
This Feeling • 김태형

A Kim Taehyung Fanfiction "They tell me think with my head and not that thing in my chest but they don't know what this feeling is like" Opposites really do attract. In which a girl shouldn't fall for someone she shouldn't MellifluousMeadow - All Rights Reserved Inspired by the song "This Feeling" by The Chainsmokers made. 20 May 2020 published. 16 June 2020 finished.

MellifluousMeadow · セレブリティ
18 Chs

제11장 | And Sometimes They Go Wrong IV

제11장 | And Sometimes They Go Wrong IV


This is it. This is the day. The day that Junghee has been waiting for. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME!" I chuckle when I heard Junghee making random sounds in the background since I was at the kitchen preparing some simple breakfast for the both of us

After listening to everything that happened to Chaejin was completely numb and sore. It's like I was in her shoes and was stab multiple times for me to can't feel anything anymore because of the pain. I didn't tell Junghee about what I know in fear that it might ruin her special day. And I know Chaejin wouldn't like that either

Yet here I am, trying my best to be happy and ignore what I just knew for the sake of my other best friend who is still here by my side. And the fact that Jungkook will also celebrate with us (because again, it's his sister's 18th birthday) is adding the anxiety inside me

"Did you prepare me some gifts?" I heard Junghee asked as I took some blueberry yogurt from the fridge, it's her favorite

Oh shoot. I forgot her present

"Well?" I cough when I could feel her approaching my figure. "Don't tell me you've forgotten to buy me something" She muttered in a disappointing tone. I immediately hide my nervousness in a fake laugh, "What? Hahaha of course not! I got you something of course, what kind of best friend am I? hahaha"

What kind of best friend am I to forgot her present on her 18th birthday

"Oh goody! I can't wait" she giggles and skips to the dining table as I put down our breakfast. I prepared some strawberry and chocolate oatmeal for her with some blueberry yogurt (She's wants a low carb diet but still eating a lot) while I eat some whole grain cereal with milk paired with some hot chocolate drink

"What are the plans for your birthday?" I asked, still amazed how she doesn't want to have a grand hall celebration for her debut while her parents have the money to give her a luxurious one. "Camping! I already asked my mom and dad to just give us a ride to their pick-up truck and Jungkook already called our godfather who owns a private forest resort. We'll celebrate there" she smiled, excitement was purely evident in her eyes

"And I don't want a lot of people to be involved. I know some who will be invited just wants to join because of the money" she added with a disgusts face in display. "I only invited Jungkook, you, Jimin and… perhaps Taehyung? You two really looked close" she puckers her lips together in thought with a hint of tease

I scratch the back of my head and chuckle nervously. Are we close? "I guess?" She slumps her silver spoon in her bowl in disbelief. "C'mon, both of you even had an article about it and you're not sure about it?" she scoffs before taking a spoon of her oatmeal

Honestly, I even myself didn't know that. We just met for a couple of weeks and I couldn't say that we're that close with finality. "Even some people thought you to were going out�� she added before eyeing me once again, "or are you, now?"

"No way!" I jolt at her sudden comment. "Tae and I are just friends" I said. "'Tae' huh, that's a start" she chuckles at my statement as I unconsciously blush, flustered


"Hey, wake up" I nudge my roommate for like a century. Jimin groans and shifts under his sheets as I continue to disturb him. "What?" he utters in pure annoyance, I chuckled. "C'mon hyung (older brother), you need to pack your things" I laugh and starting to pull his leg from the corner of his bed

"Y-Yah! Jungkook!" he exclaims when he felt half of his figure is already out of bed and would have a high possibility that he'd fall. I laugh hysterically at his morning face mixed with being annoyed. "What now?" he messes his hair with one his hard once he sat up

"'What now?' You must've forgot it's my sister's birthday today and you're invited" I chuckle and went back to my side of our bedroom and continues to take some clothes from my closet and put them in my sports bag. I took some extras for the fact that I know my sister well, she would rather use my clothes than buying new ones saying that she's too lazy to go to the mall but not lazy to go to new food stalls. Tch, typical Junghee

"WHAT?" I subtly stumble at my best friend's realization. I just hummed and chuckle in response. "We're going camping so you need to hurry up and pack" I said

Since I was looking in my closet, my back was facing him but I could feel him stumbling unto his side to prepare, I chuckle. "What's your size? XL, right?" I asked Jimin without taking my eyes off from my stuff and just continue to pack enough things

"3XL" His answer immediately made me furrowed my eyebrows and look at him. "I wasn't referring to your unique size" I cooed, he pauses before looking at me in confusion. "I thought you were referring to my length and thickness" he said before chuckling as I started to grit my teeth. I immediately grab the nearest thing my hand could hold and throw it at him, it was my hoodie

We both laugh and starting to punch each other playfully around our dorm space. After some while, we've recovered. "Seriously, I thought you were referring to that! Hahaha why did you asked either way?" he chuckled

"I was thinking that maybe you could bring some extra shirts or some hoodies for Junghee. I left most of my tops at my gym closet, you know 70% of the clothes she wears everyday is from my wardrobe" I chuckled. I know Jimin for my whole year in college and I know he wouldn't think nor do anything to Junghee that I wouldn't like

"Oh… sure" he uttered with a small cough as he clears his throat. "Are you okay with it? Sorry for the trouble. It's okay if you don't want to, I could just pass by the gym" I said trying to atleast increase his comfort zone

"No, no. It's really okay, the gym is really far from here and we still have a long ride. You'll just exhaust yourself on your sister's special day" he said with a small smile which I return. "And please hyung, don't misunderstood if I tell you Junghee will be wearing clothes. It means nothing. It's just that I didn't have enough clothes to led her" I added being cautious and stern at the same time. Even though he is my best friend, it's my sister we're talking about

I notice him looking at me with an emotion that is far from just minutes ago. He must've observed how serious I am about this. "Yeah, sure… I know" he utters without looking at me and continues to pack some more clothes as what I've favored for


I nibble my fingernails while looking on my phone that was just sitting on the dining table. C'mon, I can do it. It's just a text. It's not like we haven't text before, why am I overreacting over a simple invitation? Though I don't have his number, I could just look for his Kakao from our class group chat and text him there. But I don't have the guts! I'm not Junghee who is all mighty

Taking a deep breath, I reach for my phone and unlock it but almost let it fall on the floor when it suddenly ring, someone's calling. I glance at the caller ID. It's unknown

"Hello?" I uttered. "You have something to say to me?" a deep baritone and so familiar tone speak up from the other line. I unconsciously stood up abruptly causing the chair to move backwards creating some sound. "O-Oh… T-Taehyung?" I stuttered as I hold the body of back body of the chair to rearrange it on its original place. "Yeah, it's me"


"U-Uh, h-how did you get my number? A-And, how did you know I was about to call you?" I asked completely still thinking that maybe I was daydreaming

"Junghee chatted me on my kakao and gave me your number" he replied. His voice was deep and soothing, I think I could just listen to it for hours. "O-Oh��� I see" I turn my head to peek at Junghee's direction and glared at her figure. She was watching some Netflix series on Jungkook's macbook

That witch-crafted imbecile

"What do you want to tell me?" he spoke, if I'm not mistaken, his tone was more pronounce softly making me feel some slight shivers through my spine as I could feel my palms sweat. What is happening to me these days?

"Uh… I… I wanted to ask you if you could…" Why am I even stuttering, it's not like I'm asking him on a date? I didn't even think of us having a date or why am I even thinking about this matter? Why am I ranting in my head?

"Serin?" C'mon, it's not like it's my birthday. What's there to be nervous of when he's there? Well, Jungkook probably but it's not much of a big deal since they wouldn't hold such grudges after some immature and confusing argument, right?

"Serin, are you still there?" My thoughts cut off, bring me back to life. "Huh? Yeah! Uhm… I was thinking if you could come along? It's Junghee's birthday and we're going out camping" There, I said it. Not hard, right?

"Why do you want to invite me?" his tone shifts into a teasing one. This is even harder than I thought it would be. He's definitely not the Taehyung I once new in our first encounter. "Uhm…" Truth is, it was Junghee's idea since we looked really close. I can just that so easily in my mind but why can't I?

"Uh… You see… Junghee-"

"Serin want you to come" In a flash my phone was scoop out of my hold making me flinched in my spot. "Aw, thanks for the greeting, Taehyung… yeah, please do come. Serin would love having you around" she teases

"JUNGHEE" I exclaimed trying to get my phone out of her hand and try to speak near the phone's microphone. "She's just joking, Taehyung!" I announced. "Not, well pack a lot of stuff now, Taehyung. We'll be going any minute. Toodles~" Junghee hurriedly spoke and press the end button leaving me had a full charge glare beaming at her

"What?" she sticks out her tongue at me. "C'mon, it's not like you have a crush on him. Why be so dramatic, Serin? Or is it because…" she dabs the tip of her pale forefinger against the skin of her chin, playing the 'wondering' game at me. "Plus, it took you more than 10 minutes. You could've just text him right away and boom! Hwala~ you're now done and could continue pack your stuff" she motions her fingers and arms exaggeratingly but elegantly like some kind of mother diva in a movie series

I just continue to glare at her with my full control, however right inside my head I was already overthinking about her words and she might have a big point. "Now, now I need to text Jungkook oppa for getting me some more clothes" she uttered before skipping out our dining room, not forgetting to grab Jungkook's macbook with her

Why do I feel that I'll be having the most complicated day ever?


A honk sound of a car echoes around the campus street making every student and personnel looked at the source. "HOLD YOUR PANTS! WE'RE COMING" Junghee exclaim annoyingly at her brother honking at their parent's car while Serin was apologizing to every person they walk past by with. "Kookie, you'll disturb a lot of people" Jeon Haneul, their mother scolded with a calm tone

"Aren't you paying attention? Your daughter just screamed in public" the husband, Jeon Junhyung uttered in disbelief of his wife always paying attention to the eldest son. "I am! But can't you see why Junghee is screaming? It's because Jungkook was honking nonstop" Haneul replied with a stern tone

Being a kind of man who is kneeling on sandpaper anytime soon (a man who is afraid of his wife), he just puckered his lips in, concealing them before glancing at his son, "Listen to your mother"

Jungkook can't help but chuckle at his parent's behavior. For him, they are one of the kinds. Jimin couldn't help but chuckle as well who was sitting outside of the pick up's trunk. He could hear what's inside the vehicle loud and clearly

"There you are, Jimin" Jimin flustered at Junghee's sudden called and immediately glance at the window of the car looking at Jungkook cautiously. "Y-Yeah. Uhm, your bags" he took the bags from Junghee's hold and put it besdie him securely. "I, uh, I brought some extra shirts. Jungkook told me to" he said

The younger girl before him nodded "Thanks, I hope you wouldn't mind?" she asks knowing how much other people would misunderstand and think it so maliciously. "Yeah, I'm cool with it" Jimin gave her an assuring smile before taking the other bags that was from Serin's

"So, you met the parents" Serin chimed after Junghee walked away from their direction and headed in the vehicle to greet her mom and dad. "What do you mean?" Jimin asked

"Tch, I know you like her. Don't deny it" Serin smirk in evil. She finally has the thought of having a small payback to her best friend. "Hahaha, what are your nonsense?" he covered his flushed face with a chuckle. But Serin is smarter than that (Unless if its Taehyung then her IQ will be a dumb stray dog). "Oh, c'mon. Denying it is like denying the fact that a fish can't breathe underwater"

"Serin~ come on!" Junghee exclaimed from the window. Before walking towards her best friend, she gave Jimin a sneaky smirk. "What were you guys talking about?" Junghee asked Serin as soon as she closed the car's back seat door. "Ooh~ it was nothing~" she teased making Junghee her knitted her eyebrows in suspicion. She's totally not jealous

"Hey, Serin. It's been so long since I last saw you" Haneul squeaked in adoration in seeing Serin. "It's nice to see you again, Auntie" she smiled and greeted her husband afterwards. "Well, off we go, fellas?" Junhyung announce as he set his foot on the car's acceleration.


"Stop right here, pa" Junghee pointed towards a pavement nearby. "Why? Did you forget something?" Jungkook asked his sister. "We're still waiting for one person"

I nibble my bottom lip in slight anxiety. "Who?"

"You'll see" Junghee uttered in a teasing tone but I could actually feel her gaze piercing at my figure. She steps out of the vehicle stating that she's going to contact with that one person we're waiting for. Though on the contrary, half of that is an excuse for her to go out and talk to Jimin who was at the trunk

"How are you, Serin?" Uncle Junhyung asked me after he pulled the hand break. "I've been good, uncle" I replied with a smile. The fact that Jungkook is just a couple centimeters apart from me is making my goosebumps climb through my skull. "Say, I bet you already have a boyfriend are you, Serin dear?" I shake my head in deny of Aunt Haneul's statement then I heard Jungkook scoffed making me look at his direction. He was just looking outside the window

"No? Or did you just got separated?" Aunt Haneul added, I immediately raise both of my hands in deny. "I didn't have any boyfriend" I answered in an awkward chuckle

"Oh? Even once? Maybe… a crush perhaps? Don't tell me no one ever made moves on you" I chuckle nervously at the subject. Uncle Junghyung was glancing at me using the rearview mirror and I could also feel Jungkook's gaze on me even though I couldn't see it. "None" I answered shortly

"What's 'none'?" The door opened up hastily making all of us jump on our seats, except for Jungkook I guess since I haven't felt him shift a bit. It was Junghee, her head pokes out from the boundary with a visible figure behind him

"Ma, Pa, this is Taehyung, Serin's friend" Uncle and Aunt were looking at Taehyung direction. Why does it feel like they were my parents and were just meeting my soon to be husband? I'm such a nervous wreck without reasons "He's invited?" Jungkook asked in surprise

"Uhuh, Serin invited him" Junghee smiled, her remark just made me have the whole stage audience

"Oh…" Aunt Haneul cooed in slight amusement. Like mother like daughter, I see. "I don't there will be enough space here for the four of us" Uncle Junhyung divert everyone's attention by changing the topic which I'm glad at. "You can sit outside the trunk with Jimin" Jungkook says at Taehyung. I could actually see Uncle Junhyung and Aunt Haneul agree at Jungkook's suggestion. I could actually feel the slight tension radiating from Jungkook and Taehyung base on their looks of daggers at each other

"I could sit outside with Jimin" Junghee chimes and targeting her mother. "Please~ It's my birthday and I couldn't enjoy outside's view with Jungkook's head and presence" she pouts once more. "Don't give me that look, young lady"

"Are you sure you're okay outside?" Uncle Junhyung asked. "Junghee, just let Taehyung sit outside, it's so not-gentleman of him to let a girl like you sit outside" Jungkook

"Then, why are you here inside the car? Go sit outside with Jimin! You're his roommate either way" she sticks out her tongue at her brother leaving Taehyung biting a laugh. Taehyung usually just holds a monotone look when it comes to people he's not close to, but seeing him holding his laughter at Junghee and showing some reaction, it means that they're close enough. Since when Junghee and Taehyung become close?

Jungkook left speechless at Junghee's remark. She has a point though, "Why did you left your roommate outside all alone?"

"Why are you making it such a big deal?"

"Because Jimin is a human and I have a big heart unlike you"

"Enough of the dog and cat fight, geez. You're already passed the minor stage" Uncle Junhyung sighed while staring at his children bickering using with their faces. "How about I go sit outside?" I suggested

"No, today's is my birthday and you all will grant every wish I want. And, I want to sit outside!" She giggles while blinking her lashes at her parents who were just sighing in defeat. It took time for them and Jungkook until they just agreed to let Junghee sit outside with Jimin before we headed to the main road

Basically, I'm in an awkward position since I sat between Taehyung and Jungkook and I bet this ride to the resort would take long. Hopefully, Uncle Junhyung would drive fast so I wouldn't suffer from this awkwardness for longer

"You're roommates with that Jimin guy?" Uncle Junghyung asked Jungkook which he just hummed in replied. "Is he a good one?"

"Dad, I already told Jimin that Junghee is off limits, don't worry about it" he replied before plugging his headphones in once again. His remark made me frown, but I didn't show it. I could see Uncle and Aunt looking at each other in the corner of my eye before shaking their head

"So, Taehyung, dear. We never heard something about you from Jungkook and Junghee, are you perhaps a new friend?" Aunt Haneul spoke after a couple moment of awkward silence. "I just transferred here not too long ago" he answered shortly again with his monotone voice. "Oh, I see. You're major in?"


"Oh dear! Your Uncle Junhyung and I wanted Jungkook and Junghee to go for that course to handle our business but faith is not on our side as they choose a different path" She chuckled but continue, "Don't misunderstand, we love our kids and we'll support whatever they want to be" Taehyung just also hummed in response

This is going to be a long ride