
This Feeling • 김태형

A Kim Taehyung Fanfiction "They tell me think with my head and not that thing in my chest but they don't know what this feeling is like" Opposites really do attract. In which a girl shouldn't fall for someone she shouldn't MellifluousMeadow - All Rights Reserved Inspired by the song "This Feeling" by The Chainsmokers made. 20 May 2020 published. 16 June 2020 finished.

MellifluousMeadow · セレブリティ
18 Chs

제1장 | I'll Tell You A Story

제1장 | I'll Tell You A Story


"Hey Serin, are you done?" My best friend slash roommate Junghee asks me. I nodded in reply as I closed my notebook before passing it to her. "Why do you need my assignment? We're in a different field" I ask her

She flips the pages of my notebook, "Well, the report that is assign to me is what to do if the person is a victim from a crime scene. You're in that field so..." She smiles sheepishly pointing the fact that I'm a criminology student

"Jungkook is in criminology too, why don't you ask him instead"

"Eh, he'll ask something in return. So, nah" She replied with a crunched on her face as a sign of slight disgust. I chuckle at her reaction. Jungkook and Junghee are the stereotypical siblings I knew; they say that they 'hate' each other and call each other 'ugly' and even fight. But I knew deep down they are just being affectionate

And speaking of Jungkook,

"Oh, by the way," Junghee spoke, making me turn my head in her direction. She motioned me to come towards her bed. I went out of my personal and comfy bed and plopped my butt to hers. She handed me her laptop

"Jungkook asked me to film and arrange his cover yesterday. I might've thought to give you the honor to be the first audience" She winked. I hugged her while squealing "You're the best" I cooed

"If you think so, treat me lunch tomorrow"

"Deal" I didn't care less as long as I could watch Jungkook's song cover. I gave her my phone and she connected it to her PC to transfer the audio file she arranged. She's really good at editing audios. Producing, I think that's the word

"Who will post this?" I ask as she handed me back my phone as I took my earbuds, excited to hear Jungkook's angelic and soothing voice that could make one person melt in ecstasy

"Jungkook, but I didn't send him the audio yet" she shrugs, "I'll send it to him tomorrow, you know how bad the internet in the dorm is" she rolls her eyes at the process before burying herself beneath the comforter

"Tch, got a point on that" I replied as I pressed the play button on the audio. My heart started to race in vigorous beats when he sang the first note. I bit my lip trying to conceal my squeal and not disturb my roommate who's now in her dreamland

His voice seemed to be destined with the notes as the melody flows like the calm river in Utopia. Hearing it made me feel relaxed and relieving my stress

I snuggle through my dolphin plushie as I went under my comforter still having my earpiece on my ear, hearing the calming voice of my crush

"Serin...?" I turn my head to see Jungkook with a bouquet of red roses in hand. His wearing a good-looking tux making him look like a groom in a grand wedding, and he is looking at me! Please tell me this isn't a dream

I walk to his direction and received the lovely bouquet. My heart flutters at the sweet gesture. I could feel it racing nonstop as I shudder in delight "Jungkook..." I spoke his name full of emotions. He suddenly knelt down making me cover my mouth free hand. This is so good to be true

He looks at me lovingly as if I was the most precious thing in the world and took out a red velvet box. Oh god, this can't be happening, "Yeon Serin, will you- "

"WAKE UP!" An unpleasant sound of shrieking accompanied by a collusion of two metal objects interrupted my daydream, I jolt in surprise to see Junghee smashing a spatula to a frying pan while shrieking

"Finally..." She sighs when she saw me now eyes opened. Jungkook? The flower? The red velvet box... Is just a dream? I roll over my bed in frustration and slap my pillow uncontrollably. This is the worst cliffhang ever

"Eh, I wouldn't ask what was your dream now, disgusting..." She spoke, making me turn my head to her, "You just interrupted the best dream I ever had!"

She gawked in shock, "Best dream? Dude! You were moaning my brother's name for hours in your sleep! It's disgusting!" She exclaimed before dashing out of our room. I blink furiously at her statement

That wasn't what she was thinking!

"Junghee- "

"You know Serin, I'm no judgy. I know other people will say it's normal if you experience that with the person you like but- Dude! Your crush's sister is just beside you and you were moaning his name!" She exclaims in disgust

Shoot. Junghee has a slight trauma of those kind of things because of what happened when she was a kid. I remember that she even flinches when she saw a guy because of it and kept on avoiding males even to her brother

"Look, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to but it wasn't what you're thinking"

"Then what is it?" She mocked, I then started to feel hot, I bet I'm turning all red to tell her my dream. "Tch, don't tell me he proposed to you in your dream" she mocked before pully the handle of the refrigerator to grab some Blueberry Yogurt. I smiled nervously at her statement

She opened the lid before giving me a glance, "Don't tell me..." She pointed at me, I nodded, "He did propose in my dream" I chuckle nervously

"Wah, your love-blindness is now at the serious level" She shook her head in disbelief

A beep sound went to our eardrums, indicates that the person behind the door knows our passcode, followed by a familiar figure came to sight. My heart burst into million pieces. I gulp and starting to panic

"Oh, speaking," Junghee mocked before greeting the person who just entered our resident

"Why are you here?" She asks, "Yah, how can you be that rude in the morning? Are you in your period? You should call me 'oppa' (Older Brother)" Jungkook pointed out at his younger sister before waving at me

Oh god, my heart

"Morning Serin," He smiles. I think my heart just went on a flat line

"M-Morning" I mentally bump my head on the concrete wall. Why the hell did I stutter? I must look ridiculous!

I cleared my throat silently, not wanting to get any attention at the moment. "What brings you here oppa?" Junghee asks, now using honorifics

"I'm here for my song cover," he asks. "What do I get in return?" The mischievous brat asks. Of course, they're siblings, that's normal "What do you want?"


Okay. I'll behave

"Cash," Junghee smiled innocently as if her request was just asking for a piece of candy. "I call" Jungkook agreed and gave her the amount that she is satisfied with. I thought she was making money by blackmailing people; I didn't think he'd ask from her brother's as well

"Thanks, hehe," She even has the guts to chuckle. She doesn't care less anyway, it's her brother after all

"Tch, when time comes, I won't be doubting if you will be a gold digger" Jungkook joked. It's a dangerous joke

"Ha ha ha" Junghee laughed before pocketing the money Jungkook gave her. "Oh! I almost forgot," She announces before pointing at me. What is she doing? Jungkook also looked at me at her gesture

She better not embarrassed me in front of Jungkook

She better not embarrassed me in front of my crush

"What is it?" Jungkook asks his sister while looking at me. My poor heart. I just dreamed of him proposing to me and now he's looking at me. I could feel some beads of wet forming on my forehead

Junghee snicker in satisfaction seeing me nervous. She knows how insecure I always am if it has connection to Jungkook

"You'll treat me lunch, remember?" She smirks. I let out a heavy breath and chuckle nervously, "Y-Yeah" I answered. Why did I stutter?!

I nibble my bottom lip between my teeth hearing Jungkook laugh, that's sweet laugh... "Did Junghee also blackmailed you?" he asks while playing with Junghee's hair, making her slap his hand away, annoyed

How I wish I was in her shoes right now

"Aren't you gonna leave or what?"

"I will, do you really hate my handsomeness that much?" Jungkook replied to his sister. "Handsomeness? Where? I thought the word 'handsomeness' and 'you' aren't compatible?" She scoffed in disgust

He is not handsome, he's breathtakingly gorgeous

"Ey, we have similar features..." he clicked his tongue before glancing at me, making my anxiousness shove back inside my system in a fraction of a second. Shit, why am I so nervous? I bet I look so stupid right now

"I'll be going now, I'm sorry you have to deal with this brat" he chuckles and wave goodbye, I raise my hand in response but my mind just darts to his face until his figure disappeared at my sight, followed by the sound of the door closing

"Tsk, you need a doctor" Junghee

She shakes her head at the thought before giving me a glance, she scoffed in disbelief when she noticed that I wasn't paying attention to what she was saying. "Your love-blindness is now in a critical level... sigh"

"I'll tell you a story..." I started and faced her

"What story? That Yeon Serin became the wife of an ugly muscle pig that has a tooth of a bunny that was smashed in his mouth and head made out of coconut? Yeah, I know that story" she scoffed

I ignored her once again. That Jungkook she was referring is a muscle pig who has a cute bunny smile and a fluffy coconut head, yeah, he's so handsome. I squealed remembering how he chuckled and looked at me. So cute!

"She's whipped" I heard Junghee uttered while looking at me from head to toe