
They are watching us

Is Charlotte really going to do it ?Is she really going to move in with her mother?What about her life ? What about her friends and Janice ?

Alisha_Aman · 若者
7 Chs

A normal day on Earth

The whole car ride was so awkward and weird because I was in a car with someone I didn't know, mom was in a different country and I didn't know who the hell was watching me.

Blake: Can you scoot over? I don't have space for myself

Me: Bruhh seriously what the hell do you mean??? THERE IS SO MUCH HELLA SPACE HERE

Blake: You're taking all the space.

Me: Oh my god, stop over exaggerating burj khalifa

Blake: I need personal space.

Me: Ughhhghhhhgggh

 Driver: That is it Madam and gentleman ( he said in a heavy French accent )

Blake: Thanks. 

Me: I hope they can give you a comfortable, spacious room for your "personal space" in school * I was pretty sure that he would get squished in the crowd because our school is not very spacious. Even the fourth graders tower over me with their height of around 6ft, so I feel like I could easily get trampled.*

Blake: I hope so he said rolling his eyes.

Me: :)

 I was seriously so lost. Sleeping at 3:00 am and waking up at 7:00 am was so not my thing. The assembly was about to start so I ran up the stairs to empty the 6th and 7th classes because they were deaf enough to not hear the bell. I walked in 6th and the same rodents were there oh god bless me. I don't even get paid but I should get paid to deal with them.

Me: Guys again. Get out NOW. The assembly is starting.

Weird-looking 6th graders: We are coming ( whispers to each other in Spanish)

Now these children were from Spain and spoke Spanish and I swear to god they said something about me in Spanish not like I understand Spanish but the nasty look those rodents were giving me made it all clear .7th Green is left. Let me go in 7th green.

Me: Why can't you guys hear the bell? and come down for the assembly.

7th graders: Oh come on It's so cold and It's so boring. 

Me: I can't agree more but rules are rules you know.

7th graders: Seriously can't we sit in class

Me: Rules are rules.

Speaker * good morning and Assalamu Alaikum today class 5 Green has the opportunity to conduct the morning class*

Me : *Oh my god the same old pattern gosh whenever a class starts an assembly they are like this class got the opportunity to do this. It's 2023 people that's so cringe*

Me: Are you all coming because the assembly has started??

7th graders: It's not like we have a choice.

Me: In a proper line, It will be appreciated.

Then they went and I went. The assembly was extremely boring. I was half asleep and I wanted to talk to Janice too. At last, the torture ended, and with Ellie, I sent all the children to their classes and I went to mine running up the stairs. I finally arrived in my class after climbing Mount Everest and there was my favorite teacher Ma'am Isabelle she is a great history teacher. I adore her teaching. 

Me: Ma'am may I come in?

Ma'am Isabelle: Yes you may come in.

Me: Thanks, Ma'am. 

What the actual freak my bag was next to Janice but Penelope was sitting on my chair which was next to Janice's and Janice was doing nothing. 

Penelope: Oh I am sorry Charlotte there wasn't an empty seat and I didn't see your bag.

Me: It's okay. You know you should wear glasses because you are blind not to see these other empty chairs.

Janice: Char come on she apologized plus I asked her to sit and she is going through a lot right now. You don't have to make it worse.

Me: What about me? you know what forget what I just said.

Penelope: It's okay Janice, she won't understand.

Stop talking you all ma'am Isabelle said glaring at us three.

I took my bag and put it near an empty seat because I didn't want to make the situation worse than it already was. I wanted to cry but I was way too mad.

Everyone we have a new student ma'am Isabelle said

* oh perfect Blake was the cherry on top *

Blake will be joining us for this year. Blake why don't you sit next to Charlotte she is a very helpful student ma'am Isabelle said smiling at me.

Blake: Oh hi again.

Me: Burj khalifa please not in the mood today.

Ma'am Isabelle went on about the partition of Bengal and all her lessons were so interesting and like all good things her lesson ended too. next was geography which was taught to us by our class teacher ma'am Sabrina.

 ma'am Sabrina: Charlotte did you take the attendance of yesterday?

Me: Um no ma'am. I forgot. There was just a lot going on, I just didn't have the time.

* In our school there is a rule if the class teacher is absent the proctor of the class has to take the attendance on a piece of paper and I didn't take the attendance *

Penelope: But we had three free periods how come?

 ma'am Sabrina: Yes Charlotte that's irresponsible behavior.

Me: Ma'am sorry.

ma'am Sabrina: Make sure it won't happen again.

Me: Yes ma'am it won't.

I wanted to say so much but I didn't. Maam Sabrina took yesterday's attendance and taught us about CFCs and some more and the next period was computer.

Blake: I'm not too fond of computers.

Me: Computer is so easy burj khalifa.

Blake: It's so boring.

Me: Of course, people who wouldn't understand computers would say that.

Blake: I have no inter-

 before Blake could finish his sentence ma'am walked in and said: Alright class today we will learn about conversions. Ma'am Felicia said and we did some decimal conversions

The next was break and I gave a tour to Burj khalifa and told him to hang out with these people and not to hang out with these kinds of people. He agreed and I watched how Janice and Penolpe hung out. how could Janice do that to me? I was her best friend right??

The next period was maths just did some linear equations and the next was science It was not like I learned anything in science and Blake also couldn't understand a word the science teacher was saying so it was not only me. Then the next period was English we just did some essay writing and the next was the library I just roamed around and annoyed burj khalifa. Finally, the bell rang now I could finally go home and cry my eyes over the fact Janice was hanging out with a jealous two-faced good-for-nothing rodent-looking witch.