

When a guy died by a truck, he was meet by R.O.B and he gets wishes from R.O.B, he want to be reincarnated as thor. DESCRIPTION: I DO NOT OWN ANYTHING

david_vazcano · アニメ·コミックス
59 Chs


The void there is nothingness in here but in the darkness there is a ball of white wandering how did he be here.

The ball of white is a soul that died because hit by a truck. When he was wandering alone there is a bright flashlight and suddenly there is an old man floating in front of the soul.

??? : " hello there young man, my name is r.o.b and yes you have already die because you've got hit by a truck."

The soul was stunned because the man infront of him was r.o.b he knows who he is because after when he got time he reads fiction about meeting r.o.b got wishes and get reincarnated.

The soul said " so if I have already dead what I will do right now?" god said " of course you already know what I will gonna do because you have read all fictions about geeting reinacranted and get wishes from r.o.b when they are dead." Well he is not wrong though. so I said " can I have some time to think about my wishes and hownmany wish i got?" to this r.o.b only nod his head said " 5 whishes." The soul was thingking what wish will he make.

The soul said. "All right I know what wish I will make

The first I want to become thor from marvel comics and all of his transformations like cosmic king thor, phoenix king thor, rune king thor,etc.

The second with I want to have ultimate system with omniversal shop, infinite system points, infinite money, can see the fiction in my past life if there is a new one and I can also travel through omniverses and also travel throught crossovers fiction with the kingdom of asgard and it's people if i want to.

The third wish I want all knowledge from my past life from comics, novels, games, movies,etc and I want you to block mind reading of my past life and knowledge of it wheteher it's from cosmic god, warp reality beings, gods, etc

The fourth wish I want to break the shackle of the rules of the universe, multiverse, omniverse, etc and i want to have infinite high talent and affinity of all supernatural system trhoughout the omniverse like mgic, ki, chi, cultivation, chakra, etc.

The last wish is I want to have infinite potential and also my powers cannot be absorb, copy, stolen,etc."

After saying what i want r.o.b said. "For the first wish it's gonna be a problem because i need to see which thor you can reincarnate, for the second and third wish I can do that, the fourth wish is a little difficult but i can do that and for the fifth wish is okay." I only nod to r.o.b and when r.o.b is done, he said that he will go for a few minutes to see which thor I can reincarnate in the marvel comics.

A few minutes later

R.O.B came back and said. "Alright then i know which rob that you will reincarnate to."

The soul said " thank you r.o.b."

R.O.b said " your welcome, alright then off you go now." and with that he thanos snap me.

R.O.B is now alone he almost forgot to say something to him that he give him something but he just shrugged it because that guy will probably figure it out or not.