

Angelica's POV

Breathe. Just breathe…you are there almost there.

I had to get out of this place. After months of planning my escape I was finally successful. I just had to control my claustrophobia and get out of these labyrinth-like , dark and small vents. I could not be found out again. Those beasts will do worse things to me than killing. Not like its already done….

I shook the memories that will break me down . I can't . No, I won't . I will leave and then figure things out.

My ribs hurt and were possibly broken, my whole body was in pain , I could barely breathe. I really needed a doctor. I finally saw my exit. Almost there. I could see the light outside. Even though it was late night the exit shone brighter than the disgusting vents. I crawled out through the small opening and ended up falling flat on my back. I saw the stars and felt the breeze hit my face after so long.

I was out! I could not believe it. But I had to get up. I had to get up and run. I need to get away . I need to get away now. I stood up and my knees almost buckled ,my mind was foggy and I had no clue where I was going as long as it was away from that place. I could see trees everywhere. The wind felt great. I wanted to cry, laugh and scream. Then it struck me where do I go now? But even though my brain was exhausted it gave the answer right away.

Headquarters .

I had to get there somehow. I just ran into the forest and kept on going hoping that I wouldn't be chased.


James' POV

"You guys are idiots! It was a simple mission. How the hell could you screw up such an easy task?"

I bent my head down. I hated this, every moment of it. And chief getting mad made it worse. He never got angry but we really deserved it this time.

"You guys seriously need to figure out how to make this team work. Its been a year since you guys became official agents and your performance , to be frank, sucks," said Chief.

"How bad is it?"I asked , though I really didn't want to know his answer.

"Your success rate is below average," he paused after reading it further, then looked up and sighed, "the losing of a team member made it worse."

At this, my stomach sank, my team members sighed and then saluted the chief and began to leave his office.

"James,"the chief stopped me and I turned to look at the old man looking at me the way a father would, "its been a year since the incident."

"Exactly a year?"I asked not knowing what else to say.

"Approximately , a year. But that isn't the point. You know she would never blame you if she were al- I mean here ,alright?"

"I know she wouldn't, by the way since you brought it up has there been any updates?" I prayed that his answer changes .

But he shook his head and looked at me and said ,"you need to move on jams," my eyes widened at the nick name.

"You know that's what she would say and then –"

"Then tell me to man up and learn that shit happens, " I then looked at him gave him a smile," I know."

Then I saluted the chief and left his office.

Except she isn't here . And even though she won't blame me , its my fault. And the guilt will never go away.



Vivian's POV

"Tamy don't go too far out like last time. Just patrol the area assigned to you man"

"Understood ," he said not even looking at me but staring at the map.

"Patrolling sucks, I would rather go and train," said Louise as she was strapping her gun.

"What you looking at , Tamy?" Rafe said looking at Tamy as he was staring the map as though he was watching porn .

"The abandoned factory." That brought my attention.

"Wait Tamy what abandoned factory?" Jojo asked coming out of the patrolling van with more equipment and passing the night vison goggles.

"There was abandoned factory that I found the last time I went…'far out'," he then looked at everyone and said,"it was wrong." He just stopped there and said nothing further.

"Jeez dude, what was wrong?" Louise asked him giving him an annoying look.

Tamy looked at the map and said nothing. "Lets check it out." Louise , Jojo and Rafe looked at me and gave a look as if 'are you crazy?'

"Look firstly, I don't think we can really go there because that would be disobeying order, but then again that's kind of what we do."Jojo realized and we all laughed. "Secondly I don't think anybody wants to somewhere that Tamy said was 'wrong.'"

"Guys I am not asking you to go in just observe it from outside. It could be shady business. Plus, its close to HQ and we know that we can't be found out. So maybe it would be ok to ensure our location remains a secret."

"Okay , the guy has got a point."Jojo said and gave Louise a look. She rolled her eyes and sighed and said "Fine, whatever-"

Rafe had put his finger to his lip , signaling to keep quiet and listen. We all heard footsteps and jumped grabbing our weapons and pointing it in the direction the sound came from. It was from behind this huge oak tree. Then we saw a girl, she looked our age and she was limping, her clothes were bloodstained and she looked practically starved.

She saw us and immediately got into a fight position," Who are you?" she asked. She looked us up and down and then at the van. "Wait a second I know that logo." At this we looked at each other in confusion.

"Is anything else similar? "Louise asked her.

"Um , you guys have the same patrolling uniform but our was white," she breathed out, uncertainly. Her voice was really strained. We lowered our weapons. I realized where she was from and the others probably guessed it too.

"Did you come from there? The abandoned factory?" Tamy asked her. She nodded. I then noticed she wasn't wearing shoes and her feet were bruised up pretty bad , in fact there were marks that looked like those you get after a whipping on her arms. She was probably walking for days in this condition.

"Guys ,I guess she is an agent from the MAIN." And then I looked her and she nodded," From the MAIN? Wait what do you-"

She suddenly dropped to the ground and I rushed forward and grabbed her but she immediately backed away, "Don't touch me ." She didn't look angry just scared, very scared.

"Okay relax ,we are just trying to help you, " Rafe said. I looked at her and extended my hand she reached out and grabbed it.

"Jojo call HQ and tell them bout the situation."

"On it." Everyone began to load up the patrol van. I helped her up but when she tried to walk her knees gave away. She gritted her teeth in pain .

"Let me help you," I said picking her up.

"Sorry, I am not exactly in my best shape," she said looking at me and gave me a faint smile, "What's you name? And what kind of agents are you ?"

I took her to the back of the van and sat down with her in my lap because there was really no space due to the equipment. Lousie got into the driver's seat with Jojo next to her. Rafe went to get her sedative and Tamy … well he was tinkering with a bomb , but I knew he won't blow us up,mostly.

"Well, to be honest we are not supposed to have one , but I am Vivian. And you really should stop talking." I didn't know if we coukd trust and giving my name was fine since it was no where in any system of the world.

"Not supposed to have a name? Ok that's weird. Um, Viv can I ask you something though?"she looked at me and I was shocked to see her eyes full of tears. I nodded.

"I am safe right?" Her eyes had began closing after Rafe gave her a sedative.

"Yes." She nodded and closed her eyes.

"Finally ," I heard her whisper as she shut her eyes.

'Yes, don't worry, you are safe.' I wonder how many times I had wished to hear that.

Honestly I know you guys may skip this part but just wanted you peeps to know that this is my first time showing my writing out in the open so ARTISTIC CRITICISM is much appreciated. I may be a bit slow with updates but if I get even one regular reader i will upload my story as promised.

anonymous2615creators' thoughts