
This Life As A 2nd Generation Villain

Qian Jun (mc) : What, I, a 30 year old man transmigrated as 18 year villain chaebol, but why the f** the plot so cliche. Heroine(1) : Why is this guy so hateful and scumy compared to that guy ? Protagonist (1) : Why are these " crazy mad scientists" know about my power, who told them ? Protagonist(2) : Why is my sister in that bastard arms? Protagonist (3): What, your only sister, here my whole family's women are in that bastard arms. Qian Jun : Whole world is my chess board, I'll play with anyone women and daughters and who go against me...heh... no matter even if it's heaven sons...they will suffer...hehe...what you think I'll kill them...nah ....death is too light for these species. Heroines  : Why is that guy cold smile more attractive than those guys fake kindness. Qian Jun : Hahaha ...these arrogant puny guys, did they leave their brain with their creator. These delusional guys are the only brainless guys in the whole plot. Heroines : I'm sure Qian Jun will pamper me. Qian Jun : hehehe....here you will earn for my 'villain' love not the other way around girls. ........................................................... Do add the novel in your library, even if u don't read it now....yr addition it to yr library is also helpful to me. ......... MC has both lust in his *dick and a *smart brain to make these guys suffer hell in their own heaven. No YURI No NTR No ped*philia No R*pe .... Your little help is a great help for me. .... This novel is not written by me completely, I took this novel from a MTL site where the translation is same as dog sh!t. But I like this novel, so I adopt this novel for  IMPROVEMENT and    DEVELOPMENT in grammars ,pronouns and names correction. So please you don't need to waste your energy in commenting that 'I stole this work or anything negative'. I'll suggest you too not compared my adaptation to OG one as there will be many changes . ..... MY DISCORD https://discord.com/invite/C39EGehuvD MY PATREON LINK https://www.patreon.com/SpiritImmortal?utm_campaign=creatorshare_creator

Spirit_Immortal · 都市
146 Chs

37.Chu Bai being shameless again

Tang Bingyun's rich friends were jealous when they saw how much Qian Jun had made. They wanted to gamble on stones again.

Qian Jun was not even twenty years old. It was impossible for him to gamble on stones.

Moreover, when he was choosing raw stones, it was like he was casually picking stones by river aide. He just picked whatever he found pleasing to the eye.

Luck played a part in making so much money.

But most importantly, most of the raw stones in this batch should be profitable.

"Let me try again!"

The middle-aged man surnamed Li, who had lost 950,000 yuan, copied Qian Jun's 'random' choice and picked five raw stones in one go.

He had lost money continuously before. This time, he chose five raw stones. He could not continue to lose money, right?

The others also could not hold back and began to pick raw stones.

After the stones were chosen, the master started the machine.

Tang Bingyun's rich friends surrounded the machine. They all had smiles on their faces, waiting for their harvest.

Every time a raw stone was opened, Tang Bingyun and a few appraisers would evaluate it and give a loss most of the time.

"50,000 yuan."

"100,000 yuan."

"250,000 yuan."

"800,000 yuan."


The smiles on these rich people's faces gradually disappeared. In the end, they looked like they were in mourning.

Few of the stones they chose were profitable. Even if they were, they only made a few tens of thousands. It was not enough to cover the losses of the other raw stones.

They all lost money.

The one who lost the least was 300,000 yuan, and the one who lost the most was 3.3 million yuan.

Qian Jun watched from the side. He was almost out of breath from trying to hold back his laughter.

Among the remaining raw stones, there was basically nothing good.

They could not make any money.

Originally, these losses were all borne by Tang Bingyun. But they became the suckers and helped Tang Bingyun fill the hole.

"Young Master Qian ,is there a secret to opening raw stones? Can you teach me?"

The middle-aged man surnamed Li, who lost the most, came to Qian Jun and asked for advice.

"Did you see me carefully choose the raw stones when I picked them? There's no secret, it's all luck. "

The middle-aged man was speechless at Qian Jun 's answer.

He could only believe that the Qian Family's ancestral tomb was emitting green smoke. The Qian Family had the protection of their ancestors. Not only was their business large and good, their descendants' gambling luck is also explosive.

— —

At this moment, an old car arrived outside the factory.

The old headmaster and Chu Bai got out of the vintage car one after another.

"Little Brother Chu Bai, are your stone-gambling skills really that good that you can win nine times out of ten?"

"To be honest, I've never tried it before. But with the expert's experience, it shouldn't be a problem."

In fact, Chu Bai had only read some basic information about jade on the Internet, but that was enough.

What he was thinking about now was how he was going to spend the money he had earned from stone gambling.

"It hasn't been put into practice yet. Isn't that just talk on paper?" The old principal was stunned.

"Old principal, you'll know very soon whether it's just talk on paper or not." Chu Bai was bursting with confidence.

Although he had no experience in stone gambling, he had the ability to see through things. Stone gambling was like picking up money.

"Then I'll open my eyes and look forward to it." The old principal smiled, his heart full of anticipation.

After a while, the two of them arrived at the big shed.

Chu Bai and Qian Jun met face to face.

The former's eyes flashed with astonishment, followed by a look of deep hatred.

Hsu Mu Yan was such a kind and lovely girl. Only he would treat her well and give her happiness.

Qian Jun in front of him was a complete scumbag. He was not worthy of Hsu Mu Yan's love.

He must find a time to have a good talk with Hsu Mu Yan.

Otherwise, Hsu Mu Yan would definitely be ruined by Qian Jun.

Qian Jun did not know what Chu Bai was thinking.

If he knew, Qian Jun would definitely ridicule Chu Bai.

Would Hsu Mu Yan definitely be happy with you?

If you like someone else, you'll be ruined.

That's too f * cking unreasonable.

It's true that you love Hsu Mu Yan, but at the same time, you also love other beautiful girls.

You're just a scumbag who's fickle-minded!

Of course, Qian Jun also felt that he was a scumbag.

But he was the villain.

Qian Jun shook off his thoughts and walked forward to greet the old principal.

Tang Bingyun also walked over and asked curiously,

"Old Ren, why are you only here now?"

Although Principal Ren and Tang Bingyun had a superior-subordinate relationship, Principal Ren was quite famous in the education field. Therefore, Tang Bingyun respected him very much.

"My eyes are not good, so I drove slowly. I even had a flat tire on the way, so I was delayed for a long time." Speaking of this, the old principal complained.

"I don't know who's so wicked to put nails on the road."

"Is the car still parked by the side of the road? Do you want me to get someone to tow the car? "Tang Bingyun asked politely.

"Fortunately, this young man beside me is here. He helped me change the spare tire. It's fine now." The old principal looked at Chu Bai who was next to him.

Qian Jun looked at Chu Bai in surprise.

This guy changed the spare tire? Damn, you're really something!

Upon hearing the old principal's words, Tang Bingyun could not help but look at Chu Bai.

Chu Bai, who was worried about Hsu Mu Yan's matter just now, had already forgotten about Hsu Mu Yan. He only had eyes for Tang Bingyun in front of him.

This woman is too beautiful, isn't she?

Her looks, her temperament, it's simply amazing!

This was the first time he had seen such a stunning woman.

How happy would it be if he could become this woman's boyfriend?

"Old Ren, why did you bring a stranger here?"

The way Chu Bai looked at her made Tang Bingyun a little unhappy.

"Oh, this is my student. He heard that there's stone gambling here, so he came over to have some fun," the old principal said.

"Such a young guy knows about stone gambling?" Tang Bingyun looked at Chu Bai with a sneer.

"Beauty, don't think that I'm young, but when it comes to stone gambling, I'm the best in the entire Qingling City." Chu Bai raised his head and said.

"How arrogant. Aren't you afraid that the wind will bite your tongue?"

"You don't believe me? Then let's make a bet. I'll choose ten stones. If I win eight of them, I'll win. Otherwise, I'll lose. "

"So what if I win? So what if you win?" This was the first time Tang Bingyun met someone who was so arrogant. She was not convinced.

"If you win, I'll work in your factory for the rest of my life. If I win, you … you'll be my girlfriend." Chu Bai was confident that he would win. Hence, he mustered up his courage and said.

[A|N: How shameless these protagonists are ....i want to kill him right here and now.]

When Tang Bingyun heard this, she frowned.

At the side.

Qian Jun secretly complained.

This Chu Bai really liked to bet with others. Last time, it was with Hsu Mu Yan. This time, it was with Tang Bingyun.

You can trick other girls, but can't you change it to something new? Is it fun to bet every time?

But Chu Bai don't know what surprise I have prepared for him so meticulously.




Dirty joke of the chapter

A teacher is teaching a class and she sees that Johnny isn't paying attention, so she asks him, "If there are three ducks sitting on a fence, and you shoot one, how many are left?"

Johnny says, "None."

The teacher asks, "Why?"

Johnny says, "Because the shot scared them all off."

The teacher says, "No, two, but I like how you're thinking."

Johnny asks the teacher, "If you see three women walking out of an ice cream parlor, one is licking her ice cream, one is sucking her ice cream, and one is biting her ice cream, which one is married?"

The teacher says, "The one sucking her ice cream."

Johnny says, "No, the one with the wedding ring, but I like how you're thinking!"


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