
This Novel Is For Cultivators

Light and dark, heads and tails of one coin. The Rules and Morals drove humans to civilization. At the same, it was the shackle for humans. Those who followed the rules and morals were great heroes. Those who rebelled against rules and morals were great evils. Yu Xuan was not a psychological expert, but he understood the depths of human nature. A great hero or a great evil was just a human's opinion. Yu Xuan loved the rules and morals, but he was not bound by them. In this world where strong reigned the supreme, justice was a strength! This was a journey of, Yu Xuan, a normal disciple of the Five Elements Sect, who had a rebellious thought against the world. He knew the rule of right and wrong, that was just a method. However, his goal was not to do good deeds or bad deeds, it was to seek the meaning of life. He wanted to know the depths of things behind life. What is life? Where is life from? When is life first appearing? Why is life different? Which life is real life? How is the first life form?

HeavenlyPunishment · ファンタジー
23 Chs

A Day Before The Competition

At the Training Field.

Handily whipping one of the disciples, Meng Hou's gaze landed upon another youth, "Fei Wang, this will be your result in the competition!" Meng Hou smirked and looked at the youth who was not far away from him with disdain.

"Bullsh1t! I'm not that weak!" Fei Wang shook his head.

"What did he say?"

"Did I hear wrongly?!"

"Now this is a show! Before Meng Hou was a 1st-stage Foundation Establishment Realm, Fei Wang was a 3rd-stage Foundation Establishment Realm. However, during the mission, after Meng Hou snatched the inheritance of an expert from Fei Wang, and Meng Hou handed it to a sect, the sect rewarded him with several resources, and his cultivation increased greatly."

"That's right, from then on, Meng Hou and Fei Wang were the eternal enemies."

"Both of them have a 4th-stage Foundation Establishment Realm as of now. It is unclear who will win."

"Let's not even talk about now. Who knows how Meng Hou will take care of Fei Wang."

"I think it should be Fei Wang who is going to take of Meng Hou."

In an instant, the entire Training Fround's atmosphere was roused.

"Fei Wang, are you afraid now? Hmph! When I first joined the sect, aren't you a person who humiliate me? And now you are afraid? " Meng Hou sneered at Fei Wang, looking down on him completely.

Yu Xuan who was still standing quite far away from them could hear their conversations, these people just joined the sect last year, Yu Xuan, of course, didn't recognize anyone of them. However, upon hearing their conversations, he planned to watch the show for a while.

"Che! You guys are such traitors! Like your boss, Meng Hou!"

"If not for the kindness of our boss, Fei Wang, will you still standing here?"

"Will you still be able to say such words?"

Another group of disciples looked at Meng Hou and his subordinates with disdain.

Hearing these words, all of them showed ugly expressions as they couldn't reject this truth.

"Traitors? There is such a thing?" A new disciple who didn't know their grudge asked.

There were Meng Hou's people, Fei Wang's people, and neutral people in the Training Field.

The matter of Meng Hou and Fei Wang was a hot topic in the last sixth months, they couldn't shut up about this matter. Meng Hou and Fei Wang couldn't stop people from talking about it either.

"A newbie like you is always like this." A youth hugged his arms.

"Aiya, hurry up and tell me." Another youth couldn't suppress his curiosity.

"One primeval essence stone per person." Suddenly, A youth raised his index finger with half his left eye closed.

He didn't speak any words when practicing in a Training Field, but at this moment, he suddenly spoke.

Hearing his words, around a hundred new disciples who were curious couldn't help but nodded.

Because this person was no weaker than Meng Hou and Fei Wang.

"Senior Brother Guan, here are a hundred mortal-grade primeval essence stones, please enlightened us." Each of them gathered the primeval essence quickly to offer Guan Yi.

Some were not interested as they stepped away from that group. One primeval essence stone was important, losing one to listen to other matters was not worth it.

"Aham, this matter has been starting from nine months ago when Meng Hou joined a sect, at that time, he was a 1st-stage Foundation Establishment Realm, Meng Hou had offended Fei Wang due by helping his friend deal with Fei Wang's subordinate, as a result, Fei Wang punished Meng Hou in one strike, making Meng Hou couldn't get up from a bed for a month. After that, Meng Hou made shocking news, he became a subordinate of Fei Wang, he was royal and capable, and in the end, he became the most trusted person to Fei Wang."

"Two months after that, while they were doing the missions, Fei Wang accidentally found the inheritance of an expert. He and Meng Hou had explored that place for a month before they found the inheritance, however, at the critical moment, Meng Hou snatched it from Fei Wang and brought them to the sect, the sect rewarded him greatly after that. From then on Meng Hou was like a rising star, in just six months, Meng Hou jumped up from a 2nd-stage to a 4th-stage, which was near to a 5th-stage." Guan Yi said with a knowledgeable face, his voice rang through the Training Field, everyone could hear it, even the uninterested disciples could hear it, and Yu Xuan who was quite far away could hear it.

"So this Meng Hou is such a person."

"He is a traitor!"

"He is shameless and cunning."

"Guan Yi! Stop earning by scamming people!" Fei Wang looked at Guan Yi with disdain, this guy always scammed people with his stories, and even though he told the truth to the ones who pay him, the ones who didn't pay him could hear what he said either. It could be said that paying or not paying wasn't a matter.

"Fei Wang! Even Brother Meng didn't say anything, why are you such serious?" Guan Yi was smiling at Fei Wang as he said.

The new disciples seemed to not know that they were scammed by Guan Yi.

"Stop bullsh1t! Such noisy! Everyone, listen to me!" Meng Hou suddenly spoke, his voice rang through the entire Training Field, attracting everyone's attention.

When everyone paid the attention to him, Meng Hou nodded in satisfaction.

"Everyone, here I will declare my principle from now on." Meng Hou took a deep breath.

"I, Meng Hou, shall seal the sky! Why must I care for a trivial matter in past? Everyone must be moving on." Meng Hou proudly declared.

Everyone in the Training Field was speechless with such a dominating speech.

"How courage!"







"Sealing the sky? Even Path Seeking Realm experts couldn't do that."

"Path Seeking? Even Rebirth Realm experts might not accomplish it!"

"He wants to be above Rebirth Realm experts? Hahaha!"

"Not knowing how high the sky is!"

Everyone felt that there was something wrong with Meng Hou's brain.

Even Fei Wang and Guan Yi felt disdain.

[This guy has great ambition. This is not wrong! This is interesting! However, he chooses to speak it at the wrong time. He is just a small character now, who will give a sh1t to his words? Only mocking will be his reward at this moment. It is like a poor man saying that he is going to be one of the richest men in the world. Saying such words when he is still a poor man is like asking for mocking.] Yu Xuan shook his head as he wasn't interested in this situation anymore and he left.


At night, in Yu Xuan's room.

Yu Xuan used his Calm As Water Technique to absorb the natural primeval essence from a mortal-grade primeval essence stone.

There were two steps in cultivating for Foundation Establishment Realm.

The Cultivators at the Foundation Establishment Realm absorbed the natural primeval essence at the first step.

The natural primeval essence was everywhere in the world, it was different in the amount in each place.

A river, a lake, and the seas had abundant water path primeval essence.

The grass and the trees had abundant plant path primeval essence.

The lands, the hills, and the mountains had abundant earth path primeval essence.

Whenever the storm passed, it left an abundant amount of wind path primeval essence.

But all in all, every place still contained all paths.

In Yu Xuan's room, he could use his Calm As Water Technique to absorb the natural primeval essence, but it would take 12 hours for him to finish this process.

If he cultivated in a lake, it would take 10 hours for him.

But there was the fastest way to step up this process. It was to absorb the natural primeval essence from the primeval essence stones. It would take an hour for Yu Xuan to accomplish it in his current state.

To absorb the natural primeval essence, one must use a Cultivation Technique to understand their profundity and communicate with them to guide them to the Sixth Sense Realm.

After absorbing the natural primeval essence into the Sixth Sense Realm.

The Cultivators must refine the natural primeval essence to one's path primeval essence.

A Fire Path Cultivator refined the natural primeval essence to the fire path primeval essence.

A Wind Path Cultivator refined the natural primeval essence to the wind path primeval essence.

Yu Xuan, as a Water Path Cultivator, refined the natural primeval essence to the water path primeval essence.

Inside Yu Xuan's Sixth Sense Realm.

The lump of white mist was floating expressionless there. As time passed, it began to expand bigger and bigger, to be a group of white mist an hour later.

On the outside, ten mortal-grade primeval essence stones were used up. This meant, that a group of white mist consumed ten mortal-grade primeval essence stones.

"The next step is to refine." Yu Xuan closed his eyes again and entered his Sixth Sense Realm.

Inside Yu Xuan's Sixth Sense Realm.

A group of white mist had a change, a lump of white began to gather and slowly transform into a faint blue drop. This process was slower than bringing the white mist to Sixth Sense Realm.

An hour later.

A first faint blue drop was completely condensed. It was then automatically floating to gather in one place, slowly building a Pillar.

Another hour passed.

The second drop was condensed and it automatically floated to gather in the same place as the first drop.

However, the amount of white mist was still there.

"Two hours are my limit. Let it refine itself now." Yu Xuan didn't try to attempt the effortless thing. He knew something couldn't be forced.

Like the refining process, normally, it was automatically processed, one couldn't force refining it.

However, humans were intelligent creatures, and many techniques were created to use for refining. According to Yu Xuan's knowledge, one would have a maximum time of an hour to refine the natural primeval essence to the path primeval essence.

Yu Xuan was able to refine for two hours meant that his technique was outstanding among the countless same-grade techniques.

And this was why his cultivation was able to catch up with a genius.

Normally it would take 12 hours to automatically refine all of the natural primeval essences, however, Yu Xuan could reduce it by two hours, which meant he would take 10 hours to refine them.

This was the speed of a special genius.

"Time to rest." Yu Xuan stopped cultivating there.


At the Sixth Sense Realm.

The white mist had transformed into a faint blue drop, however, it was only a half drop before its speed fell sharply.

"Sigh, my Cultivation Technique can only help me thirty minutes to refine it. It would take another hour for it to finish the rest." Fei Wang sighed, he possessed an earth-grade Cultivation Technique, but it could only help him for thirty minutes. Although his Cultivation Technique was not from a sect, instead, it was from his family. The result was not different from a sect's techniques.

"However, Meng Hou is not faster than me, either. It can be a relief as of now, otherwise, my reputation will fall sharply." Anger appeared in his eyes before it changed to hatred.


"With my current speed, I will be a 5th-stage Foundation Establishment for the next month. Not different from Meng Hou and Fei Wang." Guan Yi was using a Cultivation Technique of a sect, but his speed was not faster than Meng Hou or Fei Wang.

"Forget it! I should focus on Combat Techniques, Cultivation couldn't be forced." Guan Yi calmed himself.


Inside a Sixth Sense Realm.

The white mist had transformed into a greenish-white lump, however, it was only a half lump before its speed fell sharply.

This greenish-white lump was the sign of the wind path primeval essence.

Meng Hou opened his eyes without saying.

After a while.

"Stupid arrogant fool! How can such a bunch of small birds understand the goal of an eagle like me? Humiliate me? Tomorrow I'll beat all of you up!" Meng Hou couldn't bear such humiliation. He felt that people were too narrow mind because of his low background, why was this world such an injustice? Meng Hou wanted to change this world.