
They Say Love is Blind

Pepper writes stories that span the gamut from humorous to heartfelt, however the common theme is crossing boundaries. Pepper's unique stories often tackle taboo topics such as mental illness and homelessness. Readers will find themselves questioning their own sense of right and wrong, attraction and desire. In addition to writing, the author is also an artist, an introverted recluse, a self proclaimed empath and a foodie. Pepper Pace can be contacted at: pepperpace.author@yahoo.com “You have such a pretty face, If only you would lose some weight.” Tory has heard that all of her life. In her solitary life she eats alone and daydreams about having a handsome boyfriend who could accept all of her. Daily she finds herself running to catch her bus and knowing that she is the laughing stock of the other commuters. And then one day she literally finds herself ‘falling’ into the lap of one of the commuters; an exotically handsome white man. Tory finds that she is unable to stop thinking about him and daydreaming about the life he must live. But Mr. Gorgeous must be either married or gay because she sees him dismissing the attention of gorgeous women left and right. Never in a million years would she ever guess that hers was the only attention he was interested in… In this multicultural romance, Pepper Pace weaves a story that takes her readers through the ups and downs of personal insecurities, cultural differences, and of course a lesson to be learned; that love is totally and completely blind.

Pepper Pace · 都市
52 Chs


"I'm nice too. Stop trying to scare her away." He was joking but his words caused Tory's heartbeat to quicken.

"Tory, this is my sister, Macey. And Macey, this is Victoria; Tory."

"Sister?" Her mouth was hanging opened. If Macey noticed that she was acting oddly, she hid it well, asking if she wanted lemonade to which she just nodded silently. Macey hurried away with a slight bounce to her rounded posterior.

When they were alone again Lee stared at her intently. "I have four sisters. Two of them own this restaurant and the other's work for them. I eat here almost every day." He smiled. "I grew up on this cooking, so I guess I'm addicted to it, I'm not sure if that's an endorsement or not."

Sister. She wanted to kick herself. Lee's sister returned with fresh lemonade for her and an iced tea for him.

"Do you know what you want?" She asked Tory who was trying to understand the question, her mind still addled at her huge mistake.

"Oh!" She hadn't even looked at the menu.

"Shall I recommend something?" Lee offered. She nodded and then remembered that he couldn't see.


"What are your thoughts on beans?" he asked. Her brow went up slightly.

"They taste good."

He chuckled and then she did as well. "Feijoada," he directed to his sister. "And your thoughts on pork? Traditionally this dish is served with pork but it can be changed out with chouri?o, which is sausage."

"I like both."

"Both, then, Macey." Oops! She didn't mean she wanted both. He must think she is a glutton. When his sister retreated with her order Tory turned to him curiously.

"What am I about to eat?"

"Nothing too adventurous. Just beans and rice with some vegetables and meat." As she looked at him sitting so comfortable and friendly she couldn't believe how stupid she'd been. He reached for his glass of iced tea and she noted that his hand moved slowly so that he wouldn't knock it over.

"Can I ask you a question?" He spoke after taking a liberal drink.

Uh oh. "Is this going to be embarrassing?"

"Yes." The corners of his mouth lifted into a smile.

"Okay, shoot." She said shyly.

"Why do you run for the bus every day?"

She gave him a shocked smile. "What do you mean, everyday?! I didn't run Wednesday!"

Lee nodded, hiding his look of amusement. "You didn't run today, either." Ah, so he knew that she had been on the bus. Tory wanted to bury her head in the ground. He continued, "Which brings me to my next question: Did you sic that crazy woman from the bus on me?"

Suddenly she was laughing hard and trying not to be the center of attention in the restaurant. Still, she almost lost her seat on the barstool. "Oh my God, that was so funny! I swear, I thought she was going to smack you!"

"I was hoping that I'd never have the privilege of speaking to that one."

"You say that as if it's a curse to have beautiful women approach you."

"No, Tory." He said seriously. "I just know what I like and I'm not settling for anything less." He stared at her so hard that her eyes were the ones to drop. Damn, a blind man had just stared her down.

Macey returned with a huge platter of food. White rice was to one side and the rest was filled with beans that looked as if it had been stewed with vegetables and hunks of meat. Her stomach growled long and loud, leaving her mortified.

She peeked at Lee who was eating the last of his soup as if he hadn't heard. She slowly ate a spoonful of some of the beans. "Mmm." She murmured in appreciation.

"So I did good in choosing for you?"

"Very good." Rice, beans, vegetables and meat; how could it get better than that? She glanced at him. She just had to know, and since he had begun by asking her a question she felt that the door was open.

"Can I ask you a question?"

"Of course." He pushed back his bowl and gave her his full attention.

"How did you see me when I was here the other day?" She was blushing furiously that he might think that she was bringing up a sensitive subject. Instead he gave her an easy smile. It made her heart flutter and the adrenalin rush to her head.

"I heard you."

"Was I that loud?"

"I recognized the sound of your voice. And no. You weren't talking very loud. I can just hear very well."

"You're...totally blind?"

"Yes." He watched her intently. "I used to be able to see some...hazy, though, and shadowy. But that's been a long time ago." He seemed absolutely relaxed as he talked about this thing that must be incredibly devastating. She cleared her throat, and pushed on.

"It really seems like you're looking at me right now."

"Ahh." He turned away from her and reached for his iced tea.

"I mean, I'm not complaining! It's just that...I thought you were looking at me."

Lee smiled and looked at her again, looked her right in the eyes. "I am looking at you, Tory. I can't see you with my eyes, but I can look at you just fine." He straightened in his stool. "I know exactly where you are by your voice. I know exactly where to look." She considered his words as she ate. He really couldn't see her. She took a big spoonful of food and chewed it quickly, so that she could continue talking without shooting food out of her mouth at him.

"So...are you married, have a boyfriend?" He asked.

She shook her head quickly, almost choking. "No." Her face was turning red again. "I'm single."

"Just for the record, so am I."

She stared at him with big eyes. Flirting again? Was this flirting, or was this just making friendly conversation? God, why couldn't she tell the difference?! She was doubting herself now. In a moment of desperation she just blurted out. "Ok, I'm going to be honest here. I'm not too swift in this area, but are you flirting with me?"

Any look of amusement fell from his face. He watched her with a very serious expression. "Tory, I like you. I'll just make it plain, ok? I'd like to get to know you."

Tory was quiet as she digested his words, trying to find a hidden meaning. After she examined it from all angles she found that there was nothing lurking behind those words. He liked her. Her heart was beating a mile a minute and breathing was becoming a real chore. Lee said that he liked her…but now the big question.


That question seemed to throw him for a loop because he opened and then closed his mouth, finally turning back to his soup as if to contemplate the last remnants that remained in the bottom of his bow.