
They’re Coming For You

horror_author · 都市
7 Chs

First Glimpses of HighSchool

Abby woke up early the next morning in her sleeping bag upstairs. She saw the sun shining dimly through a small window she didn't notice the previous night. The house seemed less-creepy now, despite what happened the night before. "If mom didn't call my name," Abby thought out loud to herself. "Then who did?" She felt obliged to find a scenario that wasn't supernatural for the situation, as she did not believe in the paranormal. But nothing came to her. There couldn't be somebody in their house who just disappeared without a trace. It's completely impossible, unless they're still here. "I'm being too paranoid." Abby told herself. She checked the time on her phone. It was nearly 7 o'clock, and her new school started at 7:30. In her opinion, that was WAY too early to start the school day, especially on a Monday. At her old school, school started at 8:45 and ended at 3:10. She realized she was daydreaming, and lazily got out of bed. She turned on the light, because it seemed dark despite the fact that it was about 7:10. She hastily opened her suitcase, and got out a pair of socks, a T-Shirt, ripped jeans, and a hair tie. Abby had no idea what the people at her new school wore, and what the trends were. She hoped she wouldn't look like an outcast or anything.

She climbed into the front seat of her mom's car, and realized it was 7:25. "Damnit, I'm going to be late!" Abby exclaimed. Her mother rolled her eyes and started to drive. Her new school was about a 4 minute drive away, so it was close. She noticed a few freshman hanging around by the gated fence surrounding the school- or what she assumed was the school. Everything seemed, well, old. She probably wouldn't be able to tell the school apart from any other old building nearby if there wasn't about one hundred or so kids standing and chatting within the gated area.