
They Become One

For her, he went from "I don't believe in love" to "My Precious Ran, call me Honey." "If you had not come into my life, what would living have looked like?" Widow + Divorcé = Marriage! EXCERPT: "So what did you want to tell me?" "Dad, you have terrible skills in picking up women!" "I don't think I heard you properly. What did you just say?" Li Yuchen proudly repeated himself, "I said you, dad, are terrible at picking up women." "Come here Xiao Chen". Li Chuanmo had never been as tempted to inflict physical pain on his son as he was now. Li Yuchen sensed the danger and quickly held out his hands in a gesture of surrender, "Wait wait Dad. I wasn't insulting you, I was only stating facts!" Judging by the look of violence on his father's face, his words weren't convincing enough, so he tried another tack, shouting: "I can help you!" SYNOPSIS: Pei Yueran is a 33-year old career woman juggling her work, family and being the sole parent of her son. After a terrible incident upends her life, she moves to another city and tries to pick the pieces of her life up again. Love had been elusive for so long for Li Chuanmo. At first glance, he had everything - the looks, wealth and success, but he alone knows how empty and abandoned he feels inside, despite being surrounded by friends and family. Love is finally coming for him, but when will he notice? Will these two unlikely kindred souls recognize Cupid if it hits them square in the face? They sure have a chance, but their choices will determine everything. PS: Although the ML is running low on EQ, he has a capable assistant - His son.

Su_Jeong · 都市
350 Chs

208 — The Wedding (3)

"Ran'er, if you squeeze my hand any further, you will crush it." Li Qianye said, full of teasing.

They were standing in front of the hall, just waiting for the MC to announce the bride's entrance.

"Ah, I'm sorry Uncle Li." Pei Yueran apologized in a fluster.

"It's Dad now, remember?" He said with a smile.

Just like that, Pei Yueran calmed down a bit and smiled back, and then it was time to go in.

As they marched to the accompaniment of the orchestra, the guests clapped politely to usher in the bride in their own way, but the older guests had a knowing smile on their lips.

This was one smitten couple.

Because from the beginning to the end, they only had eyes for each other.

Pei Yueran was still nervous when the march began, but when she looked ahead and saw Li Chuanmo, looking all calm and stylish in his ivory suit and holding a huge bouquet of red roses, her anxiety fell away.

Infact, everything and everyone else fell away. In her eyes, there was only one person. The man about to become her husband.

Judging from the way Li Chuanmo's eyes were fixed on her as well, the feeling was mutual.

At the altar, Li Qianye handed over her hand to him with a simple "take care of her," before going to take his seat beside his own wife.

"You look prepossessing." was the first thing Li Chuanmo said to her. He had seen the dress on her before, but seeing it again, he could only see how alluring she looked.

Not just because of the dress, but because of the woman she was.

It was like her inner beauty, her beautiful bones were shining through the fabric of the wedding dress and tugging at his heart.

He was falling in love all over again.

Pei Yueran smiled as she whispered, "You look easy on the eyes too, Handsome."

Li Chuanmo stretched out a hand to hold her waist, but the officiating minister chose that moment to clear his throat warningly. The sound echoed through the microphone.

So Li Chuanmo changed tactics and offered her the bouquet instead. There was no rush, he could wait.

Then after a few words, the boys came forward with the ring box and both of them said their vows, put the rings on and were declared husband and wife, amidst the cheering of the wedding guests.

It was all surreal to Pei Yueran, as if she was watching someone else's life play out instead of hers. Li Chuanmo didn't leave her in that state for long.

As soon as the minister said the words, "You may kiss your bride," Li Chuanmo wrapped one hand around her waist to turn her away from the view of the audience, while the second cupped her face as he went for a slow, rhythmical meshing of lips as well as hearts.

His lips brushed across her soft ones lightly, then nibbled on her lower lip, making Pei Yueran's breath catch as her eyes closed.

The scent of his cologne rushed into her nose, but not overbearingly. It spoke of comfort, safety....and something soul stirring.

Li Chuanmo took advantage of her slightly opened mouth, and Pei Yueran, who was already lightheaded, happily followed his lead.

Tongues entwined, the sound of people clapping and hooting in the background sounded like they were coming from far away and had nothing to do with them.

In their own world, there was only the two of them.

Amidst the cheering crowd, a lone guest, who was wiping tears stood out like a sore thumb. Their seats were arranged farther than Gao Tinghua would have liked, but his mother could still see her from here, so it was alright.

The rush of emotions Qiao Mingran felt as she saw the bride couldn't not be explained. It was a mix of heartache, regret and longing. Her tears poured out like waves.

This was most likely her daughter. This lady who looked as fair as jade and soft enough to pinch water from, who was looking regal in her wedding dress was most likely her flesh and blood.

The world was only so big. How could they not have crossed paths even once?

Gao Tinghua's emotions were complicated too. On one hand, he was happy she was finally getting her wish, but on the other hand, his heart ached dully. He pulled at the tie on his neck, slightly irritated.

They had to leave soon anyway. They had not been invited to the banquet. Li Chuanmo had made it clear that having to greet and thank him at the banquet would be a sour start to his much anticipated honeymoon.

"Grandpa Butler, there's no need to cover my eyes, I'll definitely see more of these in the future." Li Yuchen said to Butler Nan in a rush, not wanting to miss this exciting scene.

Li Junmo joined in the hooting and clapping as he said, "Wow, Big Brother has got game, seriously. I need to ask him for pointers!"

Even Zhang Heying's glare at him didn't change his mind. This was an experienced coach, he had to take lessons!

Director Zhou sat down smiling and wiping her eyes simultaneously. If only her husband were here, he would have been so happy.

Han Yichen only took one look and clapped before turning to look around. From their angle, there was really nothing to see. Li Chuanmo was shielding his wife and their open rendezvous tightly, so the guests could only see a straight, ivory-clad back and the wide train of the bride's gown.

But he was very happy. His mother was now settled, could pursue her happiness freely, and they now had a complete family.

"Brother Yichen."

He was pulled out of his thoughts by a soft milky voice. Qiaoyi was staring at him with her big dark eyes. He rubbed her head as he asked if she wanted anything.

On the stage, the newest couple finally pulled apart after the officiating minister urged them several times.

Li Chuanmo's heartfelt "Thank you for marrying me, Ran Honey," echoed in her mind, and Pei Yueran's cheeks were completely red as her husband led her to their seats.

As soon as she sat down, Su Qianhua, who was seating directly behind her leaned in and said, "I told you, Boss Li is seriously starving!"

Pei Yueran pretended not to hear her, while Jiang Philip, who was seated as Li Chuanmo's best man, shook his head. This wife of his could say anything and everything at any time!

In a few more minutes, the wedding was brought to a close and it was time for pictures. When Pei Yueran threw her bouquet, somehow it sailed past the female guests straining to catch it and landed in Du Zimo's laps instead. The bewildered look on his face made for comedic entertainment.

The photography team arranged the guests in order for the wedding pictures, which were quickly taken.

Then the guests, especially those that could not stay for the banquet, left one after the other after greeting the newly wedded couple and their family.

The banquet was also taking place in the same building, though in a different hall. Pei Yueran and Li Chuanmo were soon escorted by Su Qianhua and Jiang Philip to go and get dressed for the banquet.

As they got just outside the door, a voice stopped them, "Congratulations Ms Pei, ah, it should be Mrs Li now."

Only then did Pei Yueran look up to see Gao Tinghua. She shot a questioning look at her husband, while Li Chuanmo nodded slightly. He was the one that gave him an invitation after all.

Not wanting to be rude, she greeted him with a small smile, "Mr Gao, hello. Thank you for coming."

She then looked over at the woman standing next to him. At first glance, she looked like a delicate lady in her thirties. It was the fine lines around the corner of her eyes that gave away her actual age range.

Gao Tinghua introduced, "This is my mother. Mother, meet the new Mrs Li, Pei Yueran."

Oh, this was the woman Gao Tinghua said she looked like? She wasn't sure she could see any resemblance, but Pei Yueran still bowed in greeting.

The woman reflexively grabbed her hand, then dropped it quickly as if it was scalding. Still, Pei Yueran didn't miss the trembling of her fingers. She was surprised at the strange emotional display.

"It is truly nice to meet you. Congratulations on your wedding." The woman said in a nasally tone that made Pei Yueran wonder, but she didn't probe. She only had time to say thank you before leaving.

"He begged, that was why I grudgingly gave him the invite." Li Chuanmo stated expressionlessly as soon as they left the hall.

"It's fine. I'm just curious at the cause of this change in your ah... relationship."

"You'll know soon, but let's leave that for now. Right now, you should be more curious about me, about us, about tonight."

As he expected, Pei Yueran kept quiet, quickened her steps and entered into her room in short order, closing the door.

She was sure he said that on purpose to make her flustered, and it worked!

So that's how the wedding went)

I skimped on things like the vows because I felt LCM has said everything he wanted to say during the proposal, but stay tuned.

Next up is the banquet, and of course, the honeymoon)))

If you have gotten this far, I want to say Thank you!!!!


Su_Jeongcreators' thoughts