

This book is about two werewolves in love, who need to face other packs while getting lost on a trip together. Find out what happens to the two teenagers now!

Anshi_Khurana · ファンタジー
8 Chs

Skydiving... on accident

Chapter 6:

Austin's POV-

I walked out, chuckling. She was adorable. She looked so cute when she was angry.

"Of course, she is, you idiot." growled my wolf

"Why do you always call me an idiot?"

"It's fun. And you are an idiot. You're lucky that your stupid ass got such a good mate."

"Excuse you!"

"I never asked to be excused, did I?"

"I don't care. Shut your mouth and leave me alone!"

"No! You have to go back in the bathroom!"

"Where Andrea was?"

"Yes. And you will mate with her."

"Bro. She's going to kill me. And it would be considered rape."

"Oh. You puny humans."

"What do you mean?"

"Rape. What kind of name is that?"

"Shut the fuck up."


I shook my head, fed up with my wolf's behavior. How was I supposed to explain what a wolf is? I mean, it was fairly simple, but she would probably hate me. She would definitely hate me. Humans hate werewolves. Back in the early days of the earth, the werewolves used to rule. They would go and kill humans, until a new alpha stopped them. But ever since then, even though we have changed, humans still fear us. So what we did, is we brainwashed them. We made them forget that we exist. Once, a human had gone to the forest and seen one of us. Ever since then, we are a fairy tale to them. They think we aren't real. They pretend to be us for fun. They have no idea that we really exist.

We have our wolves inside of us. We are half human and half wolves. That's why I can talk to my wolf. We are two in one. When I shift into my wolf, I turn into my wolf, also known as Alex. They have names, too.

How can I make Andrea not freak out? I have to tell her sometime. I can't just hide it from her. I have to tell her that I am an Alpha of a pack of wolves. Hopefully she won't leave me or think that I'm crazy.

I heard footsteps coming. Andrea must have come out of the bathtub. "Hey. Can I talk to you?" I asked. I wasn't going to tell her that I'm a werewolf yet, but I did want to ask her what she thought of them. Did she think that they are cool, or was she afraid of them?

She looked at me, smiling. She looked so beautiful. She had an oversized T-Shirt with booty shorts. At least I think she did. I couldn't see any pants underneath her, but she probably had something on. Her hair was put in a messy bun, and she still looked wonderful.

"Yeah? Go ahead." She said. "First off, I thought you hate me. Why are you smiling at me?" I asked. She looked at me, and I could tell that she was going to give me a deep answer already.

"I used to. When I didn't... personally know you. I had judged you based on rumors. I thought that you just played people's heart. I thought that you were rude and hurt others. But now that I know you, I can tell that you aren't like that. I had heard that you had taken hundreds of girls in your bed, but you didn't. Remember? On the first day that we met, I asked you if you had done any one night stands. You said that you hadn't. That tells me that you don't break hearts. You aren't as bad as I thought you were. And all this," She said, gesturing to the plane, "means that you care. You aren't rude. You don't hate. You're better than that. So no. I don't hate you." She said.

I smiled. "Good to know. Love you too babe." I said, winking. She rolled her eyes. "I never said you weren't stupid." She said, laughing. "Well, I am so there's no reason to deny that." I said, shrugging. "What's the next thing? I'm pretty sure you didn't call me here to just ask me that." She said, cocking her head to the side.

"You're right. As always. So I was watching a documentary. It was about werewolves. It was saying that they could be real. Now, me being the dumb idiot that I am, wasn't sure if they exist. What do you think? Do you like werewolves?" I asked.

She gave me a confused look. "That's... totally not random. Well, I think that they exist. If aliens exist, then why can't they? And I don't hate them. I think that they're cool. I like them." She said, shrugging.

I smiled. "Cool. That's all I wanted to know." I said. She chuckled, but it soon turned into a yawn. "I'm tired." She pouted. I chuckled. "I can tell." I said, picking her up. She melted into my arms, and I planted a kiss on her forehead. "Come on. Let's go sleep." I said, walking towards one of the bedrooms. I placed her on the bed, getting in with her. I took her in my arms, cuddling her. She smiled, and fell asleep.


*The next morning*

Andrea's POV-

I woke up, Austin's arm around me. Holy shit! I dove right up. I couldn't sleep in the same bed as him! My mom would literally kill me.

Austin opened an eye and groaned. "You gotta do that, babe? I was sleeping." He said, getting out of the bed. I glared at him.

"Why was I sleeping with you? What did you do? I don't even remember going to bed..." I said, trailing off. Austin looked at me, a bit confused. "I didn't do anything- I mean we didn't do anything. You let me sleep with you. In the same bed I mean." He said, blushing. He was cute.

"Oh. Weird. I don't remember doing that." I whispered. He looked up at me, smiling. Putting one arm around my waist, he led me to the kitchen in the jet. "You gonna cook something?" I asked. "You'll never know." He joked. I shook my head in exasperation. He walked over, and was about to start making breakfast, when I felt the plane shake. Austin turned around, eyes wide. I wondered why he was overreacting, it was just a little turbulence. "I'll be right back." He muttered. I nodded, stitching my eyebrows. Why was he so worried?

"Austin? Why are you so worried? I mean it's not like we're going to-" I yelled. "Whoa!" He said. The plane and started to shake furiously. I grabbed onto a shelf nearby, holding on for dear life. Austin came running out of the bathroom. "Someone's sabotaged the plane!" He yelled. "What do we do?" I asked. "Come with me." He said, grabbing my arm.

My heart was beating 5000 times a minute. Were we going to die? Who sabotaged the plane and why would someone try to kill us?

He took me to the very back of the jet, and pushed a button. "Put this on!" He yelled. He tossed a suit to me, and I zipped it on. I knew what we were going to do. I would have to jump out of the plane. I gave him a nod, and we both tumbled out, hand in hand. I got out the parachute and we both slowly landed.

I got down, panting and grabbing my chest. "Well, on the bright side, I've always wanted to go skydiving." I huffed. Austin chuckled, but with the state he was in, it sounded more like a wheeze. "Are you okay?" He panted. "Yeah."

"I'm so sorry," He said, taking my hand, "I didn't mean to put us in danger. You know I would never try to hurt you, right?" He asked. I nodded. "Of course." I said. "But on a more important note, where are we?" I said looking around.

"That's a good question. And I don't know the answer. That's okay, I'll call my men. They'll get us a plane to get us to where we want to go. Are you okay with that?" He asked.

"Of course." I said. Austin reached for his phone in a tiny pocket that was shut tight. He started to dial a number and I looked away. To be honest, that was probably the most fun I had ever had in my entire life. Austin just made everything more fun. I couldn't believe it that we almost died.

"Andrea?" Austin said. I spinned around. "Some people are coming for us. They'll be here in a minute. We'll reach in 5 minutes, I promise, okay?" He said, attempting to comfort me. I nodded. "Thank you. I have a question, though. Why would anyone try to hurt us? You said someone tried to sabotage the plane? How did you know that someone did?" I asked, tilting my head in confusion. He looked away and sighed. "It's hard to explain. I found a note in the bathroom saying that the plane was sabotaged. That's how I knew. Whoever was trying to hurt us, planted it on the jet before we got there. And for the other question, my dad is... well he has enemies. They aren't the best people, and will try to hurt us in any way possible, but something this big has never happened. I promise that it will never happen again." He said.

"I trust you. I know you would never try to hurt me or yourself. Now, come on. Let's go the the spa." I said, pointing to the coming helicopter.

"Yeah," Austin whispered, putting his arm around me waist, "let's go sweetie."

"Don't call me sweetie!"