
This Feeling • 김태형

A Kim Taehyung Fanfiction "They tell me think with my head and not that thing in my chest but they don't know what this feeling is like" Opposites really do attract. In which a girl shouldn't fall for someone she shouldn't MellifluousMeadow - All Rights Reserved Inspired by the song "This Feeling" by The Chainsmokers made. 20 May 2020 published. 16 June 2020 finished.

MellifluousMeadow · セレブリティ
18 Chs

제12장 | And Sometimes They Go Wrong V

제12장 | And Sometimes They Go Wrong V


"Unnie~" I squirm in discontent of the disturbance. "Unnie~ wake up" I felt my arm being shaken and try my best to open my eyelids fighting back my sleep. "We made a stop. Papa was refilling the car's tank and Jungkook oppa suggests to take a little rest before going to the road again, maybe you want to buy something? They were out in the convenience store" Junghee added

I gently rub the back of my palm on my eyelids to clear the slight blur vision. "Is she awake?" I heard a deep yet so manly voice nest to Junghee, making me look at Taehyung for a minute before covering my face and groan in embarrassment. I must look like a witch after just waking up. I heard Taehyung chuckled a little

"I'll go grab some more drinks" Junghee said before I glance between the gaps of my fingers but hide once again before remembering Taehyung is just right in front of me "Relax, you still look pretty" I groan once again in disagreement

"C'mon, I already asked Uncle Junhyung the keys. We're going somewhere for a bit" my eyes follow him walking towards the driver's seat and starting the engine. Uncle Junhyung? I guess they talked and became somewhat a little close when I was asleep. I look at our surroundings once again. It's obviously far away from the main city "Where are we going?" I asked as he begins to drive on the road

"To buy Junghee's gift" realization and memory hits me. I didn't get anything for Junghee yet

"H-How did you know that I don't have any gift?" I asked, still being cautious about my mouth breath. "I didn't know that. I was just gonna buy one and ask you to come along and accompany me" he replied. I blink for a moment before nodding

Atleast I could buy a gift too. It would be ashamed of me not to have one on my best friend's birthday, I'd die in pure guilt (not really). "So, where are we going to buy some gifts? We're probably a couple of hours from the city�� I said

"I know some place near here. Also, one reason why I'd ask you to accompany me is to ask what Junghee like, you're her best friend after all" he replied. Without having second thoughts, I commented "Since when you and Junghee became close?"

"Huh? What makes you think that?" he chuckled. Just seeing him not being the monotone Taehyung I knew somewhat relieved me a bit. "You were always poker faced with other people aside me who you said you're only 'close with' but just a while ago you were about to laugh at Junghee as if you two were really close"

"Were you checking me out all the time?" he teases giving me that deadly smirk of his with the use of the rearview mirror. I gulp at how undeniably attractive and gorgeous he is. "What? Hahaha, I wasn't. I just noticed" I said a white lie

"Junghee was somewhat carefree and dear" he replied taking a turn on the road, "She was the first person who approached me just because you were about to invite me in her birthday" he laughs, "She reminds me of someone"

"Someone?" My eyebrows raise in question, I was getting interested on our sudden topic. For the first time ever, he's just about to open up about himself. Completely a different persona. He's totally the full opposite of the Taehyung I knew… and somewhat I'm happy

"Hmmm, someone very dear to me" a sigh escapes his lips before I notice his face expression slowly shifts into the monotone one again. "Let's not talk about it." He stops the car suddenly before unbuckling his seatbelt. "But- "

"We're here"

I frown at his cold tone. I bit my lip in thought that I must intrude into something very personal to him. Once I went out of the vehicle, a cottage looking wooden house was shown before me, there were paths made out of stone rocks that leads to the entrance and there were a trail of wildflowers surrounding the area. Being foreign about the place, I depend myself on Taehyung since he just told me 'he knew' this place

"What's this place?" I asked him, tailing after him. "A rural store" he said, not even giving me a glance, he's now giving me the cold treatment, does he? As my eyes wander the surroundings, this cottage somewhat reminds me of the wooden house that Anna bumped into from the Frozen movie where she met Kristoff. We walk on the stone path until we reach the house and was greeted by a man wearing a brown rural looking shirt paired with red Hawaii shorts. "Boss!" the man cheered looking at Taehyung before pressing his lips together in a thin line after seeing me


"Boss?" I mouth my thoughts out. "Rural people usually call customers 'boss' especially people from the city" Taehyung answered before walking toward a foreign yet unique looking cabinet. I just nod and look at the man before me. "Welcome to sunshine's store! I'm Hoseok" he cheered. I smiled in return. "Say, how may I help you, miss?"

"Oh, I'm actually looking for a gift for my best friend" I say then look at Taehyung checking out some antiques. "Oh! I have just the items. What is she like?" Hoseok ask while skipping towards a bunch of cabinets that were arranged in an aisle. They're were mostly old-looking and foreign antiques, I'm not really sure if Junghee likes old stuff

"Do you have a book?" I asked, Junghee loves to read. Probably an antique book would do the trick

"Does she love to read?" Taehyung spoke out of the blue causing me to flinch a bit on my spot and nodded at his question. "Oh! I got the items, boss" Hoseok cheered once again, no wonder the store was named sunshine. But also makes me wonder why the flowers around were wildflowers instead sunflowers

"The Great Gatsby. Old but a very known story" Hoseok returned and showed me a dusty yet eye-catching book, he blows and wipes the dust off before handing them to me. "I think this would be great, thank you" I smiled at the man before me

"What else does Junghee like?" Taehyung asked. "Aside for food and reading… she like to wear guy's clothes like Jungkook's" I answered. "I'll take cabinet 4, row 9" he told Hoseok who nodded and skip along the aisles to get whatever Taehyung told him. My eyes were wide like ping pong, "Do you go here a lot? You seemed to like have the whole interior blueprint of the store inside your head" I cackle in amusement, but he still has the monotone look. When will he chuckle or even smile again?

He just hummed in response as I pout mentally, he's so cold as ice. "Here, boss" Hoseok went back with 3 oversized shirts, "Is that from Bonfire?" I asked Hoseok, he nodded. My jaw dropped slightly in amusement. I didn't know this simple cottage could have these. These kinds of shirt brand were so rare, eve thought it's not that expensive, you could barely see these at the mall

"Thank you" Taehyung gave Hoseok some cash which Hoseok was kind of hesitant to receive but still did. "I'll pay this- "

"I already paid for yours. We can go now" Taehyung cuts me off before walking out to the exit with the 3 shirts in hand. "O-Oh, Thank you again, Hoseok!" I greet Hoseok hurriedly and ran to Taehyung not wanting to be left. I didn't hear anything from Hoseok as I ran towards the pick-up truck. "Get in, they must be already waiting for us" he said as he buckled his seatbelt and start the car as I just frantically opened the car's door and shove my whole weight inside along with the book in my hands. "How much was this book by the way and those shirts? We didn't know the price yet we paid. Who knows these were more expensive?" I said

"I paid the exact amount" he replied shortly as we headed back to where we left the Jeons and Jimin

"Look who's finally back" Junghee cooed after Taehyung stop the car fight in front of them as he went off the driver's seat for Uncle Junhyung to get in as well as Taehyung beside me and Jimin on the car's trunk. "Where's Jungkook?" I asked after looking at everyone who was here. "He went to the restroom to do his business" Aunt Haneul replied as I noticed Junghee sulking in a mad pouty face with her eyes rolled after Aunt Haneul spoke as she crossed her arms leaning on the car's body (She's outside of the car). "What's wrong?" I ask her in a whisper. "She was having a catfight with her brother" Uncle Junhyung answered for me

"It wasn't just a cat fight, Pa. You know it" She scoffed leaving me having questions. "How can he be so immature? On my birthday. My 18th birthday. Gosh…" she exclaimed in full disappointment, "Can we just leave him- "

"That's out of the line, Jeon Junghee" Aunt Haneul warned. Just in time, Jungkook opened the car's door (Junghee was on the other side of the car) making me startled a bit as he went in. Junghee then stomp her way to the trunk and sat there with Jimin. "Junghee, what did I just told you a while- "

"Fuck yourself" my eyes went go nuts at her sudden swear. "You- "

"Jeon Jungkook" Uncle Junhyung spoke in a stern and deep tone. What happened when we were away? "But dad!"

"Let your sister be. She's already 18 and it's her birthday" Uncle said before stepping on the car's acceleration. The whole ride was an awkward wreck and it's pretty obvious that Aunt Haneul and Uncle Junhyung were trying to ease the tension at least by turning on the music station. Taehyung was still at his usual straight intimidating face while Jungkook was… really mad because of what 'fight' he and Junghee had

"Where's the chips?" Jungkook asked as he pulled down his headphones. "Junghee has them" Uncle Junhyung replied as Jungkook cursed silently. I bit my tongue nervously. Of course, Junghee is always the one who holds the food

"How's the gift buying, Taehyung? Did you found the shop that you've mentioned?" Aunt Haneul spoke. They are really trying to soften and comfort the atmosphere. "Yeah, it was good" Taehyung answered shortly

"What did you get?"


"Tch, no thanks. Junghee doesn't like ordinary shirts" Jungkook chuckled. I slowly slumped down on my seat, feeling another wave of tension and disagreement coming. But fortunately, Taehyung didn't answer back which relieved me. He must've also noticed how much this day it has been

Jungkook just wore back his headphones after not receiving anything and pokes his inner cheek with his tongue, a habit I noticed from him when he is pissed


"Junghee…" I shake my head softly, ignoring the disturbing call. "Wake up," I groan this time and snuggle my head closer to my pillow, feeling it very comfortable and heavenly. I felt a tap this time, specifically on my back shoulder, making me flutter my lids and scrunch at the sudden bright light attacking my vision

As soon as my blur vision cleared, I saw Jimin very close to me and my arms were wrapped around his torso as my head was on his chest. It took me a good while before processing what was it until I shyly let my hands out from him and back to myself. I bit my lip nervously. "Sorry…" I mumbled, speechless. Completely speechless and overwhelmed

"It's okay, Happy Birthday" he smiled and pat my head while giving me a sweet greeting. I could feel some blood rush on some parts of my body where I just touched him, including my cheek. I glance around in confusion. I was just at the car trunk as I remember

"We arrived minutes ago but you're really in deep sleep so I carried you here at the resort cottage your godparents provided" I heard Jimin said. I muttered an 'Oh' and nodded slightly flushed at the idea of Jimin carrying me. Did he carry me bridal style? Piggyback?

"Am I… heavy? Sorry" I chuckled and covered my mouth right after when I felt myself yawn after a whole deep sleep. "No, you're really light. I can even carry you with one arm. Say, how did you become so light when you eat a lot?" he jokes

I was about to joke too when someone knock though the cottage door. My smile dropped in an instant to see who's at the other side. "You- "

"Whatever you have to say. I don't even a single shit" I cut him off, "Get out. You're not welcome here" I noticed Jungkook did his noticeable habit once again, poking his inner cheek with his tongue. "Look, I told you- "

"Get out." I sternly said, "You just ruined my day. If you want to atleast keep this birthday of mine jolly then better shut that mouth of yours. I've loss a lot of respect from you" I snapped and stood up pushing him out of the door and shut it with a slam

"Junghee… You shouldn't do that to your own brother"

"I'm not a kid, and I know what he did is really insulting to the brim" I said. "Come on, what did he do? Tell me" he pats a side near him on the bed as I puff out a breath before walking to him and sat down beside him

"Now, tell me what did he do"


"This is a lot…" I gawked at the various ingredients and kinds of food that was prepared for Junghee's birthday. We arrived here at the camp resort a couple minutes ago and I willingly asked to help prepare and be at the kitchen for a moment to see how's it going. "Indeed. You know much of a picky yet savory eater Junghee is when it comes to food" Aunt Haneul chuckled as she helped to kitchen staff of the resort cook some of Junghee's favorite dish

"You can go outside and explore, Serin dear. I can manage it here" I smiled and nodded at her words before going out and startled when a figure suddenly appeared behind the corner of the door. "Can you not appear like some ghost?" I scold at Taehyung, giving me a heart attack

"Where are you going?" I shrug. "Aunt Haneul told me to explore around. Uncle was with Jungkook because of his fight with Junghee. Do you have any idea what it was?"

"No, but it's obviously because of Jimin" he places his large veined hands in the gap between his pockets. After giving it a thought, that could possibly be it. From what I observe just not too long ago, it does seem that Jungkook doesn't want Jimin to be close with Junghee and Junghee on the other hand is tailing him. "Makes a big sense" I replied shortly

We both walk with each other's side going somewhere randomly, exploring each beauty of the camp resort. It's really full of trees as it is a camp resort where you can go camping with your friends safely. There's a bonfire pits, I could also hear some river streams not so far away. I bet there's also a waterfall here

My heart skipped a beat when Taehyung takes a hold of my hand, intertwining our fingers together in a soft manner as he gently tugs me, making me follow him. "W-Where are we going…?"

"You'll see" he answered, not giving me a single look. We walk past right through some bushes and rocky pathways until I could hear streams of water approaching nearer and nearer. "Wow…" I gasped at the sight of the waterfall at the center end of the round looking sanctuary. The color of the water is really beautiful, from the waterfall it's pure as cloud white and as it lands settled on the surface, it's blueish green and clear, you can really see every rock formation at the bottom. "It's beautiful" I breath out

I notice Taehyung in the corner of my eyes shift making me look at his direction is curiosity. "W-What are you doing?" I mumbled turning back my head when I saw him taking his clothes off. "Go for a swim. You can join"

Then he jumps on the water making me flinch and let out a scream unconsciously, covering myself from the splashed water. "Taehyung!"

"Hahaha, come on! The water is really refreshing" He cooed brushing his front hair off his splendid forehead. "I didn't bring any extra clothes" I said. "You can use my shirt. I'm okay walking back shirtless, the cottage is not that far from here"

I bit my lip in deep thought. I could feel a slight rush through my cheeks just thinking of myself wearing Taehyung's shirt. But wouldn't he get sick? "Come on. It's fine, totally" he ushers me. The gleeful him is back

I reluctantly take my shirt off until I noticed him looking at me, making me shiver in embarrassment and immediately cover myself, "Don't look! You pervert!"

"I was not, chill!" he chuckles before turning around with his arms on the surface of the water to support himself as I took off my upper clothing and properly folded them on the side where Taehyung put his which were on the big stone rock. Good thing I wore matching bikinis or I'll look like a weird high schooler. I took off my pants and folded them too before tying my hair into a neat bun. Just so it won't look bad when I dry it after all the swimming

"Are you done?"

Not giving him an answer, I closed my eyes bracing myself for the huge impact as I jump on the water with my full weight. With much force that I felt around my body, it hit my brain to brim, reminding me that, I can't swim

I flapped my arms to lift myself up needing for air. Luckily Taehyung pulled me with one arm wrapped around my waist as I gasp, inhaling such oxygen as I need. "The water's not bad, right? You can't swim?" Still breathing and catching up with my breath, I answer "Yeah"

He chuckled, "You should've told me, we could head back if you want" he muttered. I could actually feel my legs slightly crawling to his as I need to depend on his figure when I felt myself sinking a little. "I know how to float" I said

He lets out a small and adoring laugh, "Sure,"

"I do!" I gawked at his reaction; I'm telling the truth! I do know how to float! That's already a first! Only a small percentage of people knows how to float, I'm proud of that

"Alright, alright. No need to be so aggressive" he chuckled, slowly letting my body go from his hold, "I'll let you go, then" he tests me. Once I felt he is starting to part from me increased the anxiety and somewhat add some heat of my flame of fear. I could feel myself sinking. "W-Wait" I stuttered holding my palms up to grip on his shoulder for support

I bit my tongue in embarrassment. "Why?" he plays as if he doesn't know what I'm asking for, teasing me to the whole brim. He's obviously enjoying this

"Ugh! You know why! Stop teasing" I exclaim moving the tip of my toes as well as working on my legs and flapping my arms to reach him as he moves inches and inches away from me each time I go forward.

"Taehyung!" I called out for him holding my chin up high to prevent some water coming near my mouth. I noticed him stop for a moment as his eyes drifted somewhere far from the delightful and cheery ones. It was back again to the cold winter. "Taehyung" I called him again, yet, he didn't give a single nor a small response. I'm feeling myself sinking more as seconds passed, I'm going to drown. "Taehyung!" I called out desperately, flapping my arms in legs in all of my might under the water

Like in a snap of light, I was being pulled harshly under the water causing me to move furiously on whatever was pulling me down. I force myself to open my eyes, ignoring the fact that I'm underwater and froze to see it was Taehyung

With one of his arms wrapped around my waist, he uses his other arm and legs to dive further with me wiggling desperately to get out of his hold despite the thought from the back of my mind that I know, it'll be useless. Adding the fact that he's much stronger than me

I use my whole strength to pull his arm away and try to kick his sides but because of the water which was restricting and decreasing my force, it didn't budge him

What is he doing? Is he going to kill me? Just thinking about it as a simple guess and hypothesis makes me tear up. It hurts. It hurts to know that somewhat you trust and befriended with betray you, kill you

I look around to see rock formations around as he still dives deeper, we're now far away from the surface as it's starting to get dark on my surroundings, we're deep underwater. My face was about to burst, wanting some air to breathe as I hold my breath for too long and already on my limit

Taehyung… please…