
This Little Light of Mine, Shine oh Shine

Sometimes being an adult is just too much. It's ok to long for soft hugs and gentle kisses. It's ok to like the fluffy texture of a stuffed animal and the soothing rhythm of a bobbing paci. // Maggie has known on some level how different she was, it just took her two loving girlfriends to help her find her truer self. Being taken care of is easy, but letting it happen is the problem. Giving up your whole self, reverting back to the tender and vulnerable ages is scary for her. // Lena on the other hand has never done anything like this. She just knows when she is comfortable, when she feels safe, she is free to put down her walls and be who she is when she is alone. Kara helps her navigate this new thing, and they fall more in love because of it. // We follow our favourites, Maggie and Lena, as they navigate their newfound selves with their wonderful girlfriends. // This fic is NOT a sexual Age-Play.

Alex_Grey_5388 · テレビ
38 Chs

Chapter 26: G6-084

For the umpteenth time, the now physically regressed littles have woken up from a sleeping state. It has been six days since the incident, DEO now calling it The Blue Sparkles case.All five parties over the days have gone back and forth between the DEO and each couple's homes. So far, only Maggie was able to give blood and do the more invasive parts of tests, even though she had her reluctance, it did help that the entire time she was in her bigger headspace. Over the days the adults all have noticed the changes in Maggie, her reluctance to speak, they all know that this might not end well. Her thoughts take over. What if I lose myself completely, we don't have a clue on how this works or what the hell is going on. I can't lose who I am, I just can't! Refusing her headspace for this long, it can only go downhill. They all just hope that they will be there when not if, she crashes.Lena seemed to stay in her little space, probably unknowingly. The three-foot child was only ever able to have her blood pressure taken, and even that led to tears. The baby has been completely Non-verbal since her outburst at the DEO from the beginning. Refusing to answer any of Kara's questions when asked about the person she was referring to.Kara knows that this muteness is probably from a brief flashback, trauma that her little girl has endured while living in the Luthor household. They all can guess that it was probably Lillian or someone who worked for Lillian. Kara hasn't forced Lena to do any more tests, they show how Maggie handles it, they ask if she will try, she just buries her face into Kara's shoulder, they leave it there. Other than a bit of fussing when she's hungry, the baby Luthor has been an angel.She eats her food, even the veggies they all know she would usually hate, it takes her longer to eat them, she tries to hide her gagging, they pay no mind though, saying something would probably freak her out, she cleans her plate the best she can. She is silent at bath time, just bobbing the starfish set at the bottom here and there. Since adding Maggie the second day, she has been more receptive, Maggie indulges her and plays, Lena does seem to enjoy it. The girls are both pliant, they bend at their mommy's wills, which is unusual, but it all sums up to stress and anxiety.Neither girl asks for anything. Maggie just asks for help when she needs to use the bathroom and Lena grabs onto someone's hand and drags them to the bathroom for help.If the baby raveness isn't sitting in Kara's arms, it's either Sam or Alex, she is almost always touching one of the adults. They surmise it's for safety, whatever her brain is telling her, makes her walk and sleep with fear, fear that she tries to hide but they can all feel it radiating off of her tiny body.It's Monday morning, it's been about a week since the incidents. The routine has stayed the same: Wake up, breakfast, shower. The girls have a bit of TV time. DEO, lunch at the DEO, then home. Snack then nap, wake up, another snack. Playtime, dinner, bed then repeat.Once at the DEO on this fine Monday morning, Kara, once again, tries to coax her girl into having her blood work taken."I know you're scared baby, but this is important. We need to know that on the inside, that you are really ok."The tiny CEO looks at Kara with scrunch-up brows. I am ok! Lena wants to voice these thoughts out loud but the words fall short on her tongue. While sitting on the hospital bed, she holds tightly onto the blonde's arm while she lets the doctor take her blood pressure, no tears this time. That's a win, I guess.Once Maggie finishes her rounds, which took exponentially longer than Lena's tests, they have lunch in Alex's office. For the kids, grilled barbeque chicken nuggets and fries with apple juice diluted with water, none are the wiser.The group has just about finished their meal when boy genius comes in with news."Hey guys, sorry to interrupt family lunch but I've got something. It's a lead on the hooded wannabe assassin and some more info on the kidifying metal you found."Winn leads them back to his desk and pulls up multiple computer files onto his big screen."Ok, so first, let's get into the wannabe Arrow. I did have someone spend a couple more hours searching through CCTV cams but that still amounted to nothing so we dropped that part of the search." He sees the solemn look on three out of five of the girls' faces."But, I was able to lift some partial prints from the feather of the arrow. I was also able to get some DNA from a bit of blood on the very tip of the feather. It probably splattered on it while they were wrestling with the Flash, god I love that guy. Anyways.... That led to nothing."Alex lets out an exasperated sigh at that. "Didn't you just say you had something for us, this seems like absolutely nothing." Alex goes to step up to him but a tiny Latina body does it instead."I may be tiny but I'm pretty sure I can still kick your ass."Winn blanches. "How are you even scarier now than before?""For Rao's sake, Winn! Get on with it please, I have an assignment for Snapper that needs to be taken care of, get to the point, if there is one." The last part said mostly under her breath."Right right, ok so...." He pulls up the results from the DNA and print search on the DEO main screen. "There was no match in 'our' database."Sam notices where he is going with this. "So, you mean....?""Yes, indeed. Give this fine Kryptonian some gold because she is correct!" They all glared at him, except Sam, who gives him a warm smile. He clears his throat and continues. "Anyways, yes, I got it from someone else's. Someone who travels space and time for a living.""Legends." The other four said in unison."Rito. WE have limited access to their system so I wasn't able to get any data." For the first time, Lena speaks. "I can hack it, I've tried before when I was a bit tipsy." The voice can barely be heard, muffled behind two fingers, they all listen in shock. The little hacker pays no mind to her family's shocked faces, she stays hidden in Kara's arms."That would be illegally fun honestly because I've tried while unimpaired and got nowhere, except this guy Gideon telling me to bugger off. But no need anyway, I requested limited access to their system for this info. They are gonna bring the info they have straight here because apparently giving access to future tech can have adverse effects on the timeline."Lena's eyes went big at that, she never got very far into hacking the Waverider, just wanted to prove that she was good enough. She was two bottles deep into her self-loathing and wanted something to make her feel better. Kara wasn't there, so a bottle of wine and her hacking computer had to do. She never read anything, her tipsy brain wasn't that stupid but even attempting to do it was a risk she hadn't thought about, too caught up in her own feelings."Stupid." She says weakly into Kara's shoulder. The reporter shushes her and Brainy decides to but in."It is quite alright, tiny Lena. It seems that your hacking had no adverse effect on the timeline, it actually helps in another situation in the future, that though, I cannot discuss any further. Remember humans, everything happens for a reason. Now I must get ready for my date with Ms. Nal."Winn gives a questioning look. "Isn't that at nine?""Yes, indeed so.""Dude, it's three.""Yes it is, I am failing to see your point, Mr. Schott." And Brainy walks off after that."Ok.... What they were able to discuss at the moment was that, as you can concur, this person comes from the future of another earth. It would have made sense that their earth would have had properties like ours but it differs greatly in an unusual way. Anyways, they are literally an assassin created to take people out. I don't know why you guys were targeted but we will get answers from them soon." He swivels his chair to another console on his left."Now as for the metal, I was able to deconstruct its properties, with the help of Brainy of course, after getting a bit of information on how that earthworks. The blue speckles are throughout the metal the least, but that seems to be the catalyst for this babyfying reaction."The tiny Latina doesn't appreciate his wording, "First of all, I'm a toddler, second, I WILL break off all of your fingers you little-" Sam stops her by picking her up, and to the little one's surprise she lets it happen."Ok Mags, I think he gets it." The baby detectives let out a huff."So freaking scary, Jesus. Anyways, it seems that this formula was meant to kill, and reverse the age to the point of nonexistence. Nobody, no crime type deal. The synthetic kryptonite was meant to pierce Kara, hurt her but not necessarily kill. I calculated the trajectory and it would have landed close to her arm instead of her shoulder, unlike how it did Alex, since the height difference, that's why it pierced your shoulder. We thought they missed, technically they weren't aiming to kill, they just didn't calculate Alex getting in the way. It would have just left a trace of this blue stuff in our resident Kryptonian. How I can describe it is like a disease. But, it wouldn't spread to just anyone. Take a look at this."They all look at the multiple diagrams. Maggie gets the gist of it but most of it goes over her little brain. Lena understands it all but rather stays quiet once again. Kara isn't quite accustomed to earth biology but she can surmise what it all means. Sam is still a numbers girl so she zips her mouth shut. Alex is the one to speak up since this is her expertise."They made it to only attack a specific person, their specific DNA makeup." The director says in ah."The plan would have worked too if it pierced through Supergirl instead of you. Since Kryptonians have the inability to see it, it most likely would have gone unnoticed because not even your grunts saw it while trying to stitch you up, you barely even noticed it."Winn brings up more diagrams. "If it went through Kara, it would have had more time to develop, get stronger inside her like it was intended to. Kryptonian DNA breaks things down faster, it was meant to break down and be distributed through her system, with no adverse effects to her person, in humans, it's almost inert. That's probably why you had an allergic reaction, if it was anyone else, it probably would have done nothing. It was meant for a Kryptonian only."The blonde Krypton-born soul speaks up, "Ok so they must have been targeting Maggie and Lena since they are the only ones affected. They must have implanted me with something while I was blacked out that made me sneeze that blue dust." Lena starts to fuss a bit, probably wanting a snack of some sort. Kara bounces her girl on her hip, rubbing circles on her back to calm her down."My running theory is that they diluted it, so it could be inhaled so we shouldn't be none the wiser, since it wouldn't leave any marks on you. They diluted it and made you inhale, and added it to your person, they thought it would work, it almost did."He pulls up two profiles on screen, "I found a partial match to Luthor DNA when deconstructing G6-084, which is the name for the sparkles. The last bit of it I was able to make out with 98.998 accuracies, is a match for Maggie so yes, they were the intended targets. There is a third set of trace DNA there but I was unable to process it since I have no more samples left."As Winn was about to explain further, they all hear a woosh and a blonde and two others come strutting in, in their civis, from the Super entrance.Sara walks up to them with a handful of papers. Zari walks up to Winn's desk with her own laptop and a mouth filled with a donut hole. Charlie goes straight for the break room without even waving hello."Here we are, we have plenty to discuss, nothing I say should be repeated, and please leave your judgment for the end." Sara is usually somewhat chipper but her face is stone now, she sees the little girls and tries to shake off her edginess, but nobody seems to pay it any mind, even though they do have plenty of questions.Zari scoots Winn from his area and sets up her workspace, not paying his disgruntled grunts any mind."I'll set up here boss," She looks over to Sara and sees the two kids. "Cute kids." She smirks at them.Maggie has had enough, "For fucks-!" Sam quickly clasps a hand over her littles one's mouth and mouths a sorry to Zari, who in turn raises her hands in surrender and looks back to her work. Logging into Gideon remotely gives Winn access."As I suspected, can't really give them access here, this tech is too dusted. We need to bring 'em on the Waverider if we wanna get anything done."Sara nods, "It's better that way anyhow, let's go, we are gonna sit in the temporal zone so nobody tries to hack us, again." Everyone goes, Winn follows intently behind Zari, Charlie has already made it back. Lena is squealing with glee, loving this new turn of events. Who wouldn't be excited to take a spin in the Waverider, this will fill her with a high nothing can top. 

Note: Hey hey hope you enjoyed this chap. The baby talk will persist for as long as they are physically children but won't continue after they are re-aged. Hope you guys are ok with that. In actuality, having regressed irl doesn't come with this sort of speech, usually it's limited speech. Those who speak like 'actual' children more so choose to. (Not speaking for everyone of course). 

<33 Lexi :)) 

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