
This Time I'll Be The King

The world changed. The Myriad of Worlds ate the Earth away, turning reality into the unknown. The familiar land turned into danger and a mysterious system granted powers. Zen survived through hell, only to find death at the hands of betrayal and a powerful enemy. Yet death was not the end as he receives a second chance. First, he must survive through hell again. Will he be able to build a place for himself and the survivors of the Old Earth? Releases: released by volume, no set schedule. Volume I - Timeless First Day, currently available. All main story chapters will always be available here. If you like the story, support the novel with the e-book: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09JMPMX16

SmilingBlueWolf · ファンタジー
37 Chs

The Fruit And The Path

I smiled, "That's an amazing ability there."

[Minor Heal]. Despite being incapable of curing Ath'Taren poison or similar ailments, minor wounds like mine should heal instantly. With this type of healing, there was a limit on how much each body could heal. As an innate healing ability, it cost little to no Qi to use.

I eyed the little thing differently now. To have something like this on our travels could save many lives.

"Warrior, do you know what happened? I have read many books from my people but nothing mentioned something like this."

"I only know what my ability tells me. I will tell you about it, but we have to go now. It's not safe here."

The others agreed. The cute creature suddenly put his hands together, lowering his small head, and resting the long red furred tail on his head. "Warrior. You are brave and strong. I am Fira. We, Yusisin, are people of land and trade, not war. I would ask you to escort us back. Our village will reward you."

The name [Yusisin] didn't ring a bell. The others also followed, putting their hands together, lowering their heads, nesting their tails, and shouting "Warrior".

It was clear Fira was their leader.

"I can't say I'm strong. Not in this world. Haven't you seen it before? Their commander almost killed me," I sighed, avoiding to introduce myself, "But as long as you share the food with us, we will escort you back."

It wouldn't be bad for them to owe us. We found food for Soomi, but there was not enough for the others, and I had to leave the Yusisin with some. I wasn't that merciless; it was their food after all.

Besides, food supply was always a priority, and the cause of many wars in this world. With this, we got the food to help Little Soomi survive, and even rescued some people. We took risks, but anyone would call it a win.

"You are our savior. It is only fair that the food is to be shared. There is plenty since we were heading to trade," Fira agreed readily.

"Soldier, Fira. Get the wounded on the cart. Jiwan will pull it. Each of us takes fruit and eats on the way. No more."

"What? I'm pulling it alone?!" Jiwan complained, "Only one?"

"Those fruit-looking things are rich in Qi and nutrients. Don't compare them with the fruits from our world. It will be too much for your body."

"What if I took two?" Jiwan continued with a gluttonous look, "... I'd die?"

"Not really, no. You will God knows how long in the wilderness open-air bathroom. Without wipes," I smiled.

The Class Rep twisted her face in disgust.

"And you should drag it because you just opened the Path. You are full of energy, the cart should be light enough. It will also help you circulate Qi and get used to it faster. I will help if it's too much."

I assigned the Class Rep and the soldier to guard duties. The other humans were too scared to talk, just happy to be alive and soon to be fed. They followed the soldier without questioning things.

We headed in the direction I believed the village was in. The strange fruit filled our bodies with energy, improving our condition instantly.

"Delicious!" Jiwan shouted. The Class Rep and other humans agreed.

The Yusisin swirled their long tails proudly.

I suddenly remembered something, "Those Ipagettafira. Does your village have seeds?"

"Of course, Warrior. However, it is forbidden for anyone to take them outside the village without the Village Elder's approval, and I have never seen him do it."

Those seeds were true riches in this world. We needed them, even if by force…

No. I was a bastard, but not a villain. I couldn't rob those people without justification. I will earn those seeds before leaving for Sonis City.

On the way, I calmly tell them about the [World Merge] and the [New World]. How several parts of other worlds merged with ours, theirs was one of them. I couldn't know why the Old Earth was chosen. Nothing would be the same for us and them. Everything was dangerous from now on.

The humans believed me this time. They had seen too much not to. The first time they didn't believe in me, it cost them many lives.

"That is… disconcerting. I wanted to ask our Village Elder to find help to save the ones they took before. Now, I'm not sure I will be able to, or even if I should put everyone at risk..." Fira's tail dragged itself to the ground in frustration.

"Do you think they are still alive?" I was surprised.

"Yes. The first time they attacked us, I understood one of them told the others to take prisoners, even if I did not understand their words."

It made sense. I wasn't sure what the Mo'gar were after, but food was always a priority. Since they took the fruits and the other stuff, they weren't completely irrational.

I shook my head, "You should forget about it. The Mo'gar are killers. They will kill everyone without mercy if they find out where your village is."

"But I cannot leave my kin behind."

The moment Fira said "kin", I saw Jiwan's eyes filled with sadness and regret.

I also understood what he meant. Even now, I also think about the sergeant and brave soldiers from the bridge. They put duty above their own lives, even in face of pure chaos and death.

I wanted people like them by my side when I build a place for us. Yet I can't let Little Somi die, and I sure as hell don't want to fight any stronger Mo'gar. Taking risks was foolish. My priority was always to live and see the Old Earth Humans through this hell.

"You said you would ask for help. Does your village have powerful warriors?"

"No. We hire from outside for escort and dangerous jobs. I thought we could hire those, but after you explained the state of the world…"

"Yeah, everything is different. You probably won't find mercenaries right now. It might even bring more trouble."

"That is why we are grateful for your help, Warrior," The Yusisin once again did their bowing ritual.

"Call me Zen. You are being a great help to us, too. Not only with the food, but I'm sure you noticed our clothes."

Fira nodded, "Yes. But it would be rude for me to ask."

I explained how we found their dead, performing a ceremony for them. I wasn't sure how they would react.

"We, Yusisin, are no strangers to death. We would have brought along their clothes and materials for the living, and also buried their bodies," Fira answered calmly, "We are thankful, Warrior Zen. The clothes are too small to be a gift. We will provide you with better ones in the village."

I smiled, "Thanks, Fira. They really are small, specially near the crotch-"

Before I finished speaking, the Class Rep seemed to be in a daze after eating her Ipagettafira.

"!!!" It took only an instant, but New Qi was circulating through her body at great speed.

"Class Rep, you… opened the Path!" I said gleefully.

"Eh, really?!" Jiwan jumped in fright.

The Class Rep smiled beautifully, got up and pointed her extended arm at me, as if holding a bow.

Don't tell me…

From her arm, Qi surged forth, pure and strong, forming some sort of Qi Bow.

My mouth opened wide.

[Qi Archer] Trail!