.

"Sure why not, i have nothing to do anyway!" Diana said.

Thor and diana link their arms together while walking, as they begin walking through the palace with alice introducing the sections in the castle.

They finally arrive at the huge gate leading to the throne room. "What is this place?" Ashley ask.

Thor was going to answer her but suddenly someone began to call for thor. "Dad, you're back." Someone said.

They look where the source of the sound came from, they look at the woman who look exactly like diana and the same goes for the women beside her but the woman beside her has golden hair like thor but they are younger.

"Yes, I have arrived a few hours ago." Thor said, the two arrived young women who look like diana set their eyes on ashley. "Father, mother, who is this woman?" Theo ask.

"Kate, Theo meet ashley, she is from earth and I am taking her on the tour on asgard." Thor said. "Ashely meet katerina and theodora, me and diana's children."

Ashely look at thor's children and they look exactly like diana except for theo's hair, she can feel the power from both of them are so powerful. "Hello, my name is ashley." offer a handshake.

"Hello my name is Katerina Thorsdottir." Kate accept her handshake.

"And i am Theodora Thorsdottir." Theo also accept her handshake.

"So, you are here to meet our grandpa?" Theo ask.

When theo said 'grandpa', ashley is surprise to know who is this grandpa theo is talking. 'Odin!' Ashley thought.

"What do you mean by meeting your grandpa?" Ashley ask, confused.

"Well, you are at the door to the throne room, so i thought father want to introduce you to The All-Father!" Kate said.

Ahsley is wide eyed and frozen on the spot, her mind begin to become a mess and sweating. 'Meeting odin? The All-Father and the king of asgard? Oh. My. God, i didn't know what to do, will he be like thor or he would be different, is he gonna kill me or not?' Ashley had thousands of questions running in her mind.

Thor and his family began to get confused looking at ashley who is frozen on the spot sweating and staring blankly. "Hey ashley are you alright?" Thor out his hand on her shoulder.

Ashley snaps out of her thought and look at thor, diana, katerina, and theodora who is looking at her confused and worried. "Y-Yeah, I'm okay just nervous of meeting The All-Father and the king of asgard." Ashley said.

"Don't worry ashley, my father will not harm you." Thor said, reassuring ashley.

"He is right, our grandpa will not harm you unless you became a threat to asgard and the nine realms." Theo said.

"O-Okay!" Ashley said, stuttered and still won't calmed down, she is still nervous and their reassurance also didn't help her.

They begin to arrive at the gate to the throne room, the gate begin to open revealing a massive and wide golden hallway with golden pillars.

The edge of the hallway is the throne, the throne was seated by a large 7'0 ft tall muscular old man, grey-haired, golden armor mixed with black color, blue eyes, a gold eyepatch on his right eye, and holding a golden spear.

They are now standing and stopped before the steps to the throne. "Father!" Thor began to bow at him along with diana, theo and kate while ashley just frozen in her spot looking at odin with wide eyed and jawdrop.

It was breathtaking for her to see odin, The All-Father and the king of asgard, she can feel the power of odin is very powerful and magnificent.

'Oh. My. God!' Ashley shout in her mind, she can't believe in her entire life she would meet odin, The Odin.

"And are you the women who wants to visit asgard, to prove if we asgardians and the nine realms are real or not?" Odin ask ashley who is still standing frozen and looking at odin.

Ashley snap out of her thoughts look at thor and the people beside her began to bow, she look at their action quickly began to follow suit. "Yes, I am, your majesty!" Ashley said.

"Then do you know what ia want in exchange of you visited asgard?" Odin ask, lean his body.

"Yes, i know, your majesty." Ashley said, still bowing and didn't dare to look at odin.

"You five people may rise up your heads!" Odin said, as they began to stand and look at the All-Father. "Diana, i wany you and your children out of herr, i want to have a discussion with my son and this human."

Ashley twitch her eyebrows at odin when he call her 'this human', not her name. "Yes, All-Father!" Diana look at her children. "Come, let's give them some privacy."

Kate and theo obey their mother as they walk out of the throne room, now there are only odin, thor, and ashley are in the throne room.

"Now, let's talk shall we?" Odin look at ashley with his glowing eyes and deep voice.

Ashley gulped and sweating nervously when she see odin face and deep voice. 'I am fucked!' Ashley thought.