
This NPC Just Wants to Live a Good Life

Betrayed by the people he trusted the most, Ethan Kai dies and reincarnates into a game-like world as NPC. Determined to escape the cycle of missions, death, and sorrow, Ethan pledges to find solace in his new existence. Who would have thought that even non-player characters would encounter their fair share of trouble.... sometimes? [Welcome to the Harmony Matrix System where strength is honed through battle, and power is earned with every clash. As you continue to push your limits and face formidable adversaries, you will unlock new abilities—] "Shut up!" Ethan hissed. [Unrecognized Command. Unable to comply.] Tags: No Harem, System, Transmigration,

B_Mitchylle · 都市
31 Chs



**[Congratulations on activating Harmony Matrix System!]**

**[Activation Blessing Granted - When a combatant first activates the Harmony Matrix System, they are granted the "Activation Blessing." This serves as a symbolic gesture of embarking on their journey to mastery within the system]**

**Activation Blessing provides a temporary boost to the initiate's attributes, making them 100% more formidable]**

**[Duration: 24 hours.]**


**[Bully Intervention Mission Completed]**

**[Reward credited]**

**[Complete Daily Mission for more rewards!]**


**[Stats Available for viewing…]**

Ethan tried to ignore the pounding headache that accompanied the incessant voice inside his head as he walked out of the club.

"Take care of everything," Ethan accepted the handkerchief Jihoon handed him before stepping into the car. Jihoon simply nodded without uttering another word. He promptly made a few phone calls.

"Anything else you need, young master?" he inquired.

"No," Ethan replied. He wanted to immediately leave this place to handle everything. Even though he wasn't the real Ethan, he believed he owed the deceased a measure of respect. Especially his grandfather.

After this, he planned to find trustworthy individuals to manage the family business while he ventured to the tropics and possibly started bartending somewhere.

This time, his dream was to lead a peaceful life, far from schemes and troubles. However, he now realized that even if he distanced himself from Yeonsin, trouble would find its way to his door, as he was born into the organization.

"Aish…." Perhaps it would have been better if he had been born an ordinary person. He closed his eyes and almost instantly, floating words appeared in his mind.

He contemplated checking his basic stats, and as expected, the stats materialized in his mind.

**Name:** Ethan Kim

**Race:** Human??

**Level:** Novice Level 1

**Basic Stats:**

**Health Points (HP):** Represents the combatant's physical well-being and ability to withstand damage: 8/10

**Energy Points (EP):** Represents the combatant's energy reserves for using abilities and skills during battles and missions: 20/10 (Activation Blessing activated countdown: 23:58)

**Strength:** Reflects the combatant's physical power and ability to deal damage in combat: 20/10 (Activation Blessing activated countdown: 23:58)

**Agility:** Measures the combatant's speed, reflexes, and overall nimbleness: 20/10 (Activation Blessing activated countdown: 23:58)

**Intelligence:** Represents the combatant's mental acumen, problem-solving ability, and magical or strategic aptitude: 20/10 (Activation Blessing activated countdown: 23:58)

**Charisma:** Reflects the combatant's ability to influence others, negotiate, and build alliances: 20/10 (Activation Blessing activated countdown: 23:58)

**Experience Points (EXP):** Represents the combatant's accumulated experience, earned through battles and missions, and used for character development: 2/10

**Reputation:** -12/10

**Abilities:** NONE

**Rewards Available. Check now?**

Ethan ignored the prompt, his focus was on a few things...

'What the heck is this question mark after the race? And what about his reputation? Why was it so bad? -12? Did he do something to warrant that number?'

Ethan's expression darkened. Could this mean he wasn't entirely human? Was he an alien or something? Or was he a central character in some game's plot?

He opened his eyes and began punching the air in frustration. This is what Jihoon saw when he entered the car. Almost immediately, he frowned. It seemed the young master couldn't contain his anger and frustration over his grandfather and brother's deaths.

"You don't need to worry, young master. We'll do our best to punish whoever is responsible." Jihoon assured him before he started driving.

After a few minutes, they arrived at the airport and departed for Yeonsin.

Ethan took this time to examine the rewards granted by the system. Glowing words appeared before him.

**Bully Intervention Mission**

**Objective:** Address and resolve a bullying situation without causing death or using any weapons.

**Status:** Completed


1. **Experience Points (EXP):** 2 EXP - Reflects your growth and experience gained from successfully resolving the bullying situation through non-violent means.

2. **Agility Boost (5 minutes):** After successfully completing the mission, you gain a temporary boost to your agility, making you faster and more nimble for the next 5 minutes. This boost can be invaluable in evading potential conflicts and can be activated through Mental Visualization.

3. **Strength Surge (5 minutes)**: After successfully completing the mission, you gain a temporary surge of strength, enhancing your physical power and combat abilities for the next 5 minutes. This surge can be crucial in overcoming challenges and can be activated through Mental Visualization.

3. **Healing Boost (24 hours):** As a reward for promoting healing and non-violence, you receive a 24-hour boost to your healing abilities. This boost enhances your capacity to mend wounds, whether physical or emotional, during this period and can be activated through Mental Visualization.

"So, the EXP from earlier was due to completing the mission?" Ethan mused, now sitting at 2/10 EXP. What would happen when he reached ten? Did that mean he would level up and become stronger? He was currently a Novice Level 1. Would there be other levels beyond Novice?

And why in the world did he have a game-like system inside his head? Just thinking about these questions made his head hurt even more.

He decided to focus on the daily missions.

Daily Strength Training:

Objective: Complete a daily training routine to enhance your physical strength and combat abilities.

Description: Devote 2 hours to practicing combat maneuvers, meditation, or healing techniques to improve your abilities. Additionally, dedicate 1 hour to cardio training, focusing on any cardio exercise of your choice.

Reward: Earn 2 Experience Points (EXP) for your dedication and commitment to daily training.

Punishment for Failing to Complete Daily Strength Training:

EXP Deduction: If you fail to complete the daily strength training, deduct 4 Experience Points (EXP) from your current total. 


Conflict Resolution:

Objective: Identify and mitigate potential sources of conflict or danger within your community.

Description: Actively address issues or disputes to prevent them from escalating into more significant problems. Your intervention can help maintain peace and harmony in your community.

Reward: Earn 2 EXP for successfully resolving conflicts. Additionally, gain 1 EXP for enhancing your reputation within the community, reflecting your role as a peacemaker.

'Well... what the hell? What's this Peace and Harmony all about?'

What kind of peculiar system was this? During his days as an assassin, he had played games and read novels, but he had never come across a system that promoted peace within a community.

He had actually expected this Matrix System to involve tasks like killing people to become stronger or something of that sort!

Isn't this a Villain System? Isn't this a Fighting System?

After grumbling about the system for some time, Ethan dozed off and was abruptly awakened by Jihoon when they reached Yeonsin.

"Young Master, some folks are tailing us..." Jihoon informed him as soon as they disembarked from the plane.

"Let them," he replied. Right now, his focus is firmly on completing his daily training regimen.

Despite his reluctance to get involved with Yeonsin, he had little choice. His survival was his priority.

Acknowledging that the system could assist him, Ethan promptly resolved to strengthen himself through this unconventional system.

Should he sprint from the airport to his grandfather's mansion? Would that count as cardio? It didn't seem like a prudent move, considering some people wanted to kill him now.

"Young Master, the car is this way..." Jihoon stated, his expression serious. He kept a watchful eye on the three individuals tailing them and signaled their own associates to handle the situation.

After getting into the car, Jihoon immediately drove Ethan away following a predetermined route, skillfully avoiding the planned ambush by their adversaries.

"Young Master, this time we're taking the long route. We can't afford to be careless," Jihoon cautioned.

"Hmmm..." Ethan simply nodded. He contemplated his grandfather's company, wondering if it could aid in his quest for strength.

As far as he could remember, that company is...


A deafening explosion caused Jihoon to abruptly stop the car, sending Ethan lurching forward. Lacking a seatbelt, he struck his head against the front seat, prompting a grumble of frustration.

"Young Master..." Jihoon turned toward him. "I don't know what's happened, but it appears our plan has been compromised." Four other cars obstructed their path.

Jihoon attempted to reverse, but two more vehicles swiftly blocked their escape. "I intended to ensure no one followed us to avoid arousing suspicion. As it turns out..." Jihoon clenched his teeth.

Ethan could only sigh.

"Young Master, I'll divert their attention. Please head to the Chairman's company as soon as possible. I will hold them off." On cue, Jihoon's arms transformed into steel.

Observing this, Ethan raised an eyebrow. This veteran butler was naturally an Essentia who had faithfully served their family for decades. He had the ability to turn both of his arms into steel.

"No need," Ethan declared, eyeing the roughly ten individuals dressed in black who encircled their car. Not one of them carried a firearm to avoid drawing attention. If he was correct, these individuals should all have Essentia.

"Pass me a dagger," Ethan requested. Since he arrived in this world, he had shown no interest in weapons or combat, but that didn't mean he had forgotten his tens of years of training as an assassin in his past life.

"Eh?" Jihoon furrowed his brow. "Young Master, I know you've been training martial arts since you were a child, but these people..." How could the enemy send someone without an Essentia?

"Now?" Ethan inquired

Witnessing Ethan's resolute expression, Jihoon reluctantly handed him one of his daggers, inwardly sighing. "Our associates will arrive in a minute or two." Despite instructing them not to follow the car, these individuals were still nearby in case of emergencies.

"Remain inside the vehicle," Jihoon urged. "I'll handle these individuals. These people…" But before he could conclude his sentence, Ethan forcefully kicked open the car door.

With a deafening crash, the door detached from the car, colliding with three of the assailants encircling their vehicle.

Jihoon's eyes widened in astonishment. "Huh? That power..."

Even Ethan found himself taken aback. A mere kick had sent the car door flying?

Was this the result of strength 20 together with the strength surge? What kind of unbelievable strength was this?

"This…. Young master?"

Ethan pursed his lips as he met Jihoon's surprised eyes.

This is my attempt at writing a male novel. It's going to be comedy as I just wanted to have fun. Please don't take this novel seriously. Hehehe

Release: 1-2 chapters everyday until I end my other novel.

B_Mitchyllecreators' thoughts