

"That'll be $6.75."

"Here." I handed the cashier a ten. "Keep the change."

"Thanks, Zora. See you soon."

I walked out of the store, bag in hand. I was going to go meet someone.

I put my black hat on and zipped up my black leather jacket, the sky was beginning to dim and the clouds were starting to heavy.

I dipped across the street into an alley where the others were waiting.

/ / /

I locked the door of my apartment and went downstairs, ready to mail a letter. Suddenly, I heard heavy footsteps. There was a tap on my shoulder.

"Hey, Michelle!"

It was Amelia.

"You almost scared me half to death.!"

As I regained my composure, I began to continue my journey, Amelia following along.

"Haha, my bad. Whatcha doin'?"

"Going to mail a letter."

"Ooh, what is it?"

"Just the job application I was telling you about."

"I still think you should've just done it online."

"Yeah, I know. But this is more… me."

"You're so weird."

"Yeah, I know."

"Wait, look over there." Amelia pointed to a dimly lit alleyway. "Is that Zora?!"

I looked over across the street where she was pointing, and indeed it was.

"It looks like he's doing some of his gang stuff right now.!" Amelia says excitedly.

"This is not something to be jumping up and down about, Amelia!"

"Why not?! He looks so hot and mysterious."

I look at her with my eye lids low, my head tilted and my hand on my hip.

"Okay, okay. But what if it's not what we think?"

"Let's face it, Amelia. All the evidence is there."

"Fine; but promise me you won't report anything until you actually see a crime."


"Alright, let's go mail your letter."

/ / /

"Hey, Zora.! Did you get it? Did you?"

"Yeah, Emilie. Yes I did. Here are your M&M's." I reach in the bag and hand them over to her along with some SlimJim's.

"Yes, yes!"

"Give these SlimJim's to your brother, Hakeem. I mean it, Emilie."

"I will, I will."

"I promise, I will get you guys off these streets soon. Just hang in there. I'll bring Hakeem some soup when I can. Take care of him."

"I-I will."

As I was starting to walk away, Emilie said-

"And Zora… Thanks for everything; Truly."

"It's not a thing, Emilie. I'll see you soon."

I walked home with what was left in the bag.

I walked past one of the mailboxes, and recognized some familiar faces. I glanced their way to analyze who they were. They were in Ms. Harper's class. Interesting.

/ / /

"Are you serious? Why don't you just tell Alec?"

"Because! Do you seriously think he's going to believe me over her?"

"Yeah.. You got a point."

I sigh. " I'll just have to endure it. I really like him."

"And I'll just have to endure Zora being a gangster, I really like him."

"No, you really like his looks. You don't even know him."

"It's all the same thing, isn't it.?"

"No, no it's not."

"Of course you'd say that."

* * *

"Thank you so much for coming, I couldn't do this without you." I whisper to Amelia.

"You forced me." She whispered back. "But good move 'cuz I wouldn't want to be alone with her either."

"H-h-hey g-g-guys, thanks f-for coming."

"Yeah.. You're welcome." I respond, uncomfortably.

Amelia butted in, "Yeah, yeah, let's get this over with."

* * *

"G-g-guys this i-is really out of m-my comfort z-zone."

"Look Lila, shut up and accept our help. Don't you want to look less unappealing?"


"Alright then let us work."

We cleaned her face with some wipes and started to apply the make up. At first we were going to play a practical joke, but we decided against it. This makeover could be good for her.

About an hour later, our job was done.

"Hey Michelle, can you record the look up close and then stop the video?"

"Yeah, sure."

I zoomed the camera in on her face and stopped the recording.

"There. Now you'll know how to reapply it when we're not here." Amelia said while handing Lila her phone back.

"C-can I take a l-l-look now?"

"Yes, course." I say.

I pick a small circle mirror and allow Lila to check herself out.

"W-wow. I-I look hot."

We laughed. Lila wasn't so bad. The mall trip was actually fun. New make up, new clothes and accessories. What more could a girl need?

"I-I've g-g-got to be g-going now."

"Me too."

"Alright, see you guys tomorrow.!"

I walked them out and shut the door.

I stretched and yawned.

"I should start getting ready for bed."

I begun my nightly routine; a shower, skin care, and brushing my teeth. Afterward, I jumped into bed and drifted off.