
They Say Love is Blind

Pepper writes stories that span the gamut from humorous to heartfelt, however the common theme is crossing boundaries. Pepper's unique stories often tackle taboo topics such as mental illness and homelessness. Readers will find themselves questioning their own sense of right and wrong, attraction and desire. In addition to writing, the author is also an artist, an introverted recluse, a self proclaimed empath and a foodie. Pepper Pace can be contacted at: pepperpace.author@yahoo.com “You have such a pretty face, If only you would lose some weight.” Tory has heard that all of her life. In her solitary life she eats alone and daydreams about having a handsome boyfriend who could accept all of her. Daily she finds herself running to catch her bus and knowing that she is the laughing stock of the other commuters. And then one day she literally finds herself ‘falling’ into the lap of one of the commuters; an exotically handsome white man. Tory finds that she is unable to stop thinking about him and daydreaming about the life he must live. But Mr. Gorgeous must be either married or gay because she sees him dismissing the attention of gorgeous women left and right. Never in a million years would she ever guess that hers was the only attention he was interested in… In this multicultural romance, Pepper Pace weaves a story that takes her readers through the ups and downs of personal insecurities, cultural differences, and of course a lesson to be learned; that love is totally and completely blind.

Pepper Pace · 都市
52 Chs

Chapter 17: ROZ

The kitchen was open, a bar and stools defining the space. Yet off to the side was a small dining area near two large windows that overlooked the city. A walk out balcony was nearby. This was just...awesome.

"How do you take your coffee, Babe?" Tory resisted the urge to glance at Roz to see if she'd answer, but the woman was already sipping her drink.

"Cream and sugar."

"Non dairy creamer, ok?"


He poured her coffee carefully and then passed it to her. The cream and sugar he placed on the breakfast bar, and then last a spoon from a drawer.

"I was telling Roz about Club Kat last night. The music was HOT! Didn't you like that band, Baby?"

"Yeah, I'm new to Reggaeton but I definitely like it."

"Tory, honey, you have to have a Portuguese rib the way you danced!"

Roz laughed in a joking way. "Lee you don't have a Latin girl you have a black one. Man I know you're blind, but you're not that blind are you?!"

Lee considered his coffee, sipping without comment. Tory blinked. He did know that she was black??? He'd touched her hair...it was relaxed but...

Lee suddenly turned and poured his coffee down the drain. "Tory, we'll take you home. Is that okay, Roz?

"Roz was still chuckling. "Of course." Her eyes locked on Tory's before she gave one last laugh.

"I'm going to shower real quick." He said as he left the kitchen. "I won't be long."

When Lee was gone, Roz stood and moved about the kitchen, putting everything back in its place. The Portuguese woman ignored her and Tory quickly stood and went into the living room, feeling self-conscious. She could hear the shower going in the bathroom and the movements of Roz in the kitchen.

Feeling awkward, Tory quickly picked up her things intending to slip out of the apartment. She didn't care if she looked a hot mess and smelled of sex. She was going to catch the bus and go home. She was uncomfortable and it wasn't all because of Roz, something about Lee's reactions made her feel unsure. She didn't know what was up with him but she wanted to be gone.

She was just reaching out to press the button for the elevator when she paused. She closed her eyes and bit her lips, recalling the fun they'd had at the club; and then after. No, she wasn't going to run away like she had before. She marched to the bathroom and knocked on the closed door.

"Yeah?" Came his voice.

She opened the door and slipped into the bathroom, closing it behind her. "Um...I think I'm going to pass on the ride home. My bus stop isn't far and-"

"Roz makes you uncomfortable?" The water turned off and he pulled back the shower curtain. He reached for a towel and Tory's breath caught in her throat. She was supposed to be saying something but for the life of her she couldn't recollect what...He was gorgeous standing there with water streaming down his toned body as he quickly dried.


"Oh, um, I don't think she likes me very much." And you act like you're trying to get rid of me...

Lee wrapped the towel around his waist and gestured to her. "Come here, honey." She walked to him slowly. He had a serious expression on his face. She stopped walking when she was a mere foot from him. He placed his hands around her shapely body.

"I've known Roz since I was a kid. She's like family. For a moment I forgot that you don't know her like that. I could tell that you were really uncomfortable. If you don't want Roz to drive you home then that's fine. But I...don't want our day to end."

"You don't? I thought you wanted me to go."

His brow arched. "I know your feet are sore. When I was lying in bed last night...I wished that I could drive you home and then I hoped you'd let me call you a cab. When she came over I thought it would be perfect...I just didn't want you walking to the bus stop, is all. Okay? I don't want you to leave. As a matter of fact..." He stepped closer to her. "I'd like to keep you here for a few more hours." His hands moved to her bottom and rubbed her softly. "Tory?"

"Hmmm?" She was staring deeply into his sexy hooded eyes.

"Does two coffee breaths cancel each other out?" His lips were a mere inch from hers.

"Kiss me and let's find out." She muttered and then he kissed her softly. Her hands moved to his shoulders, still wet from his shower, and then up to his dripping curls. Lee pulled her tight against his body, his fingers caressing her full rear end.

She pulled back suddenly. "Lee?"

He blinked. "What?"

"You did know that I'm black, before your friend told you, right?"

"Yeah," he shrugged. "I could tell that you were black. And later when I asked Macey what you looked like she told me that you were a light skinned black woman with a voluptuous body and a gorgeous face. Also, that you were a big tipper." He added the last with a grin.

Tory blushed. "Gorgeous? Your sister honestly said that?"

He placed his hand over his heart. "Cross my heart. That's what she said."

Tory smiled. "Lee, maybe we should get out of the bathroom."

He sighed. "I guess you're right." He refastened his towel. "Do you want to go shopping with us?" He asked hopefully. "Don't let Roz make you uncomfortable. She's just very protective of me, is all. We've been friends forever and she knows how it's been for me with girlfriends."

Girlfriends. Did he mean girlfriend or friend that is a girl? She looked at the sexy man. She wanted to say, 'hell no.' She didn't want to go shopping with them. She wanted to go shopping with HIM. But she wasn't ready to say goodbye to him yet, either. Plus, it would probably aggravate that Roz to no end if she tagged along.