
Their entwined destines

Ariala was a child who was not supposed to exist and after her birth her parents are not the least thrilled about her arrival thus they try to kill her. But she is saved by a maid of the palace, Lucy who takes care of her like her own. Lucy dies when Ariala is 18 and she vows to get revenge for her mother. She leaves the only home she has known for the sake of her thirst for revenge and because of her mother's last words Follow Ariala on her journey for revenge and as she finds out about herself as a young lady and as she makes a place for herself in the world

Daoistbp8zh9 · ファンタジー
1 Chs

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Chapter 1 : The beginning

In a large hallway, maids were running up and down holding white cloths and big bowels with warm water. The lord of the house was standing outside a large door with a huge doorknob the shape of a lion and coming from the inside were screams of agony accompanied by interval and rhythmic breathes of air.

In the room a snow white woman was laying on the bed erected in the middle of the room, her rich blonde hair is soaked with sweat and her beautiful face was streaked with tears. The midwife Rasha, an old woman with graceful looks gently rubbed the pregnant woman's bump,"take a deep breath and push, milady Senah. I can see the head now". The pregnant woman took a deep breathe and pushed with all her might, the baby was pushed out.

Rasha gently caught the baby and cut the umbilical cord. After pushing the baby out Lady Senah weakly lay limp on the bed as she tearfully looked at the tiny baby in Rasha's hands. Her beautiful teared face had a smile on it as Rasha handed her the child. She held the baby in her hands as the baby let out a loud cry.

Rasha took the blooded baby from her mother's stomach then passed the baby to a waiting lady beside her. The waiting lady opened her eyes in shook," Rasha it's.... it's... it's a girl" the lady shrieked in fear. Rasha's old body shook,"what do you mean its a girl. It's supposed to be a boy".

Their discussion did not end as at that moment the lord opened the great door with much vigour. "My son is born," the Lord, Macal briskly walked to the bed and took the baby who had been wrapped in a cloth by the lady-in-waiting. Rasha looked at the child in the Lord's hands and took a deep breath,"my Lord the child is a girl."

Lord Macal's hands shook and he nearly dropped the baby."What do you mean its a girl. The prophecy clearly states that my wife was going to give birth to a son, who would be the most powerful person in history." All the maids quickly moved from him as his confusion turned into anger. "Call the old man here!" The soldiers on the door gave each other a nod and two soldiers broke out of their powerful formation and quickly ran in the direction of the forest.

In a cave an old man with a long white beard which reaches his chest is sitting in front of a colourful fire. From time to time a weird powder added to the fire which makes it colourful. All of a sudden the fire burns out, the old man coughs out a mouthful of blood and hisses in shock."Who dares to challenge fates and rewrite what was written in the sacred books of fate." The old man looks at the burnt out fire as it relights on it's own but now colourful fire has been tainted with black.

The old man stands up as he looks at the fire in shock,"this..is impossible. The fire can never be tainted and it can never go out. It is the eternal fire that never burns out and that never gets tainted." He whispers to himself continuously and he staggers backwards unconsciously, his body shaking in shock. He looks at the fire once more and leaps out of the cave. His flail body moves fast like a leopard in the wind and in a flash he is in front of the Lord's mansion.

Lord Macal gave the baby to Rasha as his yellow eyes burning with anger. A knock is heard on the door,"My Lord the fate-reader is here." Lord Macal waved his fair hand and the maid on the door opened it. Rasha covered the Lady who was still weak with a cloth."Calve what happened l thought you said my wife was going to give birth to the strongest man in history, so how can it be a girl." Lord Macal rubbed the frown that had formed on his forehead and gently raised his head to look at the fate-reader who had entered the room."My Lord l do not know who changed fate, but someone erased or rewrote fate. Even the eternal flame burnt out," Calve bowed his head at his Lord."The eternal flame burnt out you say,"Lord Macal's eyes bulged in shock as Rasha who knew the eternal flame gasped in shock.

"But how can that be,"she whispered to herself as she knew more about the flame than most people in the region. "Yes My Lord, but only for a short while now look at its appearance." Calve reached in his robe and took out what looked like a token. He broke the token and waved its ashes in the air in front of them. An unstable reflection of the cave and the burning flame was seen,"you see my Lord. This is the appearance of the flame now." On the reflection the flame burn steadily and the flamed danced calmly in the cave.

"l think the flame burnt out when your daughter was born." Calve spoke as the reflection of the flame disappeared into the air. The Lord regained his composure,"why is the flame tainted by that black fire. isn't the flame supposed to only be of colourful?" Lord Macal spoke to himself more than he was talking to the fate-reader. "l think it must be because of the the birth of the princess," Calve said stroking his long beard.

Lady Senah who was laying on the bed mourned and Rasha was quickly on her side. "My king and my lord l think you should step out for a moment,"Rasha said bowing to both King Macal and Calve. The King glanced at his wife and started for the door, Calve followed after him.

"My queen, how do you feel?" Rasha walked over to the queen and wiped off her sweat with a wet towel. "I..l feel like pushing again," the queen grunted and pushed. The Queen pushed again and another baby cry fills the room .

The lady-in-waiting, Lucy holding the by girl looked in horror as dark like ink marred the baby's backside. The ink whirled around her back until it stopped when it reached her upper back and then it shaped into the shape of a black flaming dragon entwined by a fire breathing phoenix. The tattoo like mark was surrounded by signs of all the natural elements earth, nature, water, wind and even the rare light and dark elements were surrounding the dragon and phoenix. The tattoo was not very big but it was very eye-catching because of the elemental signs which were very colorful.

Rasha quickly cut the umbilical cord and gives the baby to a lady-in-waiting who wipes off the blood, but not before she checks for the baby's gender. Rasha sighs with relief when she sees that the baby is a boy. She continues to look over at the baby as Tiara, another lady-in-waiting wipes his skin softly with a damp warm cloth.

King Macal's eyes bulged when he heard a baby crying and it's voice was a bit deeper than the first baby who had cried. "They are twins," Calve said as puzzlement and if one looked carefully one would spot the fear that his eyes portrayed.

Lucy quickly wrapped the baby in a cloth before anyone could see her tattoo. As she was finishing wrapping the baby, she felt a nag on her hand and she looked down to see the baby holding her pinky finger. She gasped when the baby opened her eyes, her iris were changing colours, it looked more like a show for colours until at last they stopped changing when they turned icy blue, bluer than the seas found in the Western seas.

Lucy quickly took a towel and covered the baby's face, as one of the few ladies who worked closely to the queen she knew that the baby girl was not going to be given a chance to live. She shakes her head in melancholy as she gazes softly at the baby in her hands. The baby nimbly fists it's fingers on Lucy's pinky finger and then a tear falls on its face. As Lucy gazed at the baby her eyes shine with a fierce determination of wanting to save her and wanting to see the baby grow into an elegant lady fit for her position.