
Vampire Thor Part III

The world of monsters was far more intricate than Thor could have ever imagined. Vampyres were but one section of this world, a significant player in the politics that governed and shaped the world of Hyboria from the shadows. But there were many other races of monsters in the world and many factions within them.

As Thor had soon come to learn, Vampyres were no different.

Scattered all across Hyboria, dozens of different factions of Vampyres, Covens as they were called had established their own power bases. Some hidden away from the world, hunting in the shadow of the night. Others, openly ruled, enslaving and feasting upon humans without care.

It was a vast and deep network that spread across Hyboria.

Thor wanted nothing out of conquest other than to feel that thrill of a fight. By invading enemy lands, it would force their strongest warriors to come face him. Lands and kingdoms may ally together and come to face him. It provided Thor the chance to feel like he was Thor Odinson once more, the greatest warrior of Asgard once more. The warrior who fought against the Jötunn of Jötunheimr and against the great World Serpent, Jörmungandr.

That's all he wanted now.

The island he had washed upon the shore of lay within the Vilayet Sea, a large body of water that was within the centre of the continent of Hyboria. Leaving it behind was simple, flying across the wind in his form of mist before reforming upon the mainland.

Thor wondered around, watching and learning the secrets that had laid beneath his viewing previously. He understood the true depths of this worlds mystery and it fascinated him. The strange creatures upon the island he just came from, the monsters that inhabited the land. All of it fascinated Thor beyond measure.

And as he followed these trails, the clues and secrets he gained, Thor found himself travelling further and further north until he reached the end of the land of Hyperborea. It was, as many said to be the end of the world, that beyond the ocean was nothing. However, that was just the Midgardians belief. To the monsters of the night, there was something that lay further beyond, something powerful beyond measure.

So much so that it both terrified and intrigued them.

Once again, Thor travelled body nothing more than mist. It was long, days passing by and yet nothing came into sight. Those days turned into weeks and still nothing. So long was this journey across the ocean that Thor wondered if there truly was nothing.

Until finally, in the distance something came into sight.

An island.

-X- Line Break -X-

How many years had it been since someone discovered this land? Decades? Centuries? He didn't know, time ticked by and despite trying to keep track of its passage, it was impossible. Each day was spent the same, deepening his connection and understanding of his powers. Watching over the Deviants that still lived, repopulating and existing freely amongst one another, whether that be in peace or at war with one another.

It did not matter, so long as they existed he was fulfilling his oath.

All the while he waited patiently, guarding over Mjolnir in preparation for when the destined one would arrive. None had proved worthy yet, but he held out hope that one day someone would. Thor had to believe that was the case or else everything would have been for nought.

Feeling the presence of his counterpart approaching, Thor remained seated and instead allowed his powers to reach out into the world around him. Barely but a drop in the vast ocean within him, yet a powerful gale formed. His counterpart resisted, tried to fight against the direction of the wind, yet he was also trying hard to retain his form.

At the end of the day though, his counterpart was not strong enough to resist, none of them ever were and was dragged before him.

"Welcome, Thor Odinson." To his side, Mjolnir began to spark, much as it always did when encountering a fragment of the soul of Thor Odinson. "We have much to discuss." The slitted gaze that stared out at him was inhuman, not like the others who met with him. But he looked Midgardian, unlike the last one that came.

That green-skinned being who possessed incredible power gifted by the various gems he wielded. Arrogant also, much like all Thor's were, but he wasn't a threat nor was he able to make Mjolnir budge.

Despite his hopes, Thor didn't think this new counterpart would fare much better either.

-X- Line Break -X-

It was a Thor, that much he quickly realised as he looked upon the being before him. He had been able to tell the moment he felt the powerful wind drag him out of the sky. Yet as he looked upon the Thor before him, he didn't know what to think except awe.

There was power there, beyond anything he had felt before. It surpassed him when he had been Prince of Asgard, it surpassed even Kree-Thor when wielding his old power and the Nega-Bands. Even as one of the first of the Citadel of Thor's, he was one of the few to have personally met the Founder of the Citadel, yet even he did not possess the power of this Thor before him.

"What are you?" Thor wondered, but then his gaze turned, attention enraptured by the sparking of lightning that came off the stone hammer. It was covered in moss, overgrow with vegetation, but there was no mistaking nor hiding the power within it. "What is that?"

"I think you already know the answer to both those questions." The figure rose to his feet, moving towards him and extending out a hand. "I am a fragment of the being once known as Thor Odinson. That, is the great hammer wielded by the first and greatest of us, the original Thor from the first cycle of Ragnarök, Mjolnir."

Taking the hand, Thor was pulled to his feet and just from that single instance, gained an understanding of just how outmatched he was. This Thor, the presence of his strength was undeniable, the armour he wore possessing an ancient power to it that only further made this version of himself that much more powerful and dangerous.

"Take it." Confused, Thor rose a brow at him. "Mjolnir, see if you can lift it."

He was hesitant, this whole encounter was strange and surreal to him. But ultimately, the connection he felt that drew Thor towards Mjolnir became too much and he moved forwards. His steps were slow and measured, his heart pounding in excitement as he drew closer towards the stone hammer.

It was not as glamorous or as beautiful as the Uru forged hammer he wielded in his time. Crude and rough stone that had been forged into a hammer of unimaginable weight. But there was something far more ancient and powerful laying within it that made it impossible to draw his gaze away from it.

One hand wrapped around it, the lightning sparking much brighter for a single moment before it went dark and quiet. Suddenly the once warm grip became cold and Thor felt his heart drop. A sudden desperation came up from within him as he pulled upon it with two hands but nothing happened.

Behind him, the other Thor frowned sadly.

'Another one fails to lift it.' He thought, moving to place one hand upon Thor's shoulders, calming his desperation. "It will not budge."


"Because while we possess a fragment of the soul of Thor Odinson, we are not he." He answered. "It is a hard truth to realise, but it is nonetheless the truth. We are but part of a whole. Mjolnir recognises that part within us, but it is not enough. Not to make Mjolnir answer to our calls."

Thor frowned angrily, collapsing to the ground in disbelief. "What does that mean we are?"

"It means that we are part of Thor Odinson, but also our own existence. Servants or slaves to the wishes of those who brought us into this world. Forced to work towards the goal of freeing Asgard." Another hard truth, but one that he had accepted long ago. It was why he remained here, living in solitude. It was why he never pursued a dream or ambition because he knew that would make disappearing that much harder.

But at the end of it all, Thor Odinson would have to be reborn.

That meant they would have to disappear.

"Slaves?" The thought had crossed Thor's mind at times also, but he had never really given it much thought. "Is that all we are?"

"Sadly, yes. It is why I remain here, guarding Mjolnir. It is why the Founder of the Citadel of Thor's searches the universe for more power. It is why the Citadel was formed in the first place. All of us working to bring an end to the cycle of Ragnarök before it becomes too late."

Before parts of Thor Odinson no longer wanted to become part of the whole or became corrupted.

"You know of the Citadel?"

Thor nodded his head. "I and the Founder were the two to put the plan in motion when he first came here. I would remain here, guarding Mjolnir from those who might wish to take it for themselves. He would be the one to gather the Thor's together and bring an end to Those Who Sit Above In Shadows. A task that we knew would not be easy with the factors that affect us with every cycle, but one that had to be done all the same."


"With every cycle, part of our soul is cast out into the Cosmos, reborn into you and I. But with that, the Thor that is reborn upon Asgard has less and less of his soul. His divinity weakens and his power wanes. Those Who Sit Above In Shadow also interfere, slowing our progress of power." Thor explained. "Each Thor is weaker than the last and that process will continue."

For a moment, both dissolved into silence, one trying to understand the full weight of what he had been told, the other providing him time to do so. It was not an easy truth to be told, much like many things pertaining to themselves. However, it was a story he had told many times. Each Thor that came reacted in the same way, some handled it better than others. But those that did not take the news well were not a threat to him.

The question was, how would this Thor handle the truth?

-X- Line Break -X-

Looking upon the tomb, Odin frowned deeply, heart pounding as he spread his power out across the tomb in search of the entity within. The body inside was still present, a soulless husk that once was a body. But the power within it, the vile and corrupt power that had made him a threat that it took the combined might of Buri, Bor, Mimir and Njord to defeat, leading the subjects of the corrupted being in rebellion.

However, it had not been an easy battle. With that vile power within his body, the King who called himself Øde was one of the most powerful beings within the Ten Realms.

Since then, every All-Father of Asgard had watched over this tomb, ensuring that the power within would never escape. Not even the Those Who Sit Above In Shadow dared disturb this tomb, they were fearful of the evil power within. Odin had considered using it for himself for a time, back when he was young and foolish.

However, sense and logic, an understanding of the power within gifted to him by Buri made him see reason. That power may provide the possibility of victory in the future but also come with far greater consequences.

Now though, the tomb was open, the power within gone, wandering the Cosmos once more.

Odin was afraid.

If it should choose a host, whether they be pure of heart, good or evil, it would not matter. The corruption and evilness of that power would run rampant and corrupt them. No strength of will could ignore the power that came with it.

The Røkkva could not be allowed to find a host.