
my daily life

Hi I'm Kat and I have a secret but we'll start from the beginning. "Kat" my roommate said you're going to be late for Miss Clark she has a test this morning. ''I forgot I didn't study at all last night"

but I'm sure you'll do fine you like the smartest person in class. anyways I got to go have to meet up with my boyfriend. "okay see you later"

I wonder what's on TV? the heartless assassin known as RAF strikes yet again. This time she or he killed a big company president name Lord Murray of the Lord family. Apparently he was killed late at night in his office no one is there to witness again. her eyes turn dark shade all around her. "Kat"! what are you doing thought you left already remember the test. "oh yeah I got to get going"! "OMG did you hear the news this morning crazy right"? people whispered in the background. hey Kat can I borrow your homework I didn't do mine? again Emma I thought I gave them to you yesterday! Emma Whisperer yeah but I need the report for the higher-ups. So where is the homework! oh and we need to talk after school. It's after school...

you completed your mission yesterday no wonder why you're up for Ruler. "cut the crap that fake smile of yours makes me want to kill you emma." Emma you ignored the higher-ups and you killed an innocent person!! relax a little his body wasn't found yet unlike Lord Murray...

Lord Murray with corrupt if I didn't kill him more innocent Souls would have been gone. Emma says "you know you did it for fun just like me! anyway the higher-ups are too busy dealing with the blood moon." Emma I got to go see you tonight. "Mom I'm home!" take off your shoes at the door oh and what do you want to eat tonight. Oh and I believe that they're moving the ritual up into Tuesday's. "Mom stop talking about this." I'm just so proud of my baby I mean you becoming a full-on assassin ,I mean this career rent in our family for several Generations!" Mom is dad or brother coming back soon. "I think they'll be back in a few more weeks this Mission given to them it's very hard to for sale!" We are one of the first families to create a RAF ,and so we have been trained since we were in the belly. And that means difficult mission. "okay well I'm heading up to bed! "sad mom.