
This True Vampire Ancestor is clearly strong but overly cautiou

Edward, who traveled to a different world, became a top vampire hunter. With his strength and charisma, he gains a group of excellent companions and becomes the leader of the hunter's guild. He even kept vampires in captivity, extracting their residual value and sucking their blood. However, there was one thing he didn't notice.......... He was a vampire himself. Or the strongest True Vampire Ancestor in this world.

Gandhi51 · ファンタジー
50 Chs

Chapter 45 - Naming

  "That's the Lionheart Flower!" Baldwin, who was still happy that he had found the herb, didn't notice the change in Lianca's body.

  "What are you waiting for? You two come and help me dig up all these Lionheart Flowers .... Uh..." The Guildmaster looked up and followed Kayne's gaze to Lianca before he realized the extra Lianca Peak.

  After sighing, he said helplessly, "Won't you smother them like this? And won't you die if you smother them and they scratch you?"

  "But I really want to keep them." Renka whispered.

  "Well, I'll hold them for you, I'm at least a bit more resistant to poison than you two." Baldwin said helplessly.

  So Renka happily undid her collar and handed the two munchkins over to the Guildmaster.

  Baldwin grabbed one of the "kittens" by the back of its neck and lifted it up to look at it.

  The two lion and scorpion beast cubs also had tarpaulins wrapped around their tiny paws and tail pins by Lianca to prevent the little things from scratching themselves while they were in her arms. It seemed that the elf maiden wasn't a stupid one-track mind in some ways.

  "You two dig up all these Lionheart flowers so that if anyone in the guild is poisoned by these two little brats in the future, there will be enough potions to treat them." Baldwin said.

  "Well, you can also get some white celandine seeds, and the feces from these two little guys can be utilized to cultivate lion heart flowers." Edward added.

  "Yeah, yeah!" Renka said happily, then soldiered on to dig up the Lionheart flower.

  "Be careful, the part of this flower that detoxifies is the rhizome, don't break the roots when you pull it." Baldwin warned.

  But it was hard to beat the nature-friendly elf girl. Lenka skillfully poked and scattered the surrounding dirt with a small wooden stick, and then uprooted the Lionheart flower with dexterity.

  It seems she wasn't just making this up about being good at farming in her home town.

  Edward followed Lenka's example and dug up a Lionheart flower perfectly as well.

  Soon, the two men had scooped up all of this patch of lion's heart flowers and loaded them up.

  Once the work was done, the three began to withdraw.

  On the way back, the three demon statues remained kneeling there, not moving at all.

  Still, the trio stepped farther around the big guys.

  After getting far away, Edward glanced back at the magic statue and thought to himself, ''These three big guys can't move again, it's better if they all remain silent like this forever afterward.''

  However, just as this thought of his fell, the ground suddenly trembled.

  This startled the trio, but the demonic statue did not move, instead remaining in a kneeling position and slowly sinking into the ground.

  "This place is horrible, let's go back." Lianca's face went white.

  Fortunately, nothing more alarming happened on the way back, and in the evening the three escaped the ruins and returned to the camp.

  As soon as she stepped through the door, Ivory rushed up.

  She had stayed within the city of Constantine today, and had rushed over with a few elite hunters after hearing about what was happening over here.

  Originally, she was going to jump right into Kayne's arms, but the sight of Lenka and Baldwin put the brakes on the car.

  "Kayne, you three are too risky! You should get a few more people together for something like this .... Huh, Master Baldwin is that a cat in your hand?"

  She had a whole bunch of worried complaints ready to go, and she forgot all about them after seeing the two munchkins.

  Edward, on the other hand, handed the bag containing the Lionheart flower to Chief Hector, who was on the sidelines, "Quickly, Chief, find a few people who are good at alchemy to refine it into a potion."

  The Chief Steward grabbed the bag and ran off to the side inside a simple room, he had called all the hunters in the guild who specialized in alchemy.

  The other hunters were happy that the trio had returned safely. They all curiously gather around Edward to ask about the situation inside the ruins.

  Instead, Evely and Lenka had their minds on the cubs. Baldwin handed the cubs to the two huntresses and sat down with Edward to tell the hunters about the thrilling sightings along the way.

  After a while, the chief steward came over with a bottle of lavender potion.

  "Master, the potion has been formulated, the color, traits, and smell are all consistent with the Lionheart Flower Potion recorded in the data."

  "Come on, let's go and try the effect."

  Together, the group made their way to the top of the city wall, where the lifebloom created by Lianca was still swaying gently, next to the two hunters who had been guarding it.

  "Lenka, undo the magic." Baldwin said.

  The elfin girl nodded as she handed the lion and scorpion cub she was holding in her arms to Evely and then lifted the Pod.

  Chief Hector immediately fed the potion into the poisoned hunter's mouth.

  It didn't take long for the toxins on his wounds to start fading as he drank it down, and after his complexion returned to normal, Edward began casting [Healing Hands] on him.

  The wounds that had been unhealable began to scab over quickly, and the hunter woke up.

  However, he wasn't sure what to do now and yelled out, "Lion and Scorpion Beast! Help!"

  A "kitten" in Evelyn's arms, as if it understood, opened one eye and meowed.

  The hunters were amused by the sight and burst into laughter. And the three who had ventured out today were also infected by the laughter, showing their tired smiles.

  No one noticed as a bat burrowed out from under the walls and took advantage of the night to fly north.


  "Wake up the demonic golems of the old capital and have them attack the 2nd True Vampire Ancestor?Come on, come on, tell me what genius came up with this idea!"

  A tall, skinny, count-ranked bloodblood raised his voice at the meeting of the "Society for the Seal of the Emperor".

  Seeing that no one said anything, he slammed the table and said, ''Don't you guys know that the magic statues in the Old Capital were all infused with magic power by the Second True Vampire Ancestor himself back then? These magic statues would all kneel down and call their father when they see the Second True Vampire Ancestor! Did you guys activate the magic statues to remind Second True Vampire Ancestor that he still keeps an army in the Old Capital that can easily exterminate a small country?!"

  "Well well well, Cousin Styria, there are newborn Bloods among those here, and it's only natural that they don't understand some of the things that are going on here." Duke Madias said, "The good thing is that this was done relatively cleanly, the Second True Vampire Ancestor shouldn't be able to detect that it was us who activated the magical statues, and according to the report, the Second True Vampire Ancestor sealed those magical statues again, and the result wasn't too bad."

  However, the Duke's voice became strict next:

  "But this incident also warns us that we should consult with everyone before taking action, and not to act without authorization, not to mention acting rashly!"


  "By the way Lenka, have you figured out what you're going to name these two kittens yet?"

  "No, Evely help me think of two good names."

  "Wait, don't ever let Evelie help with names." Edward, who had been given the name True Vampire Ancestor, protested.

  "And what does Mr. Kayne have in mind?"

  Noble Duke looked at the two kittens and thought for a while, then said, "How about this one with brown fur is called Chocolate, and the one with white fur is called Vanilla?"

  Lenka and Evely nodded their heads as they listened.

  "It's very nice hey. You like the name too, don't you? Chocolate?"

  Chocolate's eyes were closed and she didn't react, but Vanilla meowed.