
they are calling me gangster

Max reincarnated in the world of awakens in the body of a boy named alex with gangster system

LuxEnos · アクション
1 Chs

Echoes of Heritage


It's so painful!

Am I going to die?

Pain surged through Max's body, intensifying with each passing moment Max could smell the stench of blood in his nose and mouth. He tried to move his fingers, but there was no reaction. He tried to move his neck, but there was also no reaction. In the end, he used all his strength to open his eyes a little. In his blurry vision, he saw a truck overloaded with gravel. Beside the truck,beautiful woman in her thirties stood frozen, her beauty juxtaposed against the grim scene of carnage unfolding around them. A pool of blood, undoubtedly his own, marred the ground beneath him. Passersby, their voices a mere murmur, watched from both sides of the road, their silent expressions revealing the gravity of the situation.But Max could not hear anything.

He was so seriously injured … … He will not survive!

Max's whole life was spinning in front of him like movie reel. He saw himself as a child, . He remembered growing up as an orphan, never knowing the warmth of a mother's embrace or the guidance of a father's hand. Loneliness had become his constant companion. orphanage janitor was good lady but she never able to full fill the role of family in Max's heart

His memories then shifted to his teenage years, where he struggled to find his place in the world. He was an outsider, always on the fringes, his vibrant spirit masked by a facade of indifference. Bullies taunted him, but he refused to back down, channeling his anger and frustration into a rebellious streak that occasionally landed him in trouble with cops. for money he has to some shady stuff, Yet beneath the tough exterior, he longed for acceptance and a sense of belonging.

Despite the hardships, Max discovered solace in his passion for art. The canvas became his sanctuary, allowing him to pour his emotions onto its surface, creating a world where he could escape the pain and emptiness. His talent bloomed, catching the attention of a few kind souls who recognized his potential.

However, there was one person who saw his potential and became his mentor, guiding him with unwavering belief and support. This mentor nurtured Max's artistic abilities, encouraging him to explore his creativity and push the boundaries of his talent.

In addition to his mentor, Max also found solace in the company of a true friend. This friend saw beyond Max's rough exterior, delving deep into his soul and discovering the vulnerable and sensitive person within. Together, they shared laughter and secrets under the twinkling moonlight, forging a bond that seemed unbreakable.

But tragedy struck, shattering Max's world into a million pieces. The mentor who had believed in him so fervently passed away, leaving him adrift in a sea of sorrow and uncertainty. With the loss of his guiding light, Max found himself slipping back into his old life of crime, theft, and drugs. The pain of his mentor's absence drove him into the arms of the wrong crowd, seeking solace and escape in the dark corners of his existence.

The allure of this new lifestyle entangled Max, and he found himself entwined in conflicts with local gang members. Violence became a regular occurrence, a vicious dance where survival meant embracing the very darkness he had once tried to escape. The weight of his choices bore down on him, dragging him deeper into a spiral of despair.

Regret consumed Max's thoughts like a tidal wave. "Why did I choose to play the hero today?" he questioned himself, his voice tinged with sorrow. "But at least I managed to save this beautiful woman," he muttered, his heart heavy with a sense of loss and missed opportunity. In the woman's face, he saw a striking resemblance to his beloved mentor, adding an extra layer of significance to his actions.

Some meanits a go, , he saw a kind and beautiful looking woman. She was cross the road. But it was a red light, and the driver of the truck drove past them. Max saw beauty was in danger and quickly ran over to pull her away. But he did not make it in time, and got hit by truck himself

Max's world was a tapestry of pain and chaos, his body a canvas of devastation. The truck's ruthless impact had unleashed a torrent of destruction upon him, leaving behind a gruesome scene of blood-soaked horror.

His legs, once sturdy pillars of strength, now lay shattered and mangled. Bones protruded from torn flesh, crimson rivers of blood flowing freely. The sight was enough to make even the most hardened onlooker cringe in revulsion.


He had never felt so regretful before!

Yet, as his consciousness faded, the woman approached him, a mysterious square-shaped cube dropping from her hand. Max was bewildered, wondering what her intentions were.

Max's eyelids were getting heavier. He could not bear to look at the deformed of himself. He closed his eyes and waited for death to come!


But then, a thunderous sound erupted, shattering the silence around him. It felt as though Max was being ripped away from the darkness, pulled back into consciousness. His vision cleared, and his strength returned, flooding his limbs with newfound vitality. Stunned, he looked around, only to find himself standing Max's attention shifted back to the immediate surroundings. He was standing in an unknown alley, the walls lined with graffiti and a faint smell of garbage lingering in the air. He blinked,

As Max stood there, absorbing the flood of memories that rushed through his mind, he began to piece together the fragments of his own life and Alex's. It became clear that he had been thrust into the body of a young first-year high school boy named Alex, whose heritage showcased a blend of American and Japanese roots.

The memories revealed that Alex had experienced loss in his life from the beating from some thugs. Max's heart ached as he learned that Alex's father had passed away, leaving him fatherless at a young age. Max could sense the lingering grief and the void that Alex's father's absence had left behind.

In the wake of his father's death, Alex's mother had made the difficult decision to return to Japan, her home country, to raise him on her own. Max felt a sense of admiration for Alex's mother, as she had taken on the responsibility of raising her son single-handedly. The memories showed a deep bond between Alex and his mother, with moments of laughter, love, and support.

The realization of his own experiences as an orphan amplified Max's longing for the love and care of a mother figure. He couldn't help but feel envious of the connection that Alex had with his mother, longing for the warmth and guidance that he had never experienced.

With each memory that resurfaced, Max gained a deeper understanding of Alex's life. He recognized the challenges that Alex had faced, the love he had received from his mother, and the weight of his father's absence. These memories evoked a mixture of emotions within Max, from longing to a renewed sense of purpose.

As Max examined his new appearance, the mix of his American and Japanese heritage became evident. He could see traces of both in his features. His fair skin, which held a healthy glow, spoke of his American ancestry. At the same time, his slightly slanted hazel eyes and the subtle shape of his face reflected his Japanese roots.

Max noticed that Alex's hair, originally blonde. The blonde locks framed his face in a carefree manner, giving him a distinctive and eye-catching look.

Alex's eyes, which had retained their hazel color, were wide and expressive

In terms of facial structure, Alex possessed sharp and defined features. His jawline was strong, accentuating his masculine appeal, while his cheekbones added a touch of sophistication to his appearance. Max could see that his lips were slightly thin but held a natural rosy hue, contributing to his overall charm.

As Max looked down, he noticed that Alex's body had a lean and athletic build. Though not overly muscular, there was a noticeable tone to his physique, reflecting his active lifestyle. Max couldn't help but appreciate the strength and agility that came with this new body

With his blonde hair, expressive hazel eyes, and the energetic presence he exuded, Max realized that Alex's appearance had a magnetic quality. It was a combination of his unique features, lively personality

Max desided his own identity was now intertwined with Alex's, and he felt a sense of determination to make the most of this second chance.

As Max processed his new reality, a screen popped up in front of him, displaying the words

[ Loading…. Loading….. Loading…]

It seemed that he possessed some kind of system too, mirroring the fantastical situation he had found himself in.

He chuckled softly, contemplating his circumstances. " Hahahhah So, this is the legendary 'crossing over' that people talk about,"