
TheVow(Moved to New link)

Betrayed and separated by a conspired car accident that resulted in them losing their memories and each other........How will the vows made in lord shiva's temple conspire to re-unite them once again? https://www.webnovel.com/book/thevow_29475759500331105

BoityMpofu · ファンタジー
18 Chs

Chapter 16

Asmitha continues to follow the doctors as they were taking Ania into the emergency room, as she was following them, she accidentally bumped into a disturbed Mahmoud as he was carring a glass of water and it got spit on the both of them. A disturbed Mahmoud got angry and lashes out on Asmitha.

"Can't you see where you're going! Can't you watch your step!?" Shouted a angry Mahmoud.

"I'm very sorry sir, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean too I was just.." explained Asmitha.

"You were just what!?" Asked a furious Mahmoud.

"I bumped on you by mistake okay I didn't do it on purpose so I'm sorry, bye now!" Said Asmitha as she notices that she can't see the doctors and Ania anywhere anymore.

"Just look a her, crazy!" Said Mahmoud as he looks at Asmitha with an angry expression on his face and leaves.

Asmitha continues to look for the doctors but doesn't get a hint on where they went and starts speaking to her self.

"That crazy man has made to lose sight of the doctors and Ania, it is such a big hospital, where on earth am I going to find Ania now?" Asmitha worriedly asks her self as she puts her hands on her waist.

"They couldn't have gone far though, so I'm sure, if I keep on looking I might just find them." Said Asmitha as she continues her search.

She keeps on searching the rooms and then remembered that Ania was being taken to do an X-ray and brain scan, so she started searching accordingly until she reaches the room where Ania was being treated. She looks very closely across the glass on the door but she couldn't see clearly as the doctors were all around Ania, she tries her best to see clearly but she couldn't, until the other doctor moves and it was visible enough that Ania is indeed Shivangi. This shocks Asmitha and she started crying and talking to herself once more.

"How could this be? This is Sister Shivangi, but how come is she Ania and that crazy, insolent guy's sister? So that guy stole my sister!" Said a crying Asmitha.

"You burned in that car sister Shivangi, we mourned you, we performed your last rights, so how come are you alive? Is this even real? Is this even you sister? The universe is playing sick games with us, sister Shivangi!" Cried Asmitha and she was looking through the glass and touching it emotionally, until she got pulled away from the door and almost fell but got cought instead and as she looked up, it was that crazy Mahmoud, but because Asmitha was still shocked upon seeing her sister alive as she refused to believe that she is actually alive, she couldn't even react to Mahmoud's behavior, Mahmoud looked straight into Asmitha's eyes as Asmitha was looking straight into Mahmoud's eyes, for a moment they didn't even say anything to each other or even move as Asmitha was held in Mahmoud's hands. Until Mahmoud started questioning her softly and gentle as his voice was loving and down.

"Why are you looking at that door, can't you see that you are disturbing the doctors, this isn't even allowed, you aren't related to her so why are you even looking over there?" Asked Mahmoud.

Asmitha gives Mahmoud a silent treatment and tears continues to flow from her eyes, which confuses Mahmoud.

"What is wrong with you, why are you even crying?" Asked Mahmoud very confused.

But Asmitha was way too shocked to be able to answer so she continued to silent treat Mahmoud and suddenly, a doctor and a nurse passed trough and said a patient that was brought by a young girl and her father which suffered from a heart attack has woken up so they needed to check up on her immediately. This caught Asmitha's attention and she said "Mom!"

Which shocks Mahmoud.

"What about your mother?" Asked Mahmoud confusingly.

"I need to check up on my mother, she was right, she needs to know this." Said Asmitha as pulls away from Mahmoud's hands and starts running to her mother, Mahmoud got confused and started talking to himself.

"This girl is weird, I mean she's crazy, on the other hand she is looking at my Ania and crying but the course of her pain is her mother, strange, very strange and annoying too, typical!" Said Mahmoud as he gets angry.

So Asmitha ran until she reached her mother's room and badges in, she held her mother's hand and started talking to her.

"Mom you'll be fine I promise, I won't ever doubt you again and I'll believe whatever you tell me, you just get well and come back home once again." Said Asmitha crying.

"The doctor said that we shouldn't make her talk too much Asmitha, where were you?" Asked Mr Roy.

Asmitha looks at her dad as she get a little bit shocked because she didn't realise that someone was inside, she wipes her tears and answers her dad.

"Well I was..." Asmitha then thought that she shouldn't add to the stress they already have until she was sure that it is indeed her sister that she saw.

"I asked you something, where were you?" Asked her dad repeatedly.

"I went to pray to Lord Ganesh, I told you this dad!" Said Asmitha.

"Oh ofcause I remember." Said her father.

"Will mom be okay dad?" Asked a concerned Asmitha.

"Yes, the doctor said that she is still in shock that's why she isn't replying to us, but she will be fine soon" said Mr Roy.

"Yes, mom will be fine and I won't ever doubt her again" said Asmitha as she was very regretful.

"Don't worry Asmitha, it will all be okay" said his father.

"I won't be able to check on both sister and mother and still hide everything from dad if he remains here, I'll have to send him back home" said Asmitha in her mind.

"Why don't you go home and rest dad, I'll look after mom" said Asmitha.

"But Asmitha.." Said Mr Roy as Asmitha disturbes him while speaking.

"No dad, go home and rest it's almost dawn and I'll stay here for the entire night, you'll come back in the morning" said Asmitha.

"Okay if you insist but please notify me in case of an emergency" said Mr Roy.

"Ofcause dad, go now!" Said Asmitha.

Mr Roy leaves which makes Asmitha's mission very easy for her, she nursed her mom until she falls asleep and then resumes her mission, on the other hand, Mahmoud remembers that he hasn't informed his parents about Ania and he also realises that his phone is not with him so he goes back to the car to get it. He informs his family about Ania's current situation and they all rush to the hospital. Asmitha goes to Ania after her mother had fallen asleep, she finds Ania missing which worried her a lot.

"Not again, how am I going to know where she has been taken, I shouldn't have left you sister" said a concerned Asmitha to her self.

A nurse passes by and Asmitha stops him and asked him about Ania Singh Tharkur but the nurse refused to tell her as she was not a family member, she started looking for her once again and eventually reaches her room, but when she got there, she saw that the entire Tharkur family was already there so it was impossible for her to be with Ania. She became very heart broken as she wanted to see for sure if that is her sister Shivangi.

"People can be identical and lookalikes do exists so could you be my sister Shivangi?" Asmitha thought to herself.

"I have seen you and mom is so sure that you are ours so are you even her duplicate?" Asmitha questioned herself without getting the answers.

"If you are my sister then how did you survive? Who saved you? And Ania, why are you even Ania singh Tharkur? What happened to your real identity and why didn't you come back to us sister?" Asmitha asked herself so many questions.

"Only you can answer me now so I'll have to enter your new family for sure under a new identity, you have a new one as well, so why shouldn't I have one? I'm so mad at you!" Said Asmitha as she thinks of how she can enter the Tharkur household to uncover the truth.

"But if you were saved by some other people then why was Shivay not saved, why was he left behind?" Asmitha continues to talk to herself.

"No I'll go insane with these thoughts, I just have to take one thing at a time otherwise I'll go mad indeed" said a very worried Asmitha.

The patient has woken up, please do not confuse her with her past, let her be the one speaking and you listen so we can know how far she can remember" said the doctor as she was done examining her.

"Can we go in now doctor." Asked Mr Tharkur

"Sure you can" said the doctor.

"Oh No, Ania has woken up, how on earth am I going to see her?" Thinking a concerned Asmitha.