
This Feeling • 김태형

A Kim Taehyung Fanfiction "They tell me think with my head and not that thing in my chest but they don't know what this feeling is like" Opposites really do attract. In which a girl shouldn't fall for someone she shouldn't MellifluousMeadow - All Rights Reserved Inspired by the song "This Feeling" by The Chainsmokers made. 20 May 2020 published. 16 June 2020 finished.

MellifluousMeadow · セレブリティ
18 Chs

제4장 | You Say That I Need Help

제4장 | You Say That I Need Help


"And that's how I met Taehyung" I said

"So, you two met at my bookshop" Chaejin raised her index finger at me then I nodded. "I'm honoured"

"Don't flatter yourself too much" Junghee grimaced at Chaejin's reaction. "Well, I gotta say, Taehyung is pretty obvious" she smirked

"What do you mean?" I ask and knitted my eyebrows together

"He likes you" Junghee shrugs, "I mean, duhh, everyone knows, but not that really because they only thought that you two were dating since the very start"

"What? Where did you get that? Dating? I just met him" I chuckle and took some chips from the bowl Junghee prepared

"Not everyone knows your love story and how you Romeo and Juliet met" Chaejin pointed out, "Plus, the way he behaves towards you? It really looks like you were together"

"Fact. And, he bought you sanitary pads. Dude, your boyfriend would only do that for you" Junghee take a huge amount of chips in her mouth "Or brother" she added

Chaejin nods, agreeing at every word Junghee said "I agree on that Rin. Just think of it, why would he insisted Mrs. Nam on sitting next to you?"

"Because I'm the only person he's familar with?"

"Daeng! Wrong." Junghee, "It's because he wants to be near you. In short, he likes you" Chaejin answered

"And why would he asks if you like someone?" Junghee arched her eyebrows at me. I bit the tip of my tongue inside my mouth, getting a little anxious and hesitant of what am I going to say or answer

Should I say what Taehyung told me? 'Well it's better if I know nothing'? that would end up into another press conference from these two

Ding dong

We both turn our heads to the direction where the door was then look at one another, "Are we expecting someone?" I ask, hoping that this would change the subject

"Nope. That's my chicken" Junghee smiles and skips out heading to the door

Seriously how could she eat chicken after eating a full meal dinner and chips with that lean body of hers?

"Argh! Not my chicken!" Junghee

Chaejin and I look stood up and look at the door when we heard Junghee complained, "What's wrong?"

"Hey girls" Jungkook barged in with his hand full of boxes filled with savoring chicken. I stood still in my spot, not moving. I could feel my cheeks starting get burn to see him out of the blue, it made me think about what Taehyung and I talked about back at the library

"I thought you ordered chicken" Chaejin asked Junghee

Jungkook chuckled, "You text the wrong number, it was Jimin's. He was confuse at first, and when he showed me the number, I told him it was yours" He placed the boxes down on the table and open the cover as the enticing aroma of freshly cooked chicken filled theb atmosophere, making our stomach digests the food we ate a while ago in an instant, making it empty and hungry again

"Jimin's? I thought it was the chicken store..." Junghee said and glance at her phone

"Where did you get that number anyway" Chaejin laughs and took one chicken piece

"From your contacts" She pointed at her brother, "It says 'The Chicken' with an emoji of a fried chicken with it!" She announced, declaring Jungkook guilty

"That was Jimin's contact" He laughs then glance at my direction, I rubs my tiptoes together in anxiety. He shows his cute bunny smile with his eyes beamed in full joy. This is getting harder and harder for me, "Serin, come here. Let's eat"

I nodded and show a sincere smile as much as I could. I wouldn't want to be obvious. Not now


"You sure you can go on you're own? I could ask oppa to accompany you" Junghee said and held both of my hands with her own ones. Even though Junghee may be the type of person who blackmails people, teases people for her advantage, but deep down we know that she is passionate and caring for her loved ones

What can I say, the more you hate, the more you love

And honestly, I hate it when she blackmails me

"I'm fine, really. Plus, it'll be a bother for Jungkook, and I don't want his fangirls to attack me tomorrow" I chuckled

She crunches her face in grimace at the thought of her brother's fangirls. "You're right. Don't wanna mess with the lovesicks" I nodded

"I better get going now, I still need to grab my notebook back at the shop" I said and greeted her my farewell as well as to Jungkook's who just ran before his curfew would arrive

"Where's Serin again?" I ask

"On her bed, asleep. Must be exhausted after hanging out with the new guy. We might as well have a talk with him tomorrow" she smirks then I slap her arm. This brat. I know she's trying to blackmail Serin by getting some tea from Taehyung

"Hey, be respectful. Don't forget, you're still 17 young lady. Serin and I are 19, shouldn't you call us unnie?" I scolded her

"I'm gonna be 18 soon either way. Plus, you guys are just a year older and it's not like we haven't bathe together when we're still in diapers" she waves her hand, gesturing that it's not a big deal

I chuckled

"Now, now. I need to go now before the dorm mistress locked me up" I said before rushing out heading to my bookshop. "Be careful Chaejin unnie!" I heard Junghee yeld

Not planning on turbing back jist to greet her back, I ran as fast as I could until I reach my destination. With heavy breaths, I slouch down with my palms resting on my knees for support and taking some time to catch my breath

I hurriedly rummaged into my school bag to get my keys when I hears a faint sound of footsteps. I can't identify if where or how near those footsteps are from me

I look around for a moment to make sure. Not gonna lie, but I was ready to call the cops any moment

I'm starting to regret to not take Junghee's offer to let Jungkook accompany me at this hour. But then again, I wouldn't want to have a huge group of annoying, lovesick fangirls bothering me the whole month until they found another girl Jungkook talked to and annoyed them

And now I know, having a handsome childhood friend would be this stressful

Once I felt the keys on my palms, I immediately unlocked the doors and went inside, turning the lights on. "Where is it?" I muttered to myself, referring to my notes that I left here for the upcoming summative test tomorrow

I checked the time on the clock by the wall. 5:48pm. The dorm will close at exactly 6 o'clock

I think I still have time, but judging the distance of my shop to the dorm, I think it'll be impossible to be back on time, especially when I still need to find that notebook

A sound of books fell erupted around the residence. I jolt and felt myself shiver in fear. Ghost aren't real, right? They're just from the movies which are fiction. Yes, fiction, and that means it's not real


I divert my attention on finding my notebook fast so I could get out of this place as soon as possible

I opened all of the cabinets and drawers that my eyes could see in a fast motion, keeping in my mind that I have a curfew to chase. I search everywhere but my notebook was nowhere to be found

But I swore I left it here yesterday

I stop what I was doing when I saw a figure on the corner of my eye behind the shadows. I look at the direction where the book were placed neatly on the shelves in the dark

My eyebrows knitted together when I saw a small pile of books on the floor. That's strange. Didn't I checked everything a while ago? Everything was clean and in order when I left here...

I walked towards the pile and put them back on the shelves, not caring about the order and tag that was paste on the border anymore since I don't have any time to waste

I checked the clock on the wall again and groan in frustration. "5:57?! Argh, I'm gonna pass the curfew!" I stomped my feet on the hard floor and run my fingers through my hair

I took my phone from my skirt pocket and plan to text Jungkook for a ride since he vowed to us three that he'll gibe us a free ride anytime in need but then again, I don't have his number

And I don't have time to text Junghee for that, I'm sure she's on her bed already due to all the content she shoved in her mouth

I turned around and lean on thw shelves, slowly dropping my butt in the floor in agony. When I saw the clock ticked at 6, I know that I have no place to stay in the night other than here in my shop

I nibbled my bottom lip, not knowing who I should text if somebody was looking for me back at my dorm. I don't have any roommate yet so I was alone in the dorm, and most of time I go to Serin's and Junghee's if I was feeling lonely

I decided to text Serin about my matter since I know she'll be the first one who'll wake up in the morning judging by how Junghee took everything in her mouth and I'm sure she won't be getting up from that bed of hers anytime soon because of how full she is


[ Hey, I didn't caught up in the curfew so I'll be staying here in the shop when you guys will be looking for me. And please tell Mrs. Nam that I'll be late for homeroom tomorrow >

I pressed the send button and turn my phone into sleep mode. Good thing I have some spare charger here to use for my cellphone or else I'll be dead sooner or later. Just exaggerating

I stayed there for a couple of minutes until I felt myself calmed down before standing up on my feet and decided to sleep on the lounge reading area where there's some pillows I could use to sleep. But unfortunately, I don't have any blanket to warm myself for the night

But I should be thankful enough since I have a roof to stay

I took some heavy cushions from the corner and put them into the center where I prepared the pillows were

Pulling the heavy sheet with all of my might, I didn't notice the side table that has a sharp side and scratched the side of my wrist. I groan in pain and saw my laced cloth bracelet torn now on the floor

Without giving any attention on my scratch, I took my bracelet and observe it closely probably hoping that I'll be able to fix it again

I slump down on the floor and felt a small tear fell down on my right cheek


"Chaewi!" I turn my head to see my friend Gummy waving his hand at me, a smile immediately crept on my face and wave back

"Where were you? I was waiting for you..." I frown

"Oh, I'm sorry I took so long. I made this," he showed me two black laced cloth bracelets. "I made this myself" he shows me his sweet and cute smile. I gawked in excitement and pure happiness

"These are beautiful" I cooed and giggled observing every inch of those item on his small and white palm, he gave me the the other one, "This is yours"

I look at him with wide eyes. "Mine?"

He nodded and giggled, "I made this for us, give me your hand" I followed and pulled my hand up for him. He then wrap the bracelet around my wrist and tied the small knot. "There" I smiled and look at my wrist closely in admiration

I saw him trying his best to wore his. I grab the other bracelet from hands and said, "I'll put on yours" I smile and wrap the bracelet around his wrist, doing the same procedure he did on mine and smile

"We're match" I giggled and swing my hands up in the air where the bracelet was settled. I heard him laugh too

"Chaewi, let's make a promise" he said. I stop what I was doing and face him, I smiled "Okay"

"Let's promise to not lost this bracelet" he said and I nodded. I can't stop smiling from this hapiness I am feeling. "Promise" I replied, "I'll make a promise to you" I thought and said

"Oh? What will you promise me?"

I hummed and think, placing my small index finger on my chin. An idea popped on my head, "I promise you that will make your dream come true!" I smiled, "Tell me, what's your dream Gummy?"

He smiled before speaking, "I'll have to make a promise to you first before I tell you what's my dream is" I pout and nodded as well

"I promise you that I will make you happy!" He chimed. I pout, "But you always make me happy"

"Oh... Let me think again" he scratched his neck and think again, "What do you want to be when you grow up?"

"Hmmm... I want to be a mom!" I cheered. "A mom?" I nodded, "You know I really like to do playhouse and play as a mom" I point out, he nodded

"Tell me what's your dream~" I insisted him to tell me so I could prepare for my promise now

"My dream is to be your husband"



I walk off my classroom and mentally cheered as Math class is finally over. When I woke up this morning, I saw Chaejin's text that she'll be late for homeroom because of not passing the curfew but what made me worried is that when she came to class, she wasn't wearing her precious bracelet

Though Junghee and I have no idea why she was wearing that... weird looking bracelet, we both know how much that bracelet means to Chaejin

And seeing her not wearing it is making me pretty anxious

I felt my phone vibrated twice and scoop it out of my skirt pocket then check it


< Can't go to lunch with you and Chaejin. Don't ask why hehe ]


< Hey, I won't be going to lunch. I need to do some things back at the bookstore ]

I groan after reading all of these texts from them. How dare they ditch me? I purse my lips in annoyance and put my phone back in my pocket

"Hey" I turn around to see three unfamiliar girls. "Yes?"

"Are you Yeon Serin?" The one in the middle asks, I nodded "I am. Is there a problem?"

"There is. You" She glared at me. I knitted my eyebrows in confusion. I'm the problem? I don't even know who they are! "This must be an understanding, I don't even know you-"

"OMG, you don't know me?" She gawked as her little minions started to throw evil glares and stares at me from head to foot

What's her problem?

"I'm Vanessa, the school beauty and muse" she introduces herself with a snap of her finger

I raise my eyebrows, "Isn't Jeon Junghee the school muse-"

"I am the school muse" she glared, "Junghee just got that title because of Jungkook as the school's king. And, originally, that title is mine"

I nodded along, not wanted to argue any further with this psycho and I'm sure if I'll open my mouth, she'll cut me off so what's the point?

"Since now that you know me. Stay away from Taehyung" she warned


"Taehyung is my bae so you better keep some distance" She cooed and motions her witch-looking like long fingernails to shoo me away

"Uhm... who are you to command me that, again?" I ask and scratch the back of my neck. "You know what, I really need to go to the cafeteria. I heard that the new dish is really appetizing. You should probably go to the clinic now for a check or you'll get worse" I chuckle and run as fast as I can, away from those crazy muse want to be and her minions

"HEY! GET BACK HERE YOU-!" I heard her screech but far enough to even catch me. Perks of wearing shoes than heels at school. Come in handy

I arrive at the cafeteria and took my time to catch my breath before proceeding to get in line and grab some food

Standing on my tiptoes, I try my best to get some sight on what is today's menu but because of my height, I could get a single glimpse. "I hope the food today is tasty..." I uttered under my breath

"Is the food here not tasty?" I jolt in surprise when a voice boomed on my ear out of nowhere causing me to grab some attention from others, I apologized and glared at the person who did that but immediately let it slide to see who it was

"Oh... It's you" I muttered. "I'm gonna pretend that I didn't hear that" Taehyung said with his usual poker and straight tone. Makes me wonder if he has emotions

I mean, I'm sure he does cause he is human after all. But he's not that showy, I must say

"Next!" Once it was my turn, I immediately sway my eyeballs on the delicacies displayed on the counter. I slightly frown

"Pick and hurry up, you're not the only one who's eating this all, there's still a lot in line" the cafeteria lady said. Why so rude?

"We'll not gonna buy here" Taehyung spoke and bowed at the lady in apology before pulling me with him. I swear I could feel all the gazes and whispers around me. "Where are you taking me?"

"Food. You said that the food here is not that savory" He said, "I didn't said that" I gape, "You too, indirectly" he pointed out still dragging to where I have no idea


With heads turning on their direction, Taehyung continue to drag Serin from the cafeteria until outside the school grounds "Hey, hey, hey. I can walk, stop pulling me around, everyone is looking" Serin stammered using all of her strength to get away from his tight hold

He lets go and turn his figure, facing the smaller feminine figure. "Where are we going, anyway?" She asks

"Outside campus, we're going to eat at GS25" He shrug and started to walk. Seeing this, Serin does'nt have any choice and followed him, keeping up from his large footsteps

Bells ringing indicating someone entered the store. Taehyung and Serin headed in and part ways to grab their desired food to eat

After picking and paying, they both sat down on a vacant table and eat. "Uhm..."

Taehyung look at Serin, "What?"

"Why did you... drag me here?" She uttered lowly. He slurp some ramyeon with his chopsticks, "You said the food is not there is not tasty" he repeated

Although she is very unsure of what to do, she just nodded along and took a sip from her ramyeon. Its very ironic that he thinks convenient store food is better than homemade cooked food from the cafeteria, she thought

"This is the last time that I'm going to talk to you" he said

Serin stopped her movements then look at the guy before her. Did she hear it right? "What did you said?" She mumbled. Taehyung let out a silent sigh before facing her fully still wearing his signature poker look, "You heard me"

She blink, "Uhm... why?"

"Like I said before, it's better if you know nothing" he shrugged before taking another slurp from his ramyeon. "Oh" Serin uttered

That phrase again, she thought. Can she add that line from the compilation portfolios entitled: A philosopher once said?

A philosopher once said, 'It's better if you know nothing', by Kim Taehyung

She laugh lowly at the thought of it, "What's funny?" She purse her lips together looking back at Taehyung when she realized she laughed her thoughts too loud. "Nothing" she embarrassingly replied

"That Jungkook guy," Taehyung spoke. At the mention of the name, it perk Serin's senses, "What about him?" She ask

He pause his movements before speaking again, "Nevermind" that was a good cliffhang, why start it without finishing it? "Tell me," she persue "And please don't tell me that it's better if I know nothing, again"

"Then, I won't" he replied blankly

She slump on her seat, staring at the man before her in disbelief, "You need help" she uttered. For the first time ever, Taehyung just scoffed

That new face expression surprise her, he looks really handsome showing some feelings

"You say that I need help?" He interacts, "Well, I believe, it's you who needs help"