
This Feeling • 김태형

A Kim Taehyung Fanfiction "They tell me think with my head and not that thing in my chest but they don't know what this feeling is like" Opposites really do attract. In which a girl shouldn't fall for someone she shouldn't MellifluousMeadow - All Rights Reserved Inspired by the song "This Feeling" by The Chainsmokers made. 20 May 2020 published. 16 June 2020 finished.

MellifluousMeadow · セレブリティ
18 Chs

제15장 | And Sometimes They Go Wrong VIII

제15장 | And Sometimes They Go Wrong VIII


Serin went back to Junghee's party with wobbly legs. How can a kiss make a person not be able to walk properly? She's still drunk by the kiss she experienced minutes ago and it looks like she won't be sober anytime soon

Her mind was clouded only Taehyung. Kim Taehyung. As if his kisses were mixed by some kind of drug making her dizzy and overwhelmed that she totally forgot her intention to ask him and give her an explanation why he tried to drown her back at the waterfalls

When she arrived the venue where she left. There is still no sign of her best friend but instead the small group of guests are looking like they're starting to depart as they talk to Aunt Haneul and Uncle Junhyung. Jungkook was nowhere to be seen too

"Ah, there you are" a slight tug of her arm surprises her a bit. Junghee look at her best friend suspiciously from head to toe. "Are you okay? You're all red and…" she leans closer to her lips and sniff her breath, "You don't even smell like alcohol but you look drunk" she commented

Serin only blinked as if she was contaminated with some kind of drug, she's far from being sober; she's out of her mind and soul in a silent manner. "I…" She uttered still speechless leaving Junghee placing the back of her palm on her forehead and neck. "Gosh you're not even burning! What the hell has gone into you? Did you take some drug or something?" she asked her friend worriedly

She shook her head in response. "I'm okay… just a little bit flushed" she gulps her own bile

"C'mon let's take you to- "

"Junghee" She's been cut off by Jungkook who is just approaching us in our direction. Although my eyes are on him, I could see Junghee glare fiercely. "What?" she shot coldly

Jungkook transfers his gaze to mine, he looks at my form with confusion and concern. "Are you drunk? I don't remember the kitchen staff brought some liquor"

"Let's go" Junghee ignored her brother as I felt her tug my arm to follow her but was stopped once again, "Junghee" Jungkook blocks our way, "Look, I- "

"Serin needs to be taken care of at this moment, brother" she spats, "I need to take care of her" with defeat, Jungkook slumps his shoulders and move away from our path until a familiar voice erupted as the electric current in my veins started to increases once again making me shudder and jolt at the excitement

"I can take care of her, while you two talk" Taehyung uttered with his manly hand buried on his pockets. I could feel my mouth water remembering how he tasted like when his lips were on mine. What is happening to me?


Junghee was unsure handing Serin to Taehyung. Not because she doesn't trust Taehyung, but she doesn't want to be around his brother at the moment and he was about to make Serin as an excuse. Until Taehyung showed up

She used her peripheral vision to look at Jungkook's direction, it was clear that he has hope in his eyes. It's her baby sister after all. He may be a tough and buff man, but he is the opposite when it comes to Junghee

Still with her pride wall up, blocking those hopeful eyes, she looked at her best friend- who was almost drooling by looking at the man right before them. She knew she couldn't say 'no' anymore just by looking at Serin and let out a sigh in defeat. "Okay,"

One word. Only one word made Jungkook the happiest brother in that moment. People would even think that if a person only replies that word, it'll be complicated

Junghee hands Serin to Taehyung with care before mumbling to him, "Take care of her" she received nothing but a dark stare that holds something that she couldn't figured out but shrug it away before turning her attention to Jungkook

While supporting Serin's figure, Taehyung just ignored the blazing stare he received from the girl he was holding. If stares could melt, then he must've been already a mini puddle. He then escorted Serin to his cottage which was located at the further corner. He took his keys from his pockets and unlock the wooden door

"Taehyung…" Serin mumbled in a complete daze. 'Guess it worked like a charm' Taehyung thought with a little smirk playing on his lips as he helped the girl in his arms sat down on the bed, taking his bags off to give Serin more space. "Water," Serin told Taehyung

"You must feel really hot now, huh?" he chuckled gazing at the girl before him who was weak. Serin nodded, the drug was already in control in her system. "I'll get water for you, then" Taehyung smirked slowly taking off his top as Serin's eyes travelled along his hands, his movements, his tough figure and fine features. Her throat became dry in an instant. Her body was on fire, as if she was a fragile and pure wolf in heat, craving for her mate

"T-Tae…" her words came out as a whisper as she felt small droplets of sweat starting to form around her skin, showing how much heat she felt in that moment

"I like it when you call me that" he leans closer to the poor girl before him, she gulps nervously with mixed sensations; she's in chaos

"I- "

"One word, Serin. One word, that's all I have to hear from you and I'll stop" he murmurs dangerously against her parted lips, breathing heavily. Her heartbeat is rummaging in her chest, as if banging her ribcage for it to get out- that's how strong her heartbeat is with this man leaning so close to her, shirtless

"Do you want me?" he looks at her eyes with full darkness as if he was saying something that he couldn't. "I may remind you, Serin. This 'one word' from you may change your life" he grazes her shoulders with the tip of his long and fine fingers, to her arms. It made her shiver


"Are you not scared?" he continues. "I might kill you too, Serin. Remember at your friend's shop?" As much as she wants to know and clear her confusion, she's too drunk at what's happening to her body to think straight

"You saw how damaged her shop is, princess. I might do the same to you, instead, I may bring double damage to your heart" he pierces through her drunk and desperate eyes. "What's your answer, Serin?" before he could finish his question, he was taken aback when Serin pulled him close to her, closing the small gap between them with their lips clasping together

He closes his eyes in satisfaction when he felt her kissing him back. 'She learns so fast from her first time' he chuckled at the thought and started to take her top off with a slight tug on the hem part. But Serin was faster, she broke from the intimate contact and remove her top clothing, so eagerly. Taehyung couldn't help but smirk and lick her bottom lick feasting his eyes with what was presented before him

She couldn't think straight. She's feeling so hot. There was this burning and drunken feeling within her that she couldn't understand

After taking her upper clothes, she pulled him for another kiss. His lips were divine. She's not herself. 'What's happening to me' she thought at the back of head until he towered over her completely has the full control


A not so piercing feeling woke me up as I groan when the morning light from the window hit my eyes. Turning my body around to not be hit by the sunray, I pause when I felt my bare skin in contact with the sheets. I cupped myself to feel my own touch direct on my skin- there's nothing that covered me

I froze

My scurrying movements, I peek at myself under the blanket. I look at myself in horrid. I have no pants on. I try to recollect some moments from last night but none was being replayed. I last thing I remembered was Junghee holding me while she was talking to Jungkook

I try to move my bottom parts and legs for more confirmation. Maybe I strip myself naked to bed. But no, there was a sore and numb feeling down there, just enough to tell me what I really thought it is

I nibble my lip in distress with my hands in fists, tangling on my hair strands. What if I get pregnant? I'm not even sure who the father is. And if ever I get pregnant, what about my college? What will my family say? What will my friends say?

Knock Knock

"Unnie~ are you awake?" I heard Junghee behind the door. Anxiety flooded me. "Can I come- " I cut her off in an instant before she could even turn that metallic knob. "No, I-I'll get the door…" I stuttered in pure anxiety. She can't come in and see me naked

With full struggle, I force myself to walk and move around to gather some clothes that I could find to cover myself. What time is it either way? Did I sleep too long? Where are my undergarments?! I move around like a sick turtle and hit my knee on the side table by accident making me yelp, the pain I experience just now just add the pain and soreness I have between my thighs

"Serin? Are you okay? I'm coming in- "

"No! I-I'm fine! Just a m-minute" I hurriedly went to my luggage, not caring about the pain and numbness. I immediately took what's the first thing my hand caught before pulling it over my head and wore some undies and short shorts- still struggling in pain. "Serin?"

"I'm almost done! J-Just a minute" I said as I start limping towards the door. I don't feel really good especially that feeling between my thighs, I felt like I just gave birth. I opened the door to be greeted by the impatient Junghee I know. "Hi" I say out of breath

She eyes me closely before cupping my forehead then her eyes drifted to what's on my neck. "You… what's this?" she taps a certain spot above my collarbone and I hissed. It stings. "You- YAH IS THAT A HICKEY?" she exclaims, "And you're burning!"

She leans and sniffs me suddenly making me move from my place to have some distance. "And… ugh, what's that smell…" she complains. With insecurity, I smelt myself too. "You smell like sweat mixed of something indescribable…"

I cringe when I catch the smell of my skin. I���m smell disgusting. She took her perfume- the same perfume she sprayed on me on Jungkook and I's day project and made me wear the scent to cover the stench "C'mon, we need you eat a bit before taking some medicine. You're burning as hell! I think I could already use you to grill some barbeque" she acquaints before pulling to out of my temporary residence. I raise the loose shirt I grab to at least cover the mark or hickey Junghee was referring to

With her hands wrapped around securely on my shoulder and arm, she accompanied me through the dining area where the others were eating some breakfast- well they look finished already though since the staff were cleaning their table and gathering their dirty utensils

"Oh! Good morning dear how was your- What was that smell?" Aunt Haneul uttered before sniffing me making me insecure more than ever as Uncle Junhyung, Jimin and Jungkook looked at me. Where's Taehyung?

Jimin displayed displeasure on his face as my scent engulf his sense but was trying to hide it for my sake, he was sitting beside Aunt Haneul so he could really smell my stench. Does my smell hit really bad? "Ma, let's give Serin unnie some food first. She's burning" Junghee cut them off and scoot Jimin out of his seat for him to transfer on the other seat so she and I could sit next together. "Oh, really? Gosh your temperature is increasing!" Aunt Haneul commented as she cupped my forehead

"You better eat a lot," She called for the kitchen staff to give some breakfast and Uncle also went to the car to grab his medical kit (he thought to bring one in case of some emergency) to check if he brought some pills for my cold

I let myself ravish and savor the food presented to me as if I didn't eat at all the whole week. "Just eat…" Junghee uttered

I could feel someone's gaze burning through my flesh, but I'm too hungry suddenly to even look who it is. "Where did Taehyung took you last night?" Jungkook asked from a small distance. I pause my action and lift my chin up to return the eye contact

"Last night…?" I'm not even sure what happened last night. "You… you and Junghee talked last night" I uttered feeling low because of the gazes and eyes around me. "Yeah, oppa and I talked but you were with him last" Junghee answered with a reluctant tone

I saw Jimin beside Junghee look closely at my neck then notice his nose move, as if he was sniffing again. "Wait…" his voice causes everyone to look at him instead. "Junghee can I have a word with you?" he looks at my best friend in a serious yet concern matter

"Sure," she replied without thinking twice and told her mom to keep an eye on me, like I'm some toddler and took off somewhere, leaving me with Aunt Haneul and Jungkook. It was kid of odd for Jungkook not to react about Jimin with Junghee alone but I guess they both already talk last night

"I'm back with some pills" Uncle Junhyung announced


"Hey, what is it that you want to tell me?" I asked the guy I like so much. I noticed how much he is somewhat frantic and concern for my best friend after some minutes. I hope I just misunderstood or anything

"Serin. What does she look like when you went to her cottage this morning?" I could see hi adam's apple bob, meaning he just gulp a big load of his bile, showing how much he is anxious about this matter. "She was…" I made my brain remember the flashback that happened when I went to get Serin for breakfast

"She was… actually long before she could open the door. I could hear her groaning as if she was in some sort of pain. It made me worried a lot and told her that I could just come in but she wouldn't let me" I said

"Did you see something suspicious? Her smell or something on her body?"

"Mochi," I use the sweet nickname I made just for him just yesterday when we took our alone time together. Seeing him somewhat relaxed hearing that made me somewhat calmed as well, clearing my misunderstanding. "Just calm down, you're sweating so much and it's still morning" I said and wipe down some pearls of sweat on his cute forehead

"It's just… uh… I don't know if my assumption is right but…" he rants softly again avoiding my eyes. I lean closer and hold both of his palms in mine. His hands were smaller than my brother but why does his hand still look so big compared to him… it's not that I don't like it but, I just feel like I'm indeed a small bean just like Jungkook said, hmp

He seems taken aback by my sudden move but spoke, "C'mon you can tell me. Remember that if we want to build a relationship soon, we need to be transparent to each other?" I soothe my tone a bit to calm him down which he did to my relief

"I… When I smell her this morning? I'm not sure if it is what I think it is but…" he bits his luscious bottom lip. "Mhm?"

"I, I think it's the Type Zee drug" He breathes before looking at me in my eyes. "What?" I asked in confusion

"I think Serin was in drugged. Specifically, the Type Zee drug. It's some kind of rare drug that is similar to the sensual drug that could make your body hot and have this urge to be bed but it's more intense and sometimes they go wrong" his sentences were more like a rant because of how unsure he is but still in concern

"Junghee, I'm not really sure about this but the smell… I know that smell… and Serin smells just exactly what that Type Zee drug is…" I blink, completely still processing his words. He must've notice that I was not fully believing and continue to speak

"Baby," he uses the compliment name he gave me. "Remember when I told you when I was still using those shits? One drug made me snapped, and made me raped a lot of girls" he removes his hands from my hold and rests them on my fluffy cheeks

"Junghee… that was Type Zee drug"

Quick Disclaimer: Type Zee drug is not real, it was made from my imagination

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

MellifluousMeadowcreators' thoughts