
Really into it

" Leave me, let me go, please " Mary cried and pleaded but he didn't listen, she opened her eyes and tried to move but the pain that rushed through her was unbearable so she had to fall back to the ground and hit her head against a stone.

She opened her eyes few hours later and she was in the hospital, she knows it wasn't a good thing but at least she was finally clothed, that was it, her dignity was stolen by some middle-aged man that had no future and she was gonna make sure he paid dearly for it.

The man walked right into her ward, she had never seen him before and who knew if he was here to kill her or defile her so the fear on her was visible "I'm not here to hurt you,Ii will never hurt you " he said assuring her but the fear was still there.

"I'm a prosecutor, I want to help you and make sure the person who did this to you pay dearly for it " he said and she loosened up "Am I going to die ?" She asked the man "I'll never allow you to die " he said "My mother " she called.

He looked away from her and she might be young but she was smart enough to catch up on that reaction "where's my mother ?" She shouted with tears rolling down her eyes,, where was her mothe her mother couldn't have died, can she ?

Her mother was all she had, she had no one else it has always been her mother and she might have been suffering from epilepsy but she was going to get better, the pharmacist promised her that.

It was all a lie because her mother was dead.


A knock came on her door and she jerked back to reality "come in " she said and cleaned the tears that was on her face, almost ruining her make up, her personal assistant, Theo, walked in and stood in front of her.

"Ma, It's almost time for your appointment " he said and she checked her watch, that's true "Thank you, you can go " she said and he left, he must have felt proud of himself because she almost forgot about the appointment, now you understand why she needed him.

She didn't know time had been that far spent, hours in her usual day dream, she just couldn't get a hold of herself and forget about the past ,any small trigger brings the whole situation to her again, she had thought she had outgrown it but who was she kidding.

She folded the paper in a rough manner and threw it into the trash, she doesn't want to have any thing that'll bring back old pains, she carried her bag and she walked out of her office in her usual way of walking, heads up.


She walked into the big restaurant it's a popular place that was always occupied but right now, it was almost empty, she spotted Mr. Downey at the table he was, whispering something to one of his bodyguards.

" Miss. Mary !" He called and stood up to pull her into an hug, he was that close to her, she hugged him back and he released her, she sat down and he sat beside her.

" Heard you wouldn't say what you want to advertise," she said and he smiled " Yes, it's a secret," he said, "Let me guess, you just wanted to drag me out on an outing" she said and he chuckled a little loudly.

Mr Downey is in his 50's and he doesn't have any child but he's very successful, I've praised him already ." Yeah , all you do is work, figured that you needed some fun too " he said and the waiter brought food to the table.

"Yeah," she said and he took a sip from his wine "You can't argue that fact with me" he said "I wasn't intending to do that" she said and he smiled. "Better," he said and they both laughed.

"Care to tell me what we're advertising" he said "i just commented about that, rest, will ya " he said "i came here for a purpose, i need to satisfy my curiosity " she said and he sighed and cleaned his hands with a small handkerchiefhe dropped it on the table and looked up at her.

"Okay, if you insist " he paused "I'm organizing a tour company " he said "All of a sudden ?" She asked and drank water "Yeah, it's almost Christmas so I wondered what I could do to celebrate it and yeah, i decided a tour company was the beat but it's not an ordinary company " he said and she stared at him, wondering what was added again because he is a wise man, no doubt.

"it's for fre, we'll distribute the tickets to both genders and a couple is to meet " he said "so you're preparing a measure" she said "don't say that plainlyit's romantic, they'll meet and spend two weeks together and hopefully fall in love " he said.

"So it's for single people" she asked "Yeah, we're giving a chance to those who thought they'll never find love" he said and she stared at him "i just hope I wasn't in consideration " she said and he reached into his pocket and brought out a ticket.

"Here, it's a ticket to New York " he said and she collected it "Wait, I'm to meet a guy and fall in love, it's impossible " she said with a light chuckle and he smiled "Don't think about this emotionally, see it as work, how are you going to advertise something you have no idea aboutI'm simply helping your business and if it becomes well known, think about how famous you can get since the trip is scattered all around the world" he said.

Yeah, it's true, her company could climb up to the top with this event "I have a daughter " she reminded him "Take her along, that lucky guy should know you very well " he said "hope we're not staying together in an hotel room ?" He asked.

"For you, you'll get two rooms at the best hotel there " he said and she smiled, he always do what's best for her "Okay, I'll do it, when is the departure ?" She asked "On Saturday " he said and her eyes widened. " this Saturday! " she said with surprise "yeah, and it's two edition, if this one works out, the next edition will happen in December" he said and she sighed "Give heads up before you throw bombs like this " she said and he chuckled.

"So ...how's Mrs Downey ?" She asked "She's fine and she asked me to greet you " he said "I'm guessing she sent you on this dangerous mission " she said "I'm not denying " he said and they laughed ..

" When are you visiting again ?" He asked and she had never really thought about that because she had been too occupied "When I get back from your arranged trip I'll get back to her " she responded "What about me ?" He asked "You're in front of me, you gained your visit already " she said and they laughed together.

"i really hope this trip work for you " he confessed " I doubt it though " she said and they continued chatting and smiling.

She met Mr Downey 5 years ago when she was to advertise something for him and it was successful , very successful but it was personal , like it involved a lot of home visits which explains how close she got to his wife because she met her most times.

They're a very wonderful couple even if they weren't privileged to have their child ,they've met Diane and they treated her well and they made her feel special and she feels safe with them.


" Diane honey, get me a glass of water " Mary called and her daughter stood up to get her a glass of water and brought it to her she gulped it down and dropped it on the table, she pulled her to sit on her leg and she played with her long brown hair.

"Diane, what would you think of a Vacation ?" She asked "A vacation will be totally nice ma" she said with obvious excitement " i got tickets to go on a vacation to New York " she said and she smiled "i can't wait, we've never been on a vacation together " she said and Mary just realized it , they've never been on a vacation together before.

"You don't care even if it lasts for 14 days," she asked for more clarity "I don't , okay ,I'll not kind of it lasts for 14 months as far as we're there together " she said and hugged her mother and Mary smiled at her daughter.

"So when are we leaving ?" She asked eagerly "On Saturday " Mary said and she jumped down "i better pack my bags " she said and ran to her room and Mary smiled, her daughter can be funny at times but she weirdly finds it exciting and amusing.

She got up on her feet and headed to Diane room, she better help her to pack before she sees her daughter dressed like what she'll not like "Diane, I'm coming" she said and she got no response, she must really be into it.