
This Feeling • 김태형

A Kim Taehyung Fanfiction "They tell me think with my head and not that thing in my chest but they don't know what this feeling is like" Opposites really do attract. In which a girl shouldn't fall for someone she shouldn't MellifluousMeadow - All Rights Reserved Inspired by the song "This Feeling" by The Chainsmokers made. 20 May 2020 published. 16 June 2020 finished.

MellifluousMeadow · セレブリティ
18 Chs

제13장 | And Sometimes They Go Wrong VI

제13장 | And Sometimes They Go Wrong VI


(Junghee was explaining to Jimin what happen why she had a fight with Jungkook)

I head back to the convenience when Taehyung already drove off with Serin. Turning my head in search for Jimin, I bumped into my brother by accident, "Sorry, oppa" I apologize shortly then look for Jimin again. "If you're looking for mom, she's with dad, they're at counter"

"No, I'm looking for Jimin" I replied. I noticed him pulled his thick eyebrows together, obviously not a positive reaction. "Jimin? Why are you looking for Jimin?" he asks. "Because I am?"

"He's my friend" I shrug, this is clearly not a big deal looking for a boy friend (boy space friend) "I found some banana milk on the third fridge, wanna get some?" I change the topic using our favorite drinks. I thought that it would immediately divert his attention, but it didn't "Friend? By the looks of what you were acting since this morning with Jimin is not like a 'friend' at all"

I ignored his words as I felt some heads turning slightly to our direction and just let it out a sigh and went to the fridge where the banana milks were, changing my route from looking for Jimin to calm my brother down. He's being an overprotective K9 dog again

I opened the fridge engulfing some cool air from the cold from it and took 2 pack boxes of banana milk and one yakult yogurt pack drink for Jimin, but of course I wouldn't say that in front of Jungkook. "Here, we haven't had these in days" I faked a chuckle to show that atleast I'm sincere about it. But it didn't reach to my expectations when I saw his eyes look at the yogurt pack in my hand

"I didn't know you liked yakult drink" he muttered before shifting to my eyes, gaze was so deep and stern that it would probably burn my eyes in anxiety. And I know if I'll lie, he would notice it and will get mad. Sibling code, never hide anything from each other. But he did, didn't he? He never told me he has a girlfriend until Serin told me on their date slash hangout for health

"I do, I just didn't tell you" I'm seriously like a wreck, jumping on a cliff like a mad woman. My eyes drifted behind my brother, it's Jimin. Jungkook must've notice where I was looking and turn around, "Jeon Junghee, no more games. I know you liked my best friend" he says

I bit my lip in anxiety, "Junghee…" he breathes out messing his hair with the front part of his palm. "You can't like him" he points out. "Why? I can't just like 'won't like anyone until I die or graduate'? I also have feelings" I can't hide the truth to him any longer

"I know but, he's 23 for goodness' sake! You might also not know that and he must've kept it from you" I gawked at his immature sentence. "I know he's 23 and he didn't keep it from me" I snapped. He furrowed his eyebrows more, "Junghee, you're already 18, how can you not sense that someone is just playing around you? He just wants to get in your pants!" he exclaimed with a higher volume, getting more attention in contrast to my comfort zone, I have no face to talk to him about this in public

"Oppa, we're in the store right now, okay? A public place, we can talk about it later when we arrive- ". I try to soothe him down with my words and chose to stay low and didn't fight back even though how much and how badly I wanted to, but that wouldn't benefit me or him

"No, no, we are going to talk about this one" he said. "He's just playing around your gullible mind! Can't you see that? Didn't you learn anything?! What makes you think that he's still 23 at this present day, huh? Did he tell you because of his family's financial difficulty? What did he implant in that stupid, little brain of yours?" his words starting to sting, making me slightly feel something heavy around my chest, squeezing it, restricting me to breathe. "I can't have a little stupid sister like be a whore- ". Something in me snapped in an instant as my hand move on its own and fly right on his cheek creating a stinging sound resonating around the area. "You crossed the fucking line" I swore in front of him for the first time

"You fucking made my day" I grit my teeth and walk passed my brother hitting his side with my shoulder and elbow as I encounter faces and eyes to our direction. Jimin was also looking at me in pure question and concerned. He doesn't even know that his best friend was talking behind his back

"What is happening here?" I heard my dad spoke in a stern and authoritative manner, but I didn't dare to speak up or I'll probably let a swear in front of them against my will, and there were already heads and eyes darting right on us

"Junghee," Jimin called me but I ignored his call and gave him the yakult I had in hand before going out the convenience store and take a seat on a vacant table located outside. I'll calm myself first before I'll messed things up unconsciously. I hope Taehyung and Serin will be back soon enough


I look down on my intertwined hands that were on my knees as I listen to Junghee explaining what happened between her and Jungkook. "That's why… I was rude to him. I just can't help it" she added sinking more on the mattress as she decides to lay down while speaking to atleast calm her nerves. I just hummed in understanding

It hurts. But nothing is new. Ever since Jungkook warned me about her sister is off limits, I know that he is still being cautious around me when it comes about that topic. But it hurts me to know that he thinks of me that low and so negative as if I'm so evil

Junghee turned her head to me, "Are you okay?" I nodded and a small smile. "Nothing is new, I know what Jungkook meant about me and my past, why I'm still 23 and about calling you stupid, I know he didn't mean it" I assure her, I don't want her to hate her own brother or even break their relation because of me being the subject of their argument. "You… liked me?" I asked unsure

"No" she answered softly, "I didn't liked you… I like you". She sighs, a faint blush was visible on her soft skin, somewhat in me wants to just run my thumb against that cute color. "About it, why were you still 23, are you telling the truth about going to school 2 years late?" she asked me the question I feared the most

I bit my lip and silently shake my head, "I lied" I said. I could see the disappointment and sadness written in her eyes. I immediately spoke up, not wanting her to misunderstand. "I want to be honest with you, and I'll do it right now" I hesitantly go for her hand to hold them in mine. I smiled when I notice her not complaining or declining. I hold her softly and delicately "I… I lied about going to school 2 years late. Instead, I was dropped. And, I couldn't get back to school again because of my mistake and it took me 2 years until one school gave me a chance"

She didn't spoke anything as I look at her mesmerizing face to check on her reaction before continuing, I bit my lower lip in anxiety, holding her hand tighter, wishing that she wouldn't let it go or even get out form my hold after I tell her. "It's not just a mistake, Junghee. It's a big mistake, a crime" I admitted. "I almost did the same crim to you before, the night when you went to my old house. But you forgot about it when you woke up because of how drunk you are" my hands trembled slightly against her skin. Drifting eye contact with her in shame, I could feel her lower jaw drop

I continued, "I never thought of us getting close or even go through that stage. I didn't expect myself to get drawn and somehow… get too attached and so attracted to you"


"I'm sorry that I almost did it, I snapped myself out to not do it and I succeeded. But I'm not sure if how long I could control myself, it's killing me" I teared up. I couldn't tell her more… I just can't, she'll hate me. But something in her eyes tells me to take it all out

"I was a drug user. And because of that, I couldn't control my lust and got aggressive as time passes, a certain drug I took before snapped it and the result, I raped uncountable girls. That's my crime"


I breathe heavily as I felt a rush of oxygen went through my system and cough, spitting some water out. "There, there. Here, drink some water" I breathe more as I look at the person who handed me a bottle of water and slowly take the bottle and took some gulps

"W-what happened…" I uttered lowly after drinking and gave it back to Jungkook. "I passed by to have some air then I saw you're here floating and unconscious" he answered while cautiously rubbing and patting my back to get more water out from my system

I took my time to breathe and cope up what happened before I became unconscious. "Taehyung…" I muttered, "Where is he?"

"I don't know. Maybe sleeping at his cottage? Why are you asking? Are you with him before you drown?" Jungkook questions with his eyebrows locked together. "No," I lied. Jungkook already got into a fight with Junghee and cause some intriguing events on her birthday, I wouldn't want to make a new one and completely destroy her day

"Okay…" he utters unsure, but thankfully he didn't even ask me further before coughing awkwardly. "I-I'll just turn around so you could, uhm, cover up"

My cheeks burned in realization. I'm still in my bikini. My eyes immediately wander on where I last remember I put my clothes and drag my feet to them and wore it, completely ignoring the fact my body is still dripping with water and it'll might wet my outer clothes. "I'm done" I cough

After hearing my call, he turned around. Now, comfortably since I'm fully covered "Let's get you back to your cottage to check if you had any injuries or so" he said as I smile at his concern, and it also disturbs me. I dreamed of this scenario when I was still a tween little kid. With fairytales lingering on my little mind about me being a princess and Jungkook, my prince charming saves me from danger. Or even probably now that I like him and was my long-time crush. I mean, he was the only one ever since

Thinking deeply about the current reactions about him, I would probably be so tense and a nerve wreck when he just patted my back or even maybe talk to me in concern and probably stood still with butterflies fluttering in my stomach at the thought about how did he carry me until we're back at the ground surface

But no, I didn't

I didn't feel those symptoms of attraction and what I so-called love blindness

"Serin? You there?" My thoughts were popped like a balloon when Jungkook spoke, "You okay? You look like you're shoveling a deep grave of thoughts" he spoke

"It's nothing… let's go" I said, diverting his attention and focus as we both slowly and carefully head back to the cottages as I realize that my feeling drifted and flew away

I didn't have any attraction towards Jungkook anymore, instead… Those feeling I once felt for years because of him were shifted to the person who almost killed me. I bit my tongue in pain. I knew there was up, from my first encounter with Taehyung at Chaejin's bookshop. Those intimidating gazes, what did he meant by 'It's better if you know nothing'?

"Serin" I stopped midway at Jungkook's call. "H-Hm?" I faced him, "You almost stepped into a hole" he points out what he was referring to with his lips which I just noticed after waking up from my deep thoughts. "Oh" I utter in realization

"Something's bothering you in your head" he said. And I can't deny that now because of my absent-minded behavior just now. "Yeah…"

"What is it?"

"It's nothing," I don't want to tell him what is one my mind, just not now. "You know you can tell me- "

"Can we go back now?" I mentally screamed. I just cut him off. I never imagined myself cutting him off that rude before, especially that I was infatuated to him so much. My feelings changed and it's still overwhelming me

"Sure…" he replied unsure but I'm thankful once again of him respecting my indirect decision of not wanting to talk about this

"Oh! You're back" We were greeted by Aunt Haneul once we stepped forth towards my cottage, she was wearing an apron and her hair was tied up. "Serin dro- "

"Dropped my hair tie at the falls" I immediately cut Jungkook off again. "Oh? Do you need some? I think you're Aunt sells some hair tie souvenirs here" Aunt Haneul was referring to our other Aunt, specifically Junghee and Jungkook's godmother who owns this camp resort. "Yeah, I'll go check them out later" I gave her a smile

I could sense Jungkook looking at me still unsure but I ignored it

"Oh, well. Make sure to get ready for your camping and bonfire dinner tonight!" she cheers happily before walking back to the kitchen leaving me and her son alone once again

"Why did you- "

"Can I have some space, for a moment. Please?" I cut him off once again. I'm starting to get guilty for cutting him off multiple times in less than an hour and the fact that it looks like I'm shutting him out and he just got a huge argument with Junghee is probably adding up more negativity in his emotions

I turned around and stepped in my cottage, closing the door, I then slumped my back behind it and breathe. I can't believe I almost died

I head to bed not caring that I'm still soaked as I just want to forget these thoughts in my deep sleep. I, soon woke up by Jimin. "Serin, wake up" I groan and take a full look outside of the window, how long was I sleeping?

"Aunt Haneul asked me to wake you up, it's almost time for the small gathering" he said. I noticed his eyes were a bit puffy and exhausted and somewhat… smaller. "Were you crying or- ?" I asked in a groggy voice since I again, just woke up

"Ah… it's nothing, I just woke up too"

"I see," I didn't ask anything further and sat up. The bedsheet was a bit wet as I remember I head to bed still soaked by water, my shirt was a bit dried and my hair was a mess. "You want me to tell them that you'll prepare for a moment before going?" I smiled softly at how caring Jimin was, now I definitely know why Junghee had a crush on him. "Yes, please. Thank you so much" I smiled as he returns the gesture to me as well

As soon as he went out, I frown as the passed scenarios were lingering in my head. Will Taehyung be there? Is Jungkook gonna get mad at me? Are they okay now with Junghee? So many unanswered and critical questions

I can't believe… I'm so overwhelmed. It's supposed to be a jolly and euphoric day

Maybe I just need to pretend that nothing happened. For Junghee's sake


"You don't have to keep a surprise greeting from me, mom. I already knew it and you've been doing that every year" I chuckled when I just busted her having a secret meeting with the resort's staff about giving me a surprise birthday party

"It's your debut and you won't even let us give you the real 18th birthday ball" she mentions the 18th ball party which every girl experience when she turns 18, the celebrant will wear a luxurious gown, even the guests too. With 18 roses and a gigantic birthday cake

Nah, I'm not a fan of that. I can't even wear heels, what more if a huge gown? "Just make me good food and it'll be the best" I said and she gives me scoffed in disbelief

"Where's Jimin?" I asked her, after a deep conversation with him, I somewhat felt a little light for some reasons and more attracted to him. He looks so sincere about his mistakes and how much he really wants to change. "I asked him to get Serin, I think she was sleeping so I asked him to wake her up"

"Why didn't you asked Taehyung to do that instead?" I pout

"Taehyung was with your dad and, be honest with me. Do you like that Jimin guy? you've been acting really suspicious to him" she glares at me, a sudden lightning of fear struck me "What?"

"The answer to my question is only 'yes' or 'no', not 'what' young lady" she said, "Do you like that Jimin guy?"

I stood still and gulp in anxiety. "Y-Yeah… Mom, I know but, just let me, okay?" I plead. Her face softens a bit and smiled taking me my surprise. "My little princess is growing up, I see" she giggles stroking my head and hair soothingly. "As long as you both know your boundaries, then I'm okay. I was just a bit upset that you kept it from me" I smiled and hugged her. "Maybe let's have some talks with him? How does that sound?" I smile more

Wish Jungkook reacted more like mom