

This book is about two werewolves in love, who need to face other packs while getting lost on a trip together. Find out what happens to the two teenagers now!

Anshi_Khurana · ファンタジー
8 Chs

Yeah, she hates me.

Austin Daniel's POV-

Oh, my god. I had a human mate. Andrea Stephens. A human mate who hated me. Great. I kept eye contact with her. She raised her eyebrows at me, and walked away. She was my Luna. How would I get her as my Luna? I don't think she would accept me as my mate. How was I going to be alpha without her? Then again, didn't I just say that I was up to the chase? Maybe this time it'll be fun, going after my little mate.

"What happened? Austin? Earth to Austin?" Hayden asked. I looked at him, and quickly gave him a small smile. "I found my mate." I said.

Hayden and Sophia both started to smile. "Oh my gosh! Who is she? Tell us!" Sophia begged. I chuckled. "Andrea Stephens." I said, raising my eyebrows. "That girl who hates you? She's your mate?" Sophia asked with wide eyes. I nodded my head. "Oh man. See you on the other side, dude." Hayden said. I knew it would be hard to have her accept me, but I was pretty good at getting girls. I could easily get Andrea if I tried.

She was so beautiful. Not just her looks, but how she held herself. She walked with so much confidence and the way that she was so fierce. She had beautiful green eyes. Fierce, but held gentleness somewhere in them. Her plump lips just were waiting for me to kiss them. Her skin was flawless, with a few acne scars, which made her even more beautiful. They reminded me that she had imperfections. Every other girl would try to cover them up, but she wore hers proudly. She was so unique and I needed her. She was so amazing, and I couldn't wait for her to be my Luna, even if I had to go for the chase.

Sophia and Hayden grabbed my arms and dragged me off to class, even though I didn't want to go. I wanted to find my mate. I wanted to go to Andrea. I scowled at Hayden and went along with them.

We got to class. "Sit down and get your head out of the clouds." Hayden hissed at me. I glared at him. This class was going to be long. How was I supposed to survive in here?

Or so I thought.

I looked over to my right, and there she was. How had I never noticed her? She was like the sun of this room. Andrea. I looked over at her bag and saw her schedule poking out of her bag. I took out mine and compared our classes. I smirked, feeling satisfied. We had every class together, so I could see her every second of the day. There was no way that I was skipping class now. Then I wouldn't be able to see her. I made my way over to her and sat in the chair that was right next to her. She saw me looking, but ignored me. That was a first. No one had ever ignored me. My wolf growled when he saw her. He really wanted to go over there and put his mark on her neck.

"Go to our mate, you idiot. What are you doing? You're literally standing there and staring. Man up!" My wolf said.

"Dude, I can't! Then she'll think I'm a creep!"

"Do you really think I care? Go, you wimp!"

I groaned in frustration at my wolf. Andrea gave me a confused look. Did I groan out loud? I probably did. I didn't waste my time. I maintained eye contact with her, and she didn't back down. But she wasn't looking into my eyes. She was looking at my face. She seemed to be scanning my features. I watched her look at me, and when she saw me watching her check me out, she did something I didn't expect. She blushed. I smirked at my affect on her. When she turned around, she lowered her head a little bit, but then brought it back up.

I kept my eyes on her, never glancing at the teacher. She noticed this, and looked around for an empty seat, but there were none. She glared at me as if it was my fault. I shrugged, smiling a bit. She turned around, and started to take notes again. I watched her. She had the most beautiful handwriting. It was a soft, cursive, so light that you could barely read it. But, it was so pretty.

That class went by way too fast. I had pretty much kept eye contact with her for the whole time. She probably still hates me, but I'm okay with that. She will be mine soon.

At the end of the class, I got up right after Andrea, following her out of class. She kept on looking back as if she was checking if I was still there. She frowned a bit, and at one point, when everyone was gone, she stopped walking to face me.

"What are you doing? Why do you keep doing that?" Andrea asked me. This was the first time I had heard her voice. It was so soft, yet she had a commanding tone. It put me in a trance and I had to shake my head a little bit to pay attention to her words. "Doing what?" I asked, moving a bit closer to her. She backed away with every step I took. "You know. Looking at me." She said. Wow. Most girls would wave it off and think that it's all in their head, but she didn't. She accepted the truth. That was rare.

"You're pretty hard to not look at." I said. She wanted to accept the truth? Two can play that game. She looked surprised and blushed a little bit. I smirked. "You're blushing." I said, pointing to her cheeks. She groaned. "Stupid cheeks." She murmured. I chuckled. "You know, I heard you were fierce. But now, you're blushing." I said.

She glared at me and stood up more straight, which didn't make much of a difference with her short height. "Shut up. And stop following me! I am not going to be one of your sluts who you bring in your bed for a day and then kick them out. You're just a player who doesn't care that people have hearts. So get away from me." She glared at me and walked away.

I stood there in shock. Did she really think that I was that bad? I couldn't believe that my mate really did hate me. She thought so lowly of me, that it broke my heart. I need her to be with me, but how will she be with me if she hates me?

I made my way to my next class, feeling a bit numb. She didn't reject me, but she did hurt me. A girl had never been able to make me feel guilty. No one had. Except for her. She meant so much to me already. So much for not falling in love at first sight. How was I going to live without her?

"Way to screw that up man. You messed up. Big time." My wolf whispered in my head.

"I get it! Stop shoving it in my face!"


I rolled my eyes at him. Luckily, I had time to make her mine. I had all of my life. I could do it. I just needed to be persistent and make sure that she knew that she is mine. I knew that she was slightly attracted to me, but she wouldn't want to admit it. After all, she was blushing. That did mean something, right? Hopefully it did.

I walked into my next class, sitting in a chair that was close to Andrea, but not right next to her. I didn't want her to get more upset. She was listening to the teacher speak, and I did too.

"For the next 3 weeks, you are going to be assigned a partner. It will be a project in which you will both try to get to know each other. We are 3 weeks ahead from the other classes, and now we have nothing to do, so that is why I am assigning this. I have already chosen partners. It will be with someone you don't know very well. Got it?" The teacher said.

Great. I hated this. I hate it whenever we got assigned partners. Hopefully, the teacher would assign me someone I like.

The teacher started to read off names. Finally, I heard my name being called. "Austin and Andrea, you two are partners."

Yes! Finally. I would be able to get to know my mate. I looked over to Andrea, and she didn't look that happy. She sighed and walked over to me.

"Listen Austin, no funny business. Got it? Don't be a piece of shit. This is just a project. Got it?" She said, in a schoolteacher voice. God, she sounded hot when she did that. All she needed was a pair of glasses and I would be hooked. I nodded.

"Is that your kink? I knew that you're stupid."

"Honestly, dude, shut the fuck up! Lemme talk to her! How am I supposed to talk when there's a conversation happening in my head, huh?"


"Got it." I said. "You can come to my place." I said, nodding at her. She smiled a bit. "Okay."

"Finally. My mate. All to myself." He said

"I said shut up you idiot!"

"Excuse me? I am your wolf! Respect me!"
