
This Feeling • 김태형

A Kim Taehyung Fanfiction "They tell me think with my head and not that thing in my chest but they don't know what this feeling is like" Opposites really do attract. In which a girl shouldn't fall for someone she shouldn't MellifluousMeadow - All Rights Reserved Inspired by the song "This Feeling" by The Chainsmokers made. 20 May 2020 published. 16 June 2020 finished.

MellifluousMeadow · セレブリティ
18 Chs

제10장 | And Sometimes They Go Wrong III

제10장 | And Sometimes They Go Wrong III


That was a close one. "I haven't got any messages from you lately" Jungkook told me. Although Jungkook and I argue a lot, small or big, we always talk for like, every day to keep each other company even we're in the middle of an argument personally, we would swear and argue through our phones

"Oh. Just busy. You know med student" I said. "Uhuh… Strange that you're always busy even before but still calls me at 2 in the morning" he chuckles bitterly. I feel bad after hearing his statement

"Strange that we vowed to not keep anything from each other but you still did" I replied. He must be surprise that I now know what he's been hiding all along. How could he manage to not feel guilty about it for a long time while I already did after hanging out secretly with his best friend in less than 24 hours?

"You must've noticed it…" he utters


Serin headed out of their dorm room to check on Jimin. But something was blocking on her way. "You. Stop right there" It was the mean immature girl again, who calls herself the school muse. "Yes?" Serin replied uncomfortably, not because she's scared but the smell of strong perfume would be the death of her poor sense of smell

"Didn't I told you to get away from Taehyung?" she snickered with her over drawn eyebrows and fake witch nails. "Yeah, and?"

"Excuse me, don't 'and?' me. You must've forgot who I am"

"Look. I don't even know what's your name in the first place so why should I forgot who you are? Are you the president's daughter or something?" Serin questioned, getting impatient about this immatureness. "You… hah! What?! How could you not know, I'm- "

"Is there a problem here?"


"Is there a problem here?" I was stunned by a sudden call. I didn't expect him to be here at this moment. "Jungkook," The girl in front of me uttered completely bewildered as I am

He just hummed before giving me a glance, as if he was sending me a message with an alternative use with his eyes rather using his mouth. "Nothing's wrong" I said without thinking. I bit my tongue secretly. Why did I lie? It seems that he doesn't really looked convinced but just nod along. "What is it that you two are talking about?" he asks

Probably looking for another way to solve this mystery. "Oh, uh… we were just… talking" the girl answered chuckling

He just nodded before we heard Junghee approaching behind. "Oppa, I'll just go to the convenience store to eat some… sandwich. I was craving" she stated completely unbothered nor curious about the current situation we were in. She gave me a look before skipping away not letting Jungkook reply

Bet she's going to check on Jimin

"It was nice talking to you again, Serin" the caked witch face complies leaving me, she must've taken the chance to walk away when Junghee also went away. I feel honored that the 'muse' knows my name while I myself an ordinary student doesn't know hers. Funny

"What was that?" Jungkook asked me with his thick eyebrows meeting, almost similar to Taehyung's but unlike him, Taehyung has more aura with his eyebrows especially when his orbs were dark and serious or maybe even just the usual monotone mood of his

"Serin?" My small thought was snapped. I look dumbfounded at Jungkook, "Yeah?" I said, silently clearing my throat

"You were out of thought just a moment ago, I doubt you even heard what I just said" he chuckled before checking my features concerningly which I immediately take action with. I don't want him to stare at me that much, especially that I'm now starting to plan to have the talk with him. Taehyung is right. We need to talk to have closure. That's important. But I do hope our friendship won't be forgotten and go to waste even deep down I know there's just a small chance to save our friendship without the awkward stage that could be the reason for our years of friendship to just a memory

"Sorry, I was just tired" I excused. "Where are you going? I though you and Junghee have some plans or something" I changed the subject, which I regretted asking in a blink

"Oh, that. I wasn't planning on going out with her for moment. My intention to get here was actually you" he scratches the back of his neck with his nails. Anxiety immediately entered. "M-Me?" I croaked out

"Yeah, I want to tell you something… important" he said with an exhale at the end. Knowing him as my childhood best friend, when he exhales furiously at the end of his sentence, it means he's nervous, really nervous

"Oh, okay. What is it?" I asked getting in line with his nervousness as well. "Well, I- "

"Serin!" we both turn our heads to the voice that cut Jungkook's words. "Oh, Taehyung" I smiled but stop midway knowing that Taehyung doesn't show his true self to anyone he's not close with, and that leads me to act like Taehyung who doesn't smile

And he did

He ignored Jungkook and speak, "Let's go". I blink furiously in question. But before I muttered anything, he eyed me something, it's like the message-using-your-eyes game, or is also called as telepathy?

"You have plans?" Jungkook asked with his forefinger pointing at the two of us but his eyes were on me. "Uh…"

"We have" Taehyung nodded, "You have a problem with that?" My gaze jerked at the sudden response and tension. Their eyes say it all. It almost the same as the gazes of the actors I saw in the movies trying to kill their opponent or the ones who look at their prisoner as they torture them to death "I don't. But the way you're talking right now, I have" Jungkook replied

"Guys…" I muttered lowly feeling small between these two boulder-looking men. "Where are you taking her?" Jungkook said, "What is it have to do to you?" Taehyung challenged, completely ignoring me trying to stop all of these. "I'm her best friend, I have the right" Jungkook added. "I'm her boyfriend, I have more rights than you to her" Taehyung replied without a second. Time stopped after he let those words out. Even I myself thought I lost my breath

I stood still, not knowing what to say nor what to do as Jungkook's eyes move away from Taehyung's to mine. With my body froze like ice, Taehyung took my hand, "Excuse us" he said to Jungkook as Taehyung pulled me with him


I limped my way on the marbled seat that was part of the landscapes of the campus' trees and sat there for a moment to ease myself from the fall. I didn't expect myself to jump out of the window of my best friend's sister. Some of my batchmates recognized me and asked me if I need help which I openly agreed and asked him to take me to the convenience store so I could buy some ointment and food for Junghee

"Thanks a lot" I said once we arrived at the convenience store and helped me sat on a stall chair. "No problem, I'm Seokjin by the way. Kim Seokjin" he handed me his palm for greeting. "Jimin, Park Jimin. Nice to meet you too Seokjin and again, thank you for helping me" I said

"Don't mention it, I'm a medical major either way. You're the Park Jimin, right?" he raises his eyebrows in confirmation. I hesitantly nod, "Well, as far as I know I'm the only Park Jimin here in the campus so I guess?" I chuckled

"No, I mean. The Park Jimin, the person who is close to the school's muse, Jeon Junghee? I'm in the same field with her" Now that he mentioned Junghee, I nodded. "Yeah, I'm friends with her. Is there something on?" I asked

"I'm not sure if a lot of people know. But I do know a lot of people in the medical field that there's a rumor about a guy who was her phone wallpaper, and a lot of people were pointing that it's you. So, I guess that's how I recognized you with them describing how you looked like" he chuckled before adding, "Criminology and a Senior, small eyes and lean looking. Not to mention I always saw you with her brother hanging out a lot so I just had some guesses"

My jaw unknowingly went down as he continues to talk. With all of those foreign information processing in my head, I panicked a bit. What will Jungkook do if he knows this

Junghee's wallpaper is me?

My phone beside my pocket dinged indicating I got a message. I scoop the device from my pocket and grimace at the small crack that was printed on my screen. Must be because of the impact of my fall. "That hurts" I heard Seokjin uttered in pain before saying his farewell since he had some other agenda to go to

"Are you sure you're okay on your won here, now?" I insisted and thanked him again for his kindness as he walks away from the location

Fortunately, my phone is still working like a pro. I unlocked it with my passcode and bit my lip as I stare at my wallpaper for a moment before proceeding to my notification. It's Junghee

Jungkook's sister

< Where are you? Jungkook's out, I'm coming ]

I took a few moments to think first of a reply and again to ease the aching pain on my lower body specifically my knees and hips before typing

[ I'm here at the convenience store >

I decided to be just that simple but not too suspectable. I stayed there for a couple of seconds to again ease the stinging pain I bear while Seokjin was helping me coming here. I also couldn't help but look at her contact ID time to time. Jungkook's sister. It means I shouldn't. She's completely off limits

Then again, I stared at the cracked screen with my wallpaper sitting just right where I put it ever since. "There you are!" I pressed the sleep button of my cellphone in a fraction of a second in surprise. Junghee is now in front of me with worry evident in her eyes, "Are you okay? Here, I'll buy you some ointment and pain killers"

"No, it's okay you can use my money" I handed her my wallet with sweaty hands. Hopefully she wouldn't see what else was hiding in my leather money carrier. "No, I insist, I'm the one who caused this, I pushed you out of the window" her voice became soft and mellow but her voice was stern and final. I didn't have any other options but to surrender and gave her the gold slab

"Give me your arm, put it on my shoulder, let's head in first" she gestures at me which I followed. She's going to be a doctor soon either way and she's an expert when it comes to these things, I smiled imagining her wearing a doctor's lab coat checking on her patients that she helped

"Sit down carefully" I winced when my bottom came in contact with the seat. I think I got a huge bruise on it. "You must've gotten a huge purple goo monster at your bottom" Junghee uttered which I reacted n a second. "Purple goo monster?" I laugh subtly at the term she used. "Yeah, a huge bruise that looked like a goo monster up close" she nods with a frown cutely. I couldn't help but squeeze her scrunching nose with my thumb and forefinger out of my control. "You look like a kid" I chuckle

She looks at me with some emotion that I couldn't figure out then she speaks, "I'll go buy for your bruises then we can go to your dorm"

I immediately shake my head in disagreement, "Jungkook might be there" I told her. She eyes widened for a moment before agreeing at my statement as well and then spoke, "Hm… then, to your old house then...?" she mumbled incoherently but thanks to our small gap and distance, I could hear and understand her words clearly. I choked but fortunately hide it very well to not be suspicious

"My old house?" I repeat her words feeling a little giddy. She's not comfortable to be there?

She nodded subtly, "Yeah. I like it there. It's simple and peaceful" I felt the corners of my lip raise at her confession. "Are you not comfortable there? I mean, it's a little old and rusty" I asked then I remembered that Jungkook once told me that she's really sensitive and easily get allergies

"You might get rashes or have an itchy snot from that place because of the dust" I said. "It's really okay, I'll carry some anti-allergies with me if that would keep you at ease" she insists, "If Jungkook told you about my allergies in a dramatic way well don't believe on it, it's really a long time now and it descended a little and not that worse like before"

"As long as you're okay and comfortable then I'm fine with it" I concluded and wait there for her as she walks along the aisle to grab some ointment and food, of course, there will be always food in her list. I just stare at her cute figure skipping around the store and asked the counter for some painkillers and payed for them before proceeding to where I was left

"Here drink this first," she hands me a banana milk. I chuckle silently, "You like banana milk, too?" I asked in amusement, remembering that Jungkook is really possessive when it comes to this drink. "Uhuh, Jungkook and I usually buy a lot stocks and store them in our house. We even went down on our knees in front of our parents just to buy those. Good old days" she laughs at the memory as she pokes her drink with the straw

We both took our own time to savor our banana milks and smile in content


Taehyung pulled me somewhere that I have no knowledge where to since I couldn't even read him for a moment. "Where are you taking me?" I ask after taking a couple minutes to progress what just happened a while ago. "Somewhere" he said

"Tae- "

"Just follow me, I won't do any harm to you. You know that" he cuts me off. His words sound so dangerous that it made me shut up even thought it's not really his intention. I let him drag me everywhere until we stopped by to where I least expected him to. Chaejin's Bookstore

The entrance was locked and the 'close' sign was on display but to my surprise, Taehyung took something out from his pocket that made my eyes go saucers. "Where did you get those keys?" I asked pointing at the familiar object in his hands. He shoved the silver material to the keyhole, unlocking it. "It's better- oh, you know what the next words are" he chuckled. My eyebrows furrowed in irritation

Of course, I know. That's his infamous philosophy line. "It's better if I know nothing. Yeah, yeah, right" I mocked and headed in as well

The store was a wreck, like someone barged in. There were glasses shattered and, the door of the restroom was destroyed! As my eyes continue to observe the area, the more my eyes widened each second. Some of the shelves were disordered and books were scattered all over the place. I could even see some hints of police tapes around

"W-What…" I stuttered as my feet move by itself to check the counter where Chaejin use to hide her money but to my surprise the money box was missing. "Chaejin came here and took her money. Don't worry, it's not stolen" Taehyung spoke, answering the worry in my head. I nodded and took some easy breaths to calm my nerves. "What happened?" I turn my head to him

"I'll tell you later. But first, sit down and calm down for a bit. You'll look like your going to burst any second" his tone shifts into a mellow and soothing one. Completely in contrast to what it was back when he was talking to Jungkook

He motions me to the lounge area of the store and hands me a bottle of water which I just noticed that he's been carrying since then. I took a couple of gulps and rests my back on the edge of the couch. "Are you ready?" I nodded


I silently curse at my aching side. I was sitting in an uncomfortable position for hours and the fact that I need to be very careful to not get caught by the authorities is adding the pain I'm experiencing at the moment. "You didn't tell me where we are going" the guy beside me spoke

"We're going to Daegu," I answered shortly before motioning him to raise his mask up more so that no one will recognize him. "Daegu? What a coincidence. That's my hometown" he chuckled. His answer is making me turn my head towards him. He lives in Daegu? "You live there?" He nodded. "I was raised there before I went to Seoul and things happen" he shrugs. Without knowing what to say next, I just nod

"What about you? Did you lived there, too?" he asked

"No. I was born in Seoul with my friends. But my mother's hometown is there and we mostly go there for a vacation" I said before clutching unto my bracelet but frown when I felt nothing on my wrist. And that's when I realized that it broke and is in my wallet

He must've noticed what I was doing and knit his eyebrows, confuse. But before he could even utter a single word, I cut him off, completely not in the mood to talk about it. "So, I didn't catch your name" I said

He chuckled before answering, "Yoongi, Min Yoongi. But the authorities have no idea what my real name is, I go for Suga when I'm dealing stuff" I just nodded. "Chaejin, right? Lee Chaejin?" he raises his eyebrows for confirmation which I agreed on, "How did you know?" I asked. "I was looking around your dorm and saw your textbooks named 'Lee Chaejin'" he answered

"Uhm… may I know how you… end up like this?" I said, "I hope you wouldn't misunderstand but. If you're really that dangerous and evil, you would've already killed me and you even helped me back at my store. So, I was thinking that you must not be that much and I was just wondering…" I tried my best to explain. Hopefully he wouldn't get the wrong idea of me being such a gossip type

His eyes were a little dark after hearing my question and it made me scared for a moment. I think I shouldn't have asked that

'Good day passengers we've already arrived at Daegu National Train Station'